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02/04/2020 ATE Consult EOOD Bulgaria Expertise Request SME instrument (EIC-SMEINST-2018-2020) F&T portal
We are SME in based Varna, Bulgaria. Or main activities are marine inspections, inlc. audits (Safety, Security and MLC, 2006 related), port agency, elaboration of FCPs, BWMPs, SEEMPs, etc., ship-management and technical services, incl. ship surveillance, repair work, ship surveys. We also have expertise in ISO consultancy and certification. We have experience in EU project preparation and management on national level (Bulgarian Operational Programmes).
02/04/2020 NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Ukraine Expertise Request Co-Innovation platform for research infrastructure technologies (INFRAINNOV-03-2020) F&T portal
National Cancer Institute of Ukraine (NCIU) is clinical and research internationally accredited cancer center, an integral part of the specialized, highly qualified cancer care in Ukraine. The NCIU covers all cancer-control dimensions: prevention, screening, care and research. NCIU conducts research on basic, translational and clinical levels that ultimately leads to important clinical outcomes: improvements in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy.
02/04/2020 EUROCRIME - RESEARCH, TRAINING ANDCONSULTING SRL Italy Expertise Request Developing a research roadmap regarding Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement (SU-AI01-2020) F&T portal
EuroCrime SrL is a Think Tank registered in Italy as an SME. It is specialized in security and Ethics issues. It has been, and actually is, involved in many EU funded projects, as MARGIN (H2020 - GA 653004), PROTASIS (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/VICT/9318) and RE-TREAT (JUST-AG-2019/JUST-JACC-AG-2019GA 878566). EuroCrime offers its competences in Security, Criminology, and Ethics, providing expertise regarding Ethics Issues, and directing, coordinating and monitoring all the Ethics tasks.
02/04/2020 EUROCRIME - RESEARCH, TRAINING ANDCONSULTING SRL Italy Expertise Request Cybersecurity in the Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES): an armour against cyber and privacy attacks and data breaches (SU-DS04-2018-2020) F&T portal
EuroCrime SrL is a Think Tank registered in Italy as an SME. It is specialized in security and Ethics issues. It has been, and actually is, involved in many EU funded projects, as MARGIN (H2020 - GA 653004), PROTASIS (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/VICT/9318) and RE-TREAT (JUST-AG-2019/JUST-JACC-AG-2019GA 878566). EuroCrime offers its competences in Security, Criminology, and Ethics, providing expertise regarding Ethics Issues, and directing, coordinating and monitoring all the Ethics tasks.
02/04/2020 ATE Consult EOOD Bulgaria Expertise Request Coordination and support for an integrated freight transport and logistics system (MG-2-13-2020) F&T portal
We are SME in based Varna, Bulgaria. Or main activities are marine inspections, inlc. audits (Safety, Security and MLC, 2006 related), port agency, elaboration of FCPs, BWMPs, SEEMPs, etc., ship-management and technical services, incl. ship surveillance, repair work, ship surveys. We also have expertise in ISO consultancy and certification. We have experience in EU project preparation and management on national level (Bulgarian Operational Programmes).
02/04/2020 EUROCRIME - RESEARCH, TRAINING ANDCONSULTING SRL Italy Expertise Request Intelligent security and privacy management (SU-DS02-2020) F&T portal
EuroCrime SrL is a Think Tank registered in Italy as an SME. It is specialized in security and Ethics issues. It has been, and actually is, involved in many EU funded projects, as MARGIN (H2020 - GA 653004), PROTASIS (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/VICT/9318) and RE-TREAT (JUST-AG-2019/JUST-JACC-AG-2019GA 878566). EuroCrime offers its competences in Security, Criminology, and Ethics, providing expertise regarding Ethics Issues, and directing, coordinating and monitoring all the Ethics tasks.
02/04/2020 NEVIANA BOUMBAROVA Bulgaria Expertise Request Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (SC1-DTH-12-2020) F&T portal
A COORDINATOR is needed.
Our expertise is in the area of MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS.
02/04/2020 FeTu Limited United Kingdom Expertise Request FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities (FETPROACT-EIC-07-2020) F&T portal
FeTu Ltd are the developers of a novel energy conversion system able to run off renewable fuels e.g. Solar and Geothermal. The system is compact, lightweight and power dense with efficiencies predicted at around 25% to 30%. Similar to a Sterling Cycle but without the known limitations.
FeTu are seeking project partners or to join a consortium, expertise around solar (Parabolic dishes especially), Geothermal or similar, Energy Storage and Heat Exchangers would add value. Other enquiries welcome
02/04/2020 NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Ukraine Expertise Request Personalised early risk prediction, prevention and intervention based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies (SC1-DTH-02-2020) F&T portal
National Cancer Institute of Ukraine (NCIU) is clinical and research internationally accredited cancer center, an integral part of the specialized, highly qualified cancer care in Ukraine. The NCIU covers all cancer-control dimensions: prevention, screening, care and research. NCIU conducts research on basic, translational and clinical levels that ultimately leads to important clinical outcomes: improvements in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy.
02/04/2020 IZERTIS SOCIEDAD ANONIMA Spain Expertise Request Technologies to enhance the fight against crime and terrorism (SU-FCT02-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Izertis is a technological IT consultancy which provides services to companies, institutions and Public Administrations. We have participated in several international projects (H2020, ERANET, etc.).
We have experienced teams and successful projects in the following Key Enabling Technologies: IoT, Artificial intelligence, Extended reality, Blockchain, Additive manufacturing (3D printing), Data & Intelligence.
02/04/2020 IZERTIS SOCIEDAD ANONIMA Spain Expertise Request Co-Innovation platform for research infrastructure technologies (INFRAINNOV-03-2020) F&T portal
Izertis is a technological IT consultancy which provides services to companies, institutions and Public Administrations. We have participated in several international projects (H2020, ERANET, etc.).
