News about EU-Japan cooperation
The EU-Japan Center introduces the June newsletter where you can find a presentation of the Idealist network and its forthcoming event - the Face-2-Face Brokerage to be held during the Proposers' Day conference, Bratislava, September 26-27, 2016 (page 28).
From the very rich content of this newsletter we selected also several titles in line with the Idealist mission and its current objectives:
Nanomaterials and Bionanoscience in Japan-Europe Cooperation Academic Workshop for Sharing Ideas and Experiences towards Strategic Partnership Building, 5 July 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece (page 2);
Practical Information on Japan for EU Companies: a wide variety of web pages, expert reports and e-learning resources, and regularly organises webinars covering Japan-related operational matters, industrial sectors and cultural aspects to assist EU companies in seizing opportunities in the Japanese market (page 8);
Japan-EU High Level Conference of Political, Industrial and Academic Leaders “Adapting to the Changing World through Science, Technology and Innovation”, organised by the Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum in cooperation with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and the European Parliament, at the European Parliament building in Brussels, on 4 May 2016 (page 14);
New Web Portal “EU Asia Business Link (EALink)” Paves the Way to Asia for European Businesses: a web portal providing information and business support in 16 Asian countries (page 18);
SUNJET II EU-Japan collaboration platform, launched by the Sustainable Network for Japan-Europe aerospace research and Technology cooperation II (page 18);
Enterprise Europe Network: EU Companies Looking for Partners in Japan (page 33).
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