ICT 2015 Event - Call for applications for Students Young Researchers and Innovators Call for Exhibition Call for networking sessions

"Student Outreach

31 March - 31 May 2015 - Lisbon, Portugal

Call for applications for Students, Young Researchers and Innovators - ICT 2015

Are you passionate about ICT, under 30 and academically involved in this fast-paced sector? Do you want to meet the international scientific community, European ICT entrepreneurs and European policy makers present at ICT 2015? Interested in actively contributing to debates and participating in networking events? Then apply today!



Call for Exhibition - ICT 2015 – deadline for proposals extended to 19/4/2015, 18.00 CET

The deadline for proposal submission for the ICT 2015 exhibition has been extended to the 19th of April 2015, 18.00 CET.



18 February - 30 April 2015 - Lisbon, Portugal

Call for networking sessions – ICT 2015

Are you interested in discussing ICT-related subjects in the context of Horizon 2020 or EU policies? Would you like to create a space to explore new ideas, concepts and partnerships? Would you like to bring together a diverse set of actors interested in a specific research, innovation or policy domain? Do you have original ideas on how to encourage interactions between ICT 2015 participants? Then submit your proposal to organise a networking session!

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Source URL: https://ideal-ist.eu/news/ict-2015-event-call-applications-students-young-researchers-and-innovators-call-exhibition