We have experienced teams and successful projects in the following Key Enabling Technologies: IoT, Artificial intelligence, Extended reality, Blockchain, Additive manufacturing (3D printing), Data & Intelligence.
02/04/2020 EUROCRIME - RESEARCH, TRAINING ANDCONSULTING SRL Italy Expertise Request Secure and resilient Artificial Intelligence technologies, tools and solutions in support of Law Enforcement and citizen protection, cybersecurity operations and prevention and protection against adversarial Artificial Intelligence (SU-AI02-2020) F&T portal
EuroCrime SrL is a Think Tank registered in Italy as an SME. It is specialized in security and Ethics issues. It has been, and actually is, involved in many EU funded projects, as MARGIN (H2020 - GA 653004), PROTASIS (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/VICT/9318) and RE-TREAT (JUST-AG-2019/JUST-JACC-AG-2019GA 878566). EuroCrime offers its competences in Security, Criminology, and Ethics, providing expertise regarding Ethics Issues, and directing, coordinating and monitoring all the Ethics tasks.
02/04/2020 ATE Consult EOOD Bulgaria Expertise Request Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) F&T portal
We are SME in based Varna, Bulgaria. Or main activities are marine inspections, inlc. audits (Safety, Security and MLC, 2006 related), port agency, elaboration of FCPs, BWMPs, SEEMPs, etc., ship-management and technical services, incl. ship surveillance, repair work, ship surveys. We also have expertise in ISO consultancy and certification. We have experience in EU project preparation and management on national level (Bulgarian Operational Programmes).
02/04/2020 Cymsoft Bilisim Teknolojileri San.Tic.Ltd.Sti. Turkey Expertise Request Intelligent security and privacy management (SU-DS02-2020) F&T portal
Cymsoft has expertise on Design and Development of RA/RM tool. During implementation phase AI is commonly used for detection and prevention of dynamic cyber-attacks. We’d like to get involved in RM/RA development activities using this experience. We are looking for AI expertise to developa a new dynamic risk assessment tool. We are also looking for expertise to develop a GDPR Compliance Tool.
01/04/2020 EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION IVZW Belgium Expertise Request Large-scale, cross-border demonstration of connected and highly automated driving functions for passenger cars (DT-ART-06-2020) F&T portal
The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) links Europe’s major passenger organisations. With its end-user focus it is committed to improving passengers' experience and enhancing the competitiveness of more sustainable modes of mobility. EPF seeks to achieve its objectives by working constructively with other stakeholders throughout the European transport industry, the European institutions and members of the research community. For more info please contact [email protected]
01/04/2020 TURKKEP KAYITLI ELEKTRONIK POSTA HIZMETLERI A.S Turkey Expertise Request Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) (EIC-FTI-2018-2020) F&T portal
We are a company which provides registered electronic mail (REM is legally valid) service and value added services of REM, electronic signature and electronic document management systems. We are well-versed in legal regulation and international standards about them. We can provide expertise in these areas.
Please contact us : [email protected]
01/04/2020 EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION IVZW Belgium Expertise Request Towards sustainable urban air mobility (MG-3-6-2020) F&T portal
The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) links Europe’s major passenger organisations. With its end-user focus it is committed to improving passengers' experience and enhancing the competitiveness of more sustainable modes of mobility. EPF seeks to achieve its objectives by working constructively with other stakeholders throughout the European transport industry, the European institutions and members of the research community. For more info please contact [email protected]
01/04/2020 B12 CONSULTING Belgium Expertise Request Personalised early risk prediction, prevention and intervention based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies (SC1-DTH-02-2020) F&T portal
B12 Consulting develops tailor-made software and performs data science based analyses. Starting from scratch and from open-source frameworks, using the latest technologies in software development and machine learning, we deliver innovative solutions (deep learning, NLP, computer vision, digital twin, optimisation, statistical modelling ...) for university spin-offs, startups, SME's and international corporations notably in healthcare and for statistical method for individualisation of therapy
01/04/2020 EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION IVZW Belgium Expertise Request Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use (LC-GV-08-2020) F&T portal
The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) links Europe’s major passenger organisations. With its end-user focus it is committed to improving passengers' experience and enhancing the competitiveness of more sustainable modes of mobility. EPF seeks to achieve its objectives by working constructively with other stakeholders throughout the European transport industry, the European institutions and members of the research community. For more info please contact [email protected]
01/04/2020 TURKKEP KAYITLI ELEKTRONIK POSTA HIZMETLERI A.S Turkey Expertise Request SME instrument (EIC-SMEINST-2018-2020) F&T portal
We are a company which provides registered electronic mail (REM is legally valid) service and value added services of REM, electronic signature and electronic document management systems. We are well-versed in legal regulation and international standards about them. We can provide expertise in these areas.
Please contact us : [email protected]
01/04/2020 XILAR TECHNOLOGY SRL Romania Expertise Request Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) (EIC-FTI-2018-2020) F&T portal
Our company is building an innovative medical device with multiple sensors for gathering user data in order to monitor it’s health status, overcoming existing technologies by ensuring pre-processing of data at each device level and sending it to the main communication device which gathers, manages and sends data to the server for processing. We are looking for partners in the healthcare area for their medical knowledge and body sensors development companies interested in joining our Consortium

