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Displaying 28601 - 28650 of 40002
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05/08/2021 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Functional electronics for green and circular economy (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31) F&T portal
Haptic R&D Consulting is a business tech consultancy company which bring innovation from lab to market through AOD Management.
04/08/2021 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request International cooperation with Canada (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-23) F&T portal
Haptic R&D Consulting is an business tech consultancy company which bring innovation from lab to market through AOD Management.
04/08/2021 INSTITUTULUI DE INGINERIE ELECTRONICA SI NANOTEHNOLOGII Moldova Expertise Request Functional electronics for green and circular economy (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31) F&T portal
Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies (IEEN) is accredited as an organization in the field of science and innovation, which conducts scientific research according to the following profile: materials physics and nanotechnology, electronic engineering.
04/08/2021 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Support and coordination of the Quantum Technologies Flagship Initiative (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-32) F&T portal
Haptic R&D Consulting is an business tech consultancy company which bring innovation from lab to market through AOD Management.
04/08/2021 INSTITUTULUI DE INGINERIE ELECTRONICA SI NANOTEHNOLOGII Moldova Expertise Request Advanced optical communication components (Photonics Partnership) (IA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-06) F&T portal
Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies (IEEN) is accredited as an organization in the field of science and innovation, which conducts scientific research according to the following profile: materials physics and nanotechnology, electronic engineering.
04/08/2021 COLEGIO MAYOR DE NUESTRA SENORA DELROSARIO CORPORACION SIN ANIMO DE LUCRO Colombia Expertise Request Open source for cloud-based services (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-26) F&T portal
Universidad del Rosario is one of the five best universities in Colombia. TICMA Research Group focuses on problems in engineering, computing & physical sciences. Expertise: Simulation and benchmarking of unitary and noisy quantum circuits based on tensor network and machine learning methods, classical simulation of quantum simulators, theoretical and computational modelling of quantum many-body systems, and analysis and design of quantum-inspired algorithms. Contact [email protected]
04/08/2021 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Next generation quantum sensing technologies (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-21) F&T portal
Haptic R&D Consulting is an business tech consultancy company which bring innovation from lab to market through AOD Management.
04/08/2021 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Advanced Photonic Integrated Circuits (Photonics Partnership) (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-07) F&T portal
Haptic R&D Consulting is an business tech consultancy company which bring innovation from lab to market through AOD Management.
04/08/2021 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Investing in new emerging quantum computing technologies (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-30) F&T portal
Haptic R&D Consulting is an business tech consultancy company which bring innovation from lab to market through AOD Management.
03/08/2021 GIESECKE+DEVRIENT MOBILE SECURITY GMBH Germany Expertise Request Ultra-low-power, secure processors for edge computing (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01) F&T portal
We would like to join a consortium. Our expertise comprises: mechanisms for digital security and protection of privacy, trust and confidentiality for ICT solutions; secure operating systems of smart cards and embedded systems; cryptography; IoT and digital connectivity solutions and services for the trusted connection of people and machines.
03/08/2021 TURINGSENSE EU LAB S.R.L. Italy Expertise Request eXtended Reality Technologies (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-01-14) F&T portal
The mission of Turingsense EU LAB is to transform the way in which movement analysis is carried out in sports, rehabilitation and other areas. We offer custom design and integration of human motion analysis/motion capture (MOCAP) solutions: from single inertial measurement units to integrated full-body washable suit. Spec: Real time, Mag free, Quick customizable setup, Customizable Biomechanical Protocols, Customizable 3D Graphic Engine and Cloud Database, Building Specific Apps For End-Users
03/08/2021 Kickstart Innovation AG Switzerland Expertise Request Functional electronics for green and circular economy (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31) F&T portal
Kickstart is an ecosystem innovation platform that bridges the gap between startups, corporations, cities, foundations and universities to accelerate partnerships and sustainability-led innovation. We hold a large network of corporates and later-stage startups coming from 73 different countries that can participate in cascade funding and open calls. We have a rooted connection with the private sector for the dissemination and exploitation of projects results.
