Did you miss European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) event - a must event for people interested in big data – here is a good summary.
European Big Data Value Forum is BDVA’s flagship event, bringing the whole European data-driven AI research and innovation community together to share knowledge, collaborate and celebrate achievements. This year, the event takes place in Prague, Czech Republic on 21-23 November. EBDVF 2022 is organized under the Czech European Council presidency auspices, and in collaboration with the European Commission and local partners.
The 2022 edition is built around the theme “At the heart of the Ecosystem for Data and AI”. The event brings together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions, and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI.
The programme includes the most important topics of the community, presented by our members, collaboration partners and representatives from European research and innovation projects. EBDVF delivers sessions and workshops shaping the way forward for big data and data spaces, illuminating how businesses can harness the power of Trustworthy AI and discuss the role of high-performance computing as an enabler for digital transformation. The event takes a comprehensive view of these topics from the perspective of many European economic sectors not forgetting the societal implications of the rapidly advancing technologies.
The insight given by the contributors sheds light on new directions of innovation for years to come – but EBDVF is not only about what happens at the stage! The event is a place to meet your European colleagues, get new angles, and start forming your future collaborations. Prague offers a picturesque setting for you to mingle with the rest of the audience, with enough time and opportunities to do that.