Thu, Mar 18, 2021 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CET |
The AI4EU Cafe presents the Speakers - Urszula Sobek (Fundingbox) with the Challenge Owners (Speakers):
- Alberto Ferrero from EGATEl S.L.
- Aytun Onay from ACD Bilgi İşlem
- Pythagoras Karampiperis from SCiO P.C.
- Andreas Holmetoft Lyder from Lifeline Robotics A/S
- Philippe Kolh (main speaker) + Julien Guiot + Benoit Ernstfrom Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège (CHUL)
- Miklós Gábriel Tulics from AMADIX: [email protected]
Talk description: Urszula Sobek from FundingBox will speak about the founding opportunities that AI4EU can bring to the AI community. Urszula will introduce the Open Call for Solutions details and explain how to get €70k to solve one of AI Challenges.
The Challenges Owners selected by AI4EU from manufacturing, health and agrifood sectors will present their challenges to be addressed by Call for Solutions and answer the applicants questions.
BIO: Urszula Sobek (female), Project Manager at Fundingbox Accelerator. Master of Economy by University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, the faculty of European Study (2008). Since 2004, she has been involved in innovation, IT, R&D and startup related projects on national and international scale, obtaining over 30 million Euros for external clients. Currently she works as Project Manager in AI4EU (2019-2021) and ELISE (2020-2022).