03/08/2021 TURINGSENSE EU LAB S.R.L. Italy Expertise Request Functional electronics for green and circular economy (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31) F&T portal
The mission of Turingsense EU LAB is to transform the way in which movement analysis is carried out in sports, rehabilitation and other areas. We offer custom design and integration of human motion analysis/motion capture (MOCAP) solutions: from single inertial measurement units to integrated full-body washable suit. Spec: Real time, Mag free, Quick customizable setup, Customizable Biomechanical Protocols, Customizable 3D Graphic Engine and Cloud Database, Building Specific Apps For End-Users
03/08/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request Ultra low energy and secure networks (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-39) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project’s gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]
03/08/2021 INTERSPREAD GMBH Austria Expertise Request Ultra-low-power, secure processors for edge computing (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01) F&T portal
INTERSPREAD is an experienced dissemination, exploitation and communication partner for your project. Following the DEC guidelines provided by the EC, our creatives design recognisable project identities, leaflets and individual print materials, as well as project websites and digital banners for your social media channels thus maximising your projects’ impact. Awareness hubs or web platforms are implemented by our skilled developers. Email: [email protected] Profile:
03/08/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request eXtended Reality Technologies (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-01-14) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project's gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]
03/08/2021 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Ultra-low-power, secure processors for edge computing (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01) F&T portal
Haptic R&D Consulting SRL is an engineering consultancy company for innovation transfer of technology from lab to market.
02/08/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Advanced characterisation methodologies to assess and predict the health and environmental risks of nanomaterials (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-35) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
02/08/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request Open Source Hardware for ultra-low-power, secure processors (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-05) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project’s gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]

02/08/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request Open source for cloud-based services (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-26) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project's gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]
02/08/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request Academia-Industry Forum on Emerging Enabling Technologies (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-13) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project's gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]
02/08/2021 ASOCIATIA DE STANDARDIZARE DIN ROMANIA Romania Expertise Request Ultra-low-power, secure processors for edge computing (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01) F&T portal
The most effective way to include standards and standardization in your research project is to bring a national standards body as part of your research project. Having more than 6 years of experience on European Projects and covering both electro-technical and non-electro-technical areas, the Romanian Standards Association - ASRO is managing standardization activities and information in the field of standards and standardization.
You can find out more from:, or [email protected].
02/08/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request Functional electronics for green and circular economy (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project’s gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]

02/08/2021 BRANCH ASSOCIATION POLYMERS Bulgaria Expertise Request Academia-Industry Forum on Emerging Enabling Technologies (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-13) F&T portal
Branch Association polymers (BAP) is a registered cluster of plastic converting and recycling companies in Bulgaria, including also academic and research organisations in the field of polymers. Our focus is on strengthening cohesion, partnership and cooperation among cluster companies and increase efforts to innovate and exchange good practices through a pooled approach. We aim to establish a model structure where members can create common synergies, technologies and production.
02/08/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request Coordination of European Smart Network actions (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-26) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project’s gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]
02/08/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request International cooperation in semiconductors (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-38) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
01/08/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Ultra low energy and secure networks (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-39) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
01/08/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Advanced multi-sensing systems (Photonics Partnership) (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-03) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
01/08/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request eXtended Reality Technologies (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-01-14) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
01/08/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Open source for cloud-based services (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-26) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request International cooperation with Canada (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-23) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 iThermAI Belgium Expertise Request AI, Data and Robotics at work (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-10) F&T portal
iThermAI is a spinoff in Brussels, expert in computer vision and safety/security applications using deep learning. iThermAI is focused on delivering promissing smoke and flame detection in industrial environments using inexpensive and accessible AI on the edge. We are also able to deliver various types of safety/security measures including defining restricted zone, 24/7 checkign for unattended access, people counting, HR safety measures, etc.