01/04/2020 EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION IVZW Belgium Expertise Request Digitalisation of the transport system: data sharing (MG-4-7-2020) F&T portal
The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) links Europe’s major passenger organisations. With its end-user focus it is committed to improving passengers' experience and enhancing the competitiveness of more sustainable modes of mobility. EPF seeks to achieve its objectives by working constructively with other stakeholders throughout the European transport industry, the European institutions and members of the research community. For more info please contact [email protected]
01/04/2020 B12 CONSULTING Belgium Expertise Request AI for the smart hospital of the future (DT-ICT-12-2020) F&T portal
B12 Consulting develops tailor-made software and performs data science based analyses. Starting from scratch and from open-source frameworks, using the latest technologies in software development and machine learning, we deliver innovative solutions (deep learning, NLP, computer vision, digital twin, optimisation, statistical modelling ...) for university spin-offs, startups, SME's and international corporations notably in healthcare and for statistical method for individualisation of therapy
01/04/2020 MAIZE SRL Italy Expertise Request Artificial Intelligence on demand platform (ICT-49-2020) F&T portal
CELI develops AI solutions using Data Science technologies and Natural Language Processing (e.g. predictive analytics and deep learning, voice assistants, multilingual text mining). Our clients are located all over Europe, South Korea and the USA. We can support enterprises and public organizations to reach out to new user domains and to boost the use of the platform in different sectors, e.g. healthcare, education, security, e-commerce, industry 4.0. We have experience in H2020 projects.
01/04/2020 EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION IVZW Belgium Expertise Request International cooperation in smart living environments for ageing people (SC1-DTH-04-2020) F&T portal
The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) links Europe’s major passenger organisations. With its end-user focus it is committed to improving passengers' experience and enhancing the competitiveness of more sustainable modes of mobility. EPF seeks to achieve its objectives by working constructively with other stakeholders throughout the European transport industry, the European institutions and members of the research community. For more info please contact [email protected]
01/04/2020 UNIVERSITEIT GENT Belgium Expertise Request Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side (LC-SC3-B4E-14-2020) F&T portal
Lemcko research group is highly interested to become partner is this initiative. Expertise, research infrastructure and projects in the domain of RES, especially in LV grids can be found on We offer our expertise in data and predictive analysis, hybrid storage combined with RES. Both self-sufficiency, analysis and dimensioning of distributed storage systems including aggregation for increased flexibility are studied. Our lab is also equipped with a real LV grid of 650m.
01/04/2020 NODIBINAJUMS VENTSPILS AUGSTO TEHNOLOGIJU PARKS Latvia Expertise Request Boost rural economies through cross-sector digital service platforms (DT-ICT-09-2020) F&T portal
Ventspils High Technology Park (VHTP) is one of EC recognised DIHs in Latvia, specialising in robotics, automation, online platform development and education technologies, and is part of the Latvian Space Technology Cluster. For more than 10 years VHTP has provided expertise on business support, incubation, project management and investment attraction to the region for both urban and rural ecosystems. We are interested in forming a consortium, so Feel free to contact us.
01/04/2020 LISA Deutschland GmbH Germany Expertise Request AI for the smart hospital of the future (DT-ICT-12-2020) F&T portal
Hi, Are you interested to join our CEED-P (Collaborative Effort Estimation & Diagnostics - intelligent Platform)? We need more hospitals, and clinical institutions.
01/04/2020 EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION IVZW Belgium Expertise Request Advanced research methods and tools in support of transport/mobility researchers, planners and policy makers (MG-4-8-2020) F&T portal
The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) links Europe’s major passenger organisations. With its end-user focus it is committed to improving passengers' experience and enhancing the competitiveness of more sustainable modes of mobility. EPF seeks to achieve its objectives by working constructively with other stakeholders throughout the European transport industry, the European institutions and members of the research community. For more info please contact [email protected]
01/04/2020 B12 CONSULTING Belgium Expertise Request Artificial Intelligence on demand platform (ICT-49-2020) F&T portal
B12 Consulting develops tailor-made software and performs data science based analyses. Starting from scratch and from open-source frameworks, using the latest technologies in software development and machine learning, we deliver innovative solutions (web, desktop and mobile applications; deep learning, NLP, computer vision, digital twin, optimisation, statistical modelling ...) for university spin-offs, startups, SME's, NGO's and international corporations in a large variety of sectors.
