
The 2019 edition will focus on the latest developments in the field, and on solving problems/issues which are similar across different application areas.

The adoption of shared procedures for performance assessment of biophonics devices, and international consensus standards, can help the deployment of novel techniques to clinical use by increasing their reliability and the reproducibility of results.
Following the first successful edition of the workshop in 2018, a new meeting is planned for this year. The workshop will target the development of a common strategy and a shared vision to improve the quality and effectiveness of Biophotonics devices and EU competitiveness.

Aims are:

  • Share knowledge on what is going on in Europe and internationally in the field
  • Provide various viewpoints on the topic (e.g. developers’ perspective, end users’ perspective)
  • Define goals (i.e. when and how standardization is useful)
  • Start to elaborate a possible common EU strategy, with coordination of different actors

 Save the date and plan your trip to Brussels! 

Organiser: EC
Contact information: Anna Pelagotti

Date: 12/09/2019, 09:30 - 17:15

Location: EC Building Beaulieu 25, Brussels, Belgium

More details: here

Add to Calendar 2019-09-12 09:30:17 2019-09-12 17:15:00 Performance Assessment and Standardization in Biophotonics <p>The 2019 edition will focus on the latest developments in the field, and on solving problems/issues which are similar across different application areas.</p> EC Building Beaulieu 25 Brussels Belgium Ideal-ist Europe/Chisinau public

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