On the occasion of the launch of the Horizon Europe work programm, a public workshop will be dedicated to the presentation of the joint Research call Programm on Quantum Technologies between Europe and Canada, with the possibility to have dedicated networking to share experiences and form new partnerships.
On May 31st 2021, 4 pm – 6 pm (Brussels – CEST), the Project pitches and networking session.
Deadline for registration: May 31st, 1pm (Brussels – CEST)
Participation is free but registration is mandatory.
- Link for registration to May 31rd session
- Registered participants will receive the connection link a few days before the event.
- If you have not registered for the 31 May session yet, please do that through this link.
Stay tuned for more information on the agendas and participants!
EU-Canada Workshop: CALL FOR PITCHES
Following the May 3rd 2021 EU-Canada workshop, a follow-up session on May 31st, 2021 will be dedicated to project networking, with keynote speakers and project pitches.
This session will provide the opportunity to a maximum of 6 European and 6 Canadian project investigators to present bilateral collaborative projects objectives in a short three-minute pitch. Reminder: Only Principle Investigators from European eligible countries to the joint call and Canada can submit a pitch.
All submitted pitches will be made available after the workshop on Flagship’s official website qt.eu. However not all pitches will be presented during this workshop due to the number of submissions and time constraints.
Thus, all pitches shall be recorded, in compliance with image rights and GDPR rules authorization and pitch, candidates are requested to attend both the workshop on May 3rd and the networking session.
Your pitch is expected to explain the following:
- The objective of the project/ topic addressed
- The expected impact of the project
- PI’s expertise
- What complementary skills are sought in the bilateral team?
Pitch submission process:
- Abstract: deadline Wednesday May 12th, 2021 – 17:00 CET/11 am EDT. Submit via this link a short summary of the pitch at the latest May 12th 2021 17:00 CET/11 am EDT.
- Pitch video: deadline Monday May 17th, 2021 – 17:00 CET/11 am EDT. Record a video of the pitch either independently or with InCoQFlag support:
- Send your pitch video at the latest on May 17th, 2021 to [email protected] (use WeTransfer). Quality requirements are detailed below.
- If you need support for recording, click here to select a date between May 10th and May 14th.
- Main quality requirements:
- The video must NOT exceed 3 minutes and not be commercial
- The image quality of 1020p or full HD
- Landscape view
The abstract and recorded pitch shall be submitted before the deadlines.
The organizers also offer a one-hour networking virtual cocktail session after the workshop (schedule to be confirmed).