The aim of the event is to reinforce the capacity of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) to support European companies in their digital transformation. SMEs, start-ups, research and technology organisations, DIHs and policy-makers from all around Europe are invited to participate.
The 2018 edition of the Digital Innovation Hubs annual event will take place in Warsaw, co-organised this year by the European Commission, the Department of Innovation at the Polish Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, and the EU-funded initiative I4MS.
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Jadwiga Emilewicz, Minister of entrepreneurship and technology Poland, will open the event.
The aim is to bring together the different actors involved in the digital transformation of European industry, namely companies, research and technology organisations, Digital Innovation Hubs, policy makers and EU representatives.
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are at the core of the Digitising European Industry initiative. They are already helping companies -especially SMEs- all across Europe to digitalise their products, processes and services through innovative technologies.
The 2018 DIH Annual Event aims to reinforce the capacity of DIHs so that they can further support European companies in their digital transformation. The event also takes place in the context of the preparation for the proposed Digital Europe Programme, where Digital Innovation Hubs will play a key role.
Explore the DIH Annual Event 2018
What's in it for you?
- Digital Innovation Hubs will learn how to strengthen their technological, innovation and training services, and foster cross-border cooperation. They will also have the chance to present their success stories and share best practices.
- National and regional policy makers will discuss their different approaches to DIHs and what is still needed to reinforce DIHs presence and role in the future, covering also regions that are so far underrepresented.
- SMEs will find out about the supporting structures and initiatives that can contribute to boosting their competitiveness and internationalisation. They will also have the chance to participate in a bootcamp and learn how attract investors, pitch their ideas and find funding.
- Research and technology organisations will learn how to set up fully functional DIHs, learning from the experiences from others.
An exhibition will showcase successful examples of European SMEs that accomplished digital innovations with the help of their regional DIHs and through EU-funded projects.
If you are a European SME or Startup that has been supported by DIHs or related EU-funded initiatives such as I4MS, SAE, ACTPHAST, ECHORD, ODINE, SESAME etc., apply for a spot in our exhibition area by Obtober 17. You can win one of the 15 booths, free of charge, and with all necessary expenses covered (travel, hotel, and daily allowance).
Parallel to the exhibition, participants will also have the chance to take part in matchmaking opportunities.
Find all details on how to get to Warsaw, where to stay, and other practical information.