This conference of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) aims to demonstrate how personalised medicine will lead to the next generation of healthcare by 2030. Registration for the event has been opened.

ICPerMed provides a platform to initiate and support communication and exchange on personalised medicine research, funding and implementation.
ICPerMed assembles over 40 European and international partners representing ministries, funding agencies and the European Commission. The central aim of ICPerMed is to align and encourage joint efforts in personalised medicine research and implementation on a European and international level.

Personalised Medicine - From Vision to Practice

Date: 25/02/2021 - 26/02/2021

Location: Online

More details: here

Add to Calendar 2021-02-25 09:30:27 2021-02-26 17:00:00 Personalised Medicine - From Vision to Practice <p><strong>This conference of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) aims to demonstrate how personalised medicine will lead to the next generation of healthcare by 2030. Registration for the event has been opened.</strong></p> Ideal-ist Europe/Chisinau public

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