If you were registered at the MWC2020 event, and interested in industry 4.0 developments you cannot miss this webinar that was planned to be executed presential at MWC2020, but due to the cancellation of the event, we are offering it at a digital platform.
The webinar will count with manufacturing experts from I4MS team & L4MS, CloudiFacturing, MIDIH & AMable!
So, if you are a manufacturing SME struggling to become digital or you found a particular solution but cannot afford all the equipment, don't miss the last I4MS webinar in which our experts will present their digital transformation services for manufacturing SMEs in Europe. You will also be able to shoot all your questions and doubts, and maybe the solution you are looking for is there.
- When: Tuesday, February 25, 2020, at 12:00 CET.
- Where: Online at GoToMeeting - the link will be sent to attendees after registration.
- Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/i4ms-digital-transformation-services-marketplaces-for-manufacturing-smes-tickets-95222516109
12:00h - Introduction on behalf Maria Roca FBOX accelerator.
12:05h - Elaphe – Inspiration from Disruptors Awards winner experience with I4MS’ IA Services.
12:15h - Andreas Ocklenburg from CloudiFacturing on services related to cloud simulations + Q&A.
12:30h - Ulrich Thombansen from AMable on additive manufacturing Services + Q&A.
12:45h – Angelos Strelkas from L4MS on intrafactory logistics and OPIL + Q&A.
13:00h – Antonio Jara from Hopu and MIDIH on data driven applications and experiments in CPS/IOT + Q&A.
13:15h - final Q&A (if necessary) and closure.
About I4MS
ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) is an initiative funded by the European Commission to expand the digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs in Europe.
As an SME or a mid-cap you can apply for technological and financial support to experiment with different technologies and services that might help you in digitising your business. Join the I4MS Community to learn more!