31/03/2020 ABTRACE LIMITED United Kingdom Expertise Request Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data (SC1-BHC-06-2020) F&T portal
We have developed a clinically-validated tech stack which applies machine learning on prior clinician decisions. By using state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) to extract information from clinicians' notes, we can leverage and combine pertinent data containing important diagnostic information in the format of text, to structured parameters (laboratory results, vital signs and imaging records) enabling the development of predictors on key clinical outcomes.
31/03/2020 ACIB GMBH Austria Expertise Request Co-Innovation platform for research infrastructure technologies (INFRAINNOV-03-2020) F&T portal
acib can take over the communication & dissemination work package with a team of EU-experts, science journalist and designers. We have 25+ years of experience and are a reliable and innovative partner in dozens of international funding projects. acib acts as a hub of industrial biotechnology and has a large network of partners, both from industry, as well as academia with good connections to available infrastructure. We'd love to support your projects. Contact: [email protected]
31/03/2020 FUELSAVE CONSULTORIA, S.A. Portugal Expertise Request Cloud Computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum (ICT-40-2020) F&T portal
Fuelsave is a mobility research and development outfi, created by three founders with a strong engineering background, leveraging one of the founder’s years of experience in in-situ truck drivers training and academic research into how to optimize fuel efficiency in heavy-duty vehicles. Fuelsave’s team of experienced hardware, software and machine learning experts has relevant and proven know-how in real-time driving optimization technology, big data analysis and cloud computing architecture.
31/03/2020 IBS CONSULTING SRL Italy Expertise Request Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side (LC-SC3-B4E-14-2020) F&T portal
IBS provides finance optimisation through the research of targeted instruments for each company's needs, thanks to a wide range of services and an extensive network of contacts with banks, guarantee consortia, public institutions, and trade associations. As tutor for start-ups, the company completes the services of support to start-ups by offering research of financial capital and development, through relationships with business angels, venture capital and agreements with crowdfunding platforms.
31/03/2020 CONFINDUSTRIA TOSCANA SERVIZI SOCIETA CONSORTILE ARL Italy Expertise Request FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking (FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
CTS is the operating arm of Confindustria (the main Italian business association) regional branch.Our support relates to innovation management and development (value creation, digital transformation,investment projects evaluation, new methods and processes analysis and development, tutoring and mentoring,international networking development),training and education.Sector of action:made in Italy,fashion,food and beverage,tourism, mechanics, energy and environment, chemistry, paper, life science.
30/03/2020 Brightmerge Israel Ltd. Israel Expertise Request Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment (LC-SC3-B4E-3-2020) F&T portal
Brightmerge provides an enterprise SaaS platform based on proprietary machine learning and big data decision making solution that automates the design, development, build and operation of renewable energy microgrid systems.
Brightmerge platform offers smart risk mitigation which will drive microgrid adoption resulting in a greater return on investment.
30/03/2020 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Pre-commercial Procurement for Digital Health and Care Solutions (SC1-DTH-14-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING comany is an engineering consulting looking to be part from a new consortium for this CALL.
30/03/2020 CompActive GmbH Germany Expertise Request Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & Support (ICT-46-2020) F&T portal
CompActive ( designs and manufactures active components and systems based on shape memory alloy driven bending actuators. With our actuator principle, we enable adjustment functions that can be implemented with minimal installation space, minimum weight and with a gap-frer/kink-free contour. The bending actuator can serve as thin, careful grippers even by exploiting the self-sensing capabilites. The distributed actaution can also help to have a proper adaption of exo-skeletons.
30/03/2020 Spoorgloren Netherlands Expertise Request Coordination and support for an integrated freight transport and logistics system (MG-2-13-2020) F&T portal
Spoorgloren is a SME from the Netherlands. We have knowledge of rail policy. We are looking for partners to carefully analyze material, to organize (on-line and/or physical) meetings with stakeholders that want to make the modal shift happen. Both industrial and academic partners are welcome. We can perform top-down analyses, gap analyses and our our network to refine the findings.
30/03/2020 IBREVE LIMITED Ireland Expertise Request Supporting deployment of eHealth in low and lower middle income countries in Africa for better health outcomes (SC1-HCC-09-2020) F&T portal
🡆Looking to partner in SARS-CoV-2 / Coronavirus and Covid-19.

