This workshop aims to discuss good practices and ideas for concrete digitalisation actions with long-term impact for the digitalisation of the European economy, at scale.
The Recovery & Resilience Facility (RRF), as part of the exceptional €750-billion NextGenerationEU, is a unique opportunity to achieve this step change. RRF, through national Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRP), prepares the mobilisation of €670 billion investments, with at least 20% for digital, over the next 3 years.
This workshop is part of a series of online workshops dedicated to discussing concrete actions in support to digitalisation, using RRF as well as other existing financial instruments. It aims at clarifying potential synergies with the Digital Europe Programme and other European programmes, notably the Cohesion Policy funds, as well as to provide some examples of concrete projects and good practices.
Another objective of the workshop is to reach out to a wider group of national representatives from different ministries, involved in the preparation of the national RRP. The webinar will be an opportunity to have an in-depth discussion on how concrete digital projects could fit the overall purpose and preparation of the national RRP.
This event will build on the results of previous workshops:
- Workshop on "Monitoring progress in national initiatives on digitising industry & support to digital transformation" on 6 October
- Meeting with Member State representatives for Digitising European Industry and Artificial Intelligence on 23 October
Join the discussion
We would kindly invite you to participate and intervene, notably by presenting specific national actions planned to be financed in the national RRP or other EU financial instruments. You can express an interest to intervene by email.