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EU-US collaboration in ICT

Are you interested in EU-US collaboration in one of the following ICT topics: Internet of Things/Cyber-physical systems, Big Data, 5G Networks, smart cities, smart grids, smart transportation…, and/or related policy issues? The PICASSO EU-funded project “ICT Policy, Research and Innovation for a Smart Society: towards new avenues in EU-US ICT collaboration” plan to develop a free mobile application (for Android and iOS devices) to support all stakeholders interested in exploring opportunities in the areas mentioned above.
We will be happy if you could help us to define the specifications of the application in the best way in order to support you and help you finding all what you really need. What would you like to find in it?
Filling this questionnaire will not take more than 5 minutes - thank you very much for your support! If you provide your email address, we will be happy to inform you once the application is available (not mandatory).