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Displaying 31001 - 31050 of 40002
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17/02/2020 EUROPEAN HEALTH MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Belgium Expertise Request Developing methodological approaches for improved clinical investigation and evaluation of high-risk medical devices (SC1-HCO-18-2020) F&T portal
EHMA is a non-profit membership EU-wide organisation based in Brussels, BE. EHMA's vision is to support the spread of knowledge on excellence in health management at all levels:health systems, services and policies, institutions (e.g. hospitals), organisations and individuals. EHMA has extensive experience in EU funded projects (e.g.TO-REACH, IC-HEALTH, SUSTAIN, JA Health Workforce),with a specific focus on leading/co-leading dissemination, research-to-policy and stakeholder engagement efforts.
17/02/2020 EUROPEAN HEALTH MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Belgium Expertise Request Pre-commercial Procurement for Digital Health and Care Solutions (SC1-DTH-14-2020) F&T portal
EHMA is a non-profit membership EU-wide organisation based in Brussels, BE. EHMA's vision is to support the spread of knowledge on excellence in health management at all levels:health systems, services and policies, institutions (e.g. hospitals), organisations and individuals. EHMA has extensive experience in EU funded projects (e.g.TO-REACH, IC-HEALTH, SUSTAIN, JA Health Workforce),with a specific focus on leading/co-leading dissemination, research-to-policy and stakeholder engagement efforts.
17/02/2020 ALDA - ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA DEMOCRATIE LOCALE France Expertise Request Smart Cities and Communities (LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
ALDA is a membership-based organisation gathering more than 350 members including local democracy agencies, local authorities, CSOs, universities, public bodies in 42 countries over Europe and the neighborhood countries. ALDA has extensive experience in H2020, specifically in dissemination and putting into practice researches and project's outputs. ALDA can take an added value in maximizing the project results disseminating to its network, LAs, CSOs, policymakers and scientific community.
17/02/2020 MALTA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGENCY Malta Expertise Request Artificial Intelligence on demand platform (ICT-49-2020) F&T portal
The Malta IT Agency-MITA-is a driver of Government ICT strategies, policies, programmes & initiatives. MITA provides solutions to enhance public service delivery; included needed infrastructure, in domains ranging from finance and healthcare to social security. As a partner, MITA can offer its expertise in cloud-based services, AI, blockchain, cybersecurity, emerging technologies, and offers the ideal platform for tech-based citizen-related pilots. Visit for details.
17/02/2020 MALTA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGENCY Malta Expertise Request Digitalisation of the transport system: data sharing (MG-4-7-2020) F&T portal
The Malta IT Agency-MITA-is a driver of Government ICT strategies, policies, programmes & initiatives. MITA provides solutions to enhance public service delivery; included needed infrastructure, in domains ranging from finance and healthcare to social security. As a partner, MITA can offer its expertise in cloud-based services, AI, blockchain, cybersecurity, emerging technologies, and offers the ideal platform for tech-based citizen-related pilots. Visit for details.
17/02/2020 MALTA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGENCY Malta Expertise Request Intelligent security and privacy management (SU-DS02-2020) F&T portal
The Malta IT Agency-MITA-is a driver of Government ICT strategies, policies, programmes & initiatives. MITA provides solutions to enhance public service delivery; included needed infrastructure, in domains ranging from finance and healthcare to social security. As a partner, MITA can offer its expertise in cloud-based services, AI, blockchain, cybersecurity, emerging technologies, and offers the ideal platform for tech-based citizen-related pilots. Visit for details.
16/02/2020 HeadHunter Limited SRL Romania Expertise Request New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services (DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Contact us, if you need a partner with innovative ideas, for this Call.
[email protected]
16/02/2020 MARINE CLUSTER BULGARIA SDRUZHENIE Bulgaria Expertise Request Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) F&T portal
Marine Cluster Bulgaria (MCB) brings together SMEs, NGOs, educational institutions and R&D organizations operating in the Blue Growth sectors' value chains. MCB is experienced in EU-funded projects under H2020, COSME, EMFF, Erasmus+. MCB acts towards SMEs internationalization and growth, entrepreneurial discovery, green&blue-growth innovations, environment. MCB offers partnership in project proposals - contribution to the proposal development content-wise, deploying its expertise and experience.
16/02/2020 HeadHunter Limited SRL Romania Expertise Request Towards sustainable urban air mobility (MG-3-6-2020) F&T portal
Contact us, at [email protected], if you need an innovative R&D partner or a customized system/solution, into the following fields, but not limited at them: solar UAVs/USVs/UUVs/UGVs, renewable energy(solar, wind), passive houses/greenhouses, solar Sea Water desalinization, Atmospheric/Sea/Infrastructure robotic monitoring, precision agriculture/forestry, Law Enforcement/ISR, IT, HR.
16/02/2020 Ibex Medical Analytics Israel Expertise Request AI for the smart hospital of the future (DT-ICT-12-2020) F&T portal
Ibex Medical Analytics develops AI-based cancer diagnostics in digital pathology, enabling optimization of the full cancer care continuum. We develop solutions that support cancer diagnostics in pathology labs and prognostic & predictive algorithms for the personalization of cancer treatment. Ibex deployed the first-ever AI-based pathology diagnosis system in a live clinical setting for prostate biopsies. We look for partners to advance the development and interoperability for cancer diagnostic
16/02/2020 HeadHunter Limited SRL Romania Expertise Request Efficient and safe connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations (DT-ART-05-2020) F&T portal
Contact us, at [email protected], if you need an innovative R&D partner or a customized system/solution, into the following fields, but not limited at them: solar UAVs/USVs/UUVs/UGVs, renewable energy(solar, wind), passive houses/greenhouses, solar Sea Water desalinization, Atmospheric/Sea/Infrastructure robotic monitoring, precision agriculture/forestry, Law Enforcement/ISR, IT, HR.
16/02/2020 MARINE CLUSTER BULGARIA SDRUZHENIE Bulgaria Expertise Request Cities as climate-resilient, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility: new approaches towards demonstrating and testing innovative solutions (LC-MG-1-12-2020) F&T portal
Marine Cluster Bulgaria (MCB) brings together SMEs, NGOs, educational institutions and R&D organizations operating in the Blue Growth sectors' value chains. MCB is experienced in EU-funded projects under H2020, COSME, EMFF, Erasmus+. MCB acts towards SMEs internationalization and growth, entrepreneurial discovery, green&blue-growth innovations, environment. MCB offers partnership in project proposals - contribution to the proposal development content-wise, deploying its expertise and experience.
16/02/2020 BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL Romania Expertise Request AI for the smart hospital of the future (DT-ICT-12-2020) F&T portal
BEIA is a R&D performing SME founded 1991, SIEMENS partner, leading ICT integrator in Romania for cloud AI & IoT telemetry with over 50 hospitals as customers. