Presentations from Successful R&I in Europe 2019 (10th European Networking Event) are avaliable

The conference, which was staged for the tenth time in 2019 and has been a great success with over 3000 participants since 2009, invited researchers and entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia and regions in Europe to find new European research and innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon 2020 projects and/or to present their research results from EU-funded projects that are ready for commercialisation.
In 2019, the special partner regions were Belgium, Finland, France, Israel, the Netherlands and Poland. However, the event was of course open to participants from all over the world!
In 2019, special partner regions were: Belgium, Finland, France, Israel, the Netherlands and Poland.
The networking event was structured in parallel workshops focussing on seven topics:
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)
- Energy
- Circular Economy
- Life Sciences
- Transport
- Innovative Public Procurement (PCP/PPI)
The event addressed especially universities and research institutes as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. Participants were invited to become involved in established and new technology networks between researchers, entrepreneurs and multipliers related to Horizon 2020. Giving a short presentation (ideas and/or results) or finding a partner by talking to decision-makers opened doors for new research and innovation projects in Europe with a focus on Horizon 2020.
The List of Participants includes only those delegates who have consented to the online publication of their personal data.
To support networking activities, all avaliable presentationsare now online and can be downloaded here