🡆We are a SME (Ireland) developing a wearable that analyzes respiratory patterns with machine learning. Studies showed that a respiratory rate over 30 is an indicator for severe pneumonia.

🡆iBreve develops self-care solutions that focus on prevention. iBreve’s new wearable technology analyzes respiratory patterns in real-time, enabling market applications for diagnosis, remote monitoring and chronic disease management.
30/03/2020 IBS CONSULTING SRL Italy Expertise Request FET Innovation Launchpad (FETOPEN-03-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
IBS provides finance optimisation through the research of targeted instruments for each company's needs, thanks to a wide range of services and an extensive network of contacts with banks, guarantee consortia, public institutions, and trade associations. As tutor for start-ups, the company completes the services of support to start-ups by offering research of financial capital and development, through relationships with business angels, venture capital and agreements with crowdfunding platforms.
30/03/2020 FLASC B.V. Netherlands Expertise Request FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities (FETPROACT-EIC-07-2020) F&T portal
FLASC is a start-up working on energy storage for offshore applications. The company is developing a non-battery based solution that can interface with other offshore systems to bridge the gap between intermittent renewable energy production and a fluctuating user demand. We are eager to contribute expertise on hydro-pneumatic and compressed air energy storage, sizing & modelling tools, and interfacing such technologies with hydrogen production, liquefaction processes and desalination systems.
30/03/2020 IBREVE LIMITED Ireland Expertise Request Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (SC1-DTH-12-2020) F&T portal
🡆Looking to partner in SARS-CoV-2 / Coronavirus and Covid-19.