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Investing in new emerging quantum computing technologies (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-30) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Next generation quantum sensing technologies (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-21) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Advanced optical communication components (Photonics Partnership) (IA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-06) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Open Source Hardware for ultra-low-power, secure processors (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-05) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Functional electronics for green and circular economy (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Coordination of European Smart Network actions (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-26) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request AI, Data and Robotics at work (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-10) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Support and coordination of the Quantum Technologies Flagship Initiative (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-32) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Academia-Industry Forum on Emerging Enabling Technologies (CSA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-13) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Advanced Photonic Integrated Circuits (Photonics Partnership) (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-07) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
31/07/2021 Informatics360 United Kingdom Expertise Request Ultra-low-power, secure processors for edge computing (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-01) F&T portal
Informatics360 offers professional customized application development, application lifecycle management and support and a broad range of software development services in UK. We are research driven software development SME. We are looking for projects and consortia to provide our expertise

IT | Cloud computing | Web Solution | Mobile Application | AWS architecture | DEV Ops | Software Development | Data Analysis&Migration | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
[email protected]
30/07/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request Advanced Photonic Integrated Circuits (Photonics Partnership) (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-07) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project’s gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]
30/07/2021 AITOWN S.R.L. Italy Expertise Request AI, Data and Robotics at work (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-10) F&T portal
We are a Startup based in Genova ,Business & Innovation Center . Our core activity is around R&D for AI-Based data analytics. Alongside, thanks to our team's expertise, We can support you in realization of creative digital solutions from web development for dissemination to sophisticated mobile app and web portals for various platforms. We can partially participate in proposal development as well . Do not hesitate to visit our website at or contact us through [email protected]
30/07/2021 EDEN TECH France Expertise Request Advanced characterisation methodologies to assess and predict the health and environmental risks of nanomaterials (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-35) F&T portal
Eden Tech proposes its expertise in the development of microfluidic systems for biomedical research. Our team has a track record of creating prototypes and developing them into the commercial device. To achieve this goal, we use our own polymer, Flexdym, for prototyping. It is a biocompatible polymer designed for microfluidics. Most importantly, it is compatible with mass production, so prototypes can smoothly transition to market. We look forward to providing support to your consortium.
30/07/2021 WIT BERRY Latvia Expertise Request AI, Data and Robotics at work (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-10) F&T portal
Reliable, experienced and result-oriented communication and dissemination partner from Latvia whose leading personnel are females (to ensure project’s gender balance).
We have established methodology and tools for communication, dissemination and public engagement strategy and activities. Our team has experience in EU funded projects and we will actively contribute to the proposal writing. We will meet all the deadlines.
Our portfolio:
Contact [email protected]
30/07/2021 AITOWN S.R.L. Italy Expertise Request International cooperation with Canada (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-23) F&T portal
We are a Startup based in Genova ,Business & Innovation Center . Our core activity is around R&D for AI-Based data analytics. Alongside, thanks to our team's expertise, We can support you in realization of creative digital solutions from web development for dissemination to sophisticated mobile app and web portals for various platforms. We can partially participate in proposal development as well . Do not hesitate to visit our website at or contact us through [email protected]
30/07/2021 AITOWN S.R.L. Italy Expertise Request Investing in new emerging quantum computing technologies (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-30) F&T portal
We are a Startup based in Genova ,Business & Innovation Center . Our core activity is around R&D for AI-Based data analytics. Alongside, thanks to our team's expertise, We can support you in realization of creative digital solutions from web development for dissemination to sophisticated mobile app and web portals for various platforms. We can partially participate in proposal development as well . Do not hesitate to visit our website at or contact us through [email protected]
30/07/2021 EDEN TECH France Expertise Request Functional electronics for green and circular economy (RIA) (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31) F&T portal
Eden Tech proposes revolutionary water treatments. Our solutions use microfluidic networks inspired by our body to treat large volumes at low pressure and in ultra-compact systems. We develop solutions to remove micropollutants from water effluent, or solid microplastics from oceans. Our systems are designed to reduce pressure loss and allow massive energy savings. We can integrate new cleaning agents/additional tools in our systems and deploy in new domains to support the European Green Deal.