The European Assistance For Innovation Procurement (eafip) is organizing a one hour webinar to provide guidance to public buyers on how to proceed in the short, middle and long term in procuring the supplies and services required to tackle the COVID-19 crisis. The webinar will highlight possibilities to speed up procurement procedures and how to test and procure innovative ICT based solutions to fight the Corona virus in this context. Join the webinar on 3 April 2020 from 10h00-11h00 CET.
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2020-04-03 10:00:00
2020-04-03 11:00:00
Webinar: Opportunities to tackle the COVID-19 Crisis through Innovation Procurement
<p>The European Assistance For Innovation Procurement (eafip) is organizing a one hour webinar to provide guidance to public buyers on how to proceed in the short, middle and long term in procuring the supplies and services required to tackle the COVID-19 crisis.</p>