Robotics_League is pleased to invite you to join them at the European Robotics Forum this April for the workshop: Robotics in Smart Cities.
Key dates
Tuesday 13 April, 2021
15:40 - 17:00 (CET)
Virtual room 5
The coming together of robots and smart cities afford unique challenges and opportunities, as the data services of the city extend the capabilities of robots, and physical robots provide access to new data, and the ability for the city to change itself. With this synergy new ELSE challenges may emerge. We seek to position Robots in Smart Cities as a topic apart from, e.g. urban robotics, assistive robotics, service robotics, although robots and technologies from these and other disciplines will undoubtedly find their home in Smart Cities. This endeavour is being pursued in the H2020 SciRoc project, where we target applications of robots in Smart Cities through competitions, leading to consultations of city councils and other experts regarding novel ideas on how robots can be useful for smart cities.
The objective of this workshop is to disseminate the concept of Robots in Smart Cities as a discipline to the euRobotics community. To shortlist the disciplines beyond robotics which should be involved in such study. To underline the responsibility of the EU Robotics community to engage with citizens’ concerns, and
- Build a network within the community, and recognise links outside.
- To gather and share ideas for future opportunities for collaboration and investigation.
Introduction to the session
Brief presentations on the following:
- Smart Cities - State of the Art
- Use cases of robots in Smart Cities
- ELSE issues
- The role of benchmarking and competitions - SciRoc in Bologna
Discussion on the following topics:
- Building the network. Which disciplines / centres do we need to reach out to?
- Identifying further use cases
- Opportunities for further work and collaboration
- The responsibility of the EU Robotics community for ethical development, and how we can best build upon the SciRoc Smart Cities events beyond the end of the project
Summation & Close