BDVA/DAIRO and EuHubs4Data teams have been busy preparing the Data Week 2021, and you will receive news soon.
The call for workshops and sessions closed on 25th of March, and we received a number of exciting proposals. Thank you for all the submissions! Being excited about the proposals' high quality, the selection committee will start picking the comprehensive collection of workshops and sessions in the following weeks. While building an informative and inspiring programme, we plan to open the registration in April. So, stay tuned!
We also opened the official Data Week 2021 website earlier this month. Follow the page and our social media channels for news and announcements. If you want more information about the event, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
What is data week?
The event aims to bring together the research and innovation community working on Big Data and Data Driven AI, promoting opportunities for this community to grow and strengthen ties with the Portuguese ecosystem, as the country is taking the European Council presidency this semester. Workshops and tracks of the Data Week are organised following the tracks of "European Data Spaces", "Data Value", "Ecosystem", and "Presidency". The program of Data Week will be announced, and the registration opened during April.
The event is co-organised by DAIRO/BDVA and the EUHubs4Data project, in collaboration with key members of the Portuguese R&I ecosystem (DECSIS, valuedate.io and Ubiwhere)