🡆We are a SME (Ireland) developing a wearable that analyzes respiratory patterns with machine learning. Studies showed that a respiratory rate over 30 is an indicator for severe pneumonia.

🡆iBreve develops self-care solutions that focus on prevention. iBreve’s new wearable technology analyzes respiratory patterns in real-time, enabling market applications for diagnosis, remote monitoring and chronic disease management.
30/03/2020 IBREVE LIMITED Ireland Expertise Request Development of therapeutics and diagnostics combatting coronavirus infections (IMI2-2020-21-01) F&T portal
🡆Looking to partner in SARS-CoV-2 / Coronavirus and Covid-19.

🡆We are a SME (Ireland) developing a wearable that analyzes respiratory patterns with machine learning. Studies showed that a respiratory rate over 30 is an indicator for severe pneumonia.

🡆iBreve develops self-care solutions that focus on prevention. iBreve’s new wearable technology analyzes respiratory patterns in real-time, enabling market applications for diagnosis, remote monitoring and chronic disease management.
30/03/2020 CompActive GmbH Germany Expertise Request Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment (LC-SC3-B4E-3-2020) F&T portal
CompActive ( designs and manufactures active components and systems based on shape memory alloys. With our actuator principle, we enable adjustment functions that can be implemented with minimal installation space, minimum weight and reaction time within miliseconds. We can help with compact actuators for hidden and/or distributes latches, making security more "smart" e.g. for locking all windows on demand or ventilation better controled.
30/03/2020 MEDSIMLAB LDA Portugal Expertise Request Supporting deployment of eHealth in low and lower middle income countries in Africa for better health outcomes (SC1-HCC-09-2020) F&T portal
Medical simulation experts with previous experience in EU-funded health training and medical education in African countries.
30/03/2020 CompActive GmbH Germany Expertise Request Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics applications (ICT-47-2020) F&T portal
CompActive ( designs and manufactures active components and systems based on shape memory alloy driven bending actuators. With our actuator principle, we enable adjustment functions that can be implemented with minimal installation space, minimum weight and with a gap-free and kink-free contour. The bending actuator can serve as thin, careful grippers even by exploiting the self-sensing capabilites.
30/03/2020 IBREVE LIMITED Ireland Expertise Request International cooperation in smart living environments for ageing people (SC1-DTH-04-2020) F&T portal
🡆Looking to partner in SARS-CoV-2 / Coronavirus and Covid-19.

🡆We are a SME (Ireland) developing a wearable that analyzes respiratory patterns with machine learning. Studies showed that a respiratory rate over 30 is an indicator for severe pneumonia.

🡆iBreve develops self-care solutions that focus on prevention. iBreve’s new wearable technology analyzes respiratory patterns in real-time, enabling market applications for diagnosis, remote monitoring and chronic disease management.
30/03/2020 IBREVE LIMITED Ireland Expertise Request Towards a Health research and innovation Cloud: Capitalising on data sharing initiatives in health research (SC1-HCC-10-2020) F&T portal
🡆Looking to partner in SARS-CoV-2 / Coronavirus and Covid-19.

🡆We are a SME (Ireland) developing a wearable that analyzes respiratory patterns with machine learning. Studies showed that a respiratory rate over 30 is an indicator for severe pneumonia.

🡆iBreve develops self-care solutions that focus on prevention. iBreve’s new wearable technology analyzes respiratory patterns in real-time, enabling market applications for diagnosis, remote monitoring and chronic disease management.
30/03/2020 HIGH TECHNOLOGY AGRIFOOD LOMBARDY CLUSTER - CAT.AL Italy Expertise Request Boost rural economies through cross-sector digital service platforms (DT-ICT-09-2020) F&T portal
CAT.AL can offer an extensive multidisciplinary experience, either in the R&D and the Business Development domains. Technological facilities, extensive consolidated networks, a global coverage of the whole agrifood, bioeconomy and biomedicine production chains are just three of the many competences we can offer. We are happy to get in contact with anyone interested in potential cooperations or in the development of new ideas and projects.