DG CONNECT Organisation Chart
Find your favorite Commission Policy Officers and where they fit into the big picture.
DG CONNECT Organisation Chart 2023.08.01 - English.pdf (europa.eu)
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Find your favorite Commission Policy Officers and where they fit into the big picture.
DG CONNECT Organisation Chart 2023.08.01 - English.pdf (europa.eu)
London and Brussels have finally agreed a deal to allow the UK to rejoin. The UK will also join the Copernicus space programme, but is out of Euratom and the ITER fusion project.
A new research commissioner, a staff reshuffle at the Commission and a potential breakthrough in the long-running stalemate over UK association to Horizon Europe are on the cards
The Commission has put together three documents presenting synergies among digital topics in Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and CEF Digital. The overview of synergies 2021-22 is included together with the 2023-24 overview.
Policymakers will have to decide whether to back partnerships in new sectors, including brain health, forestry, solar photovoltaics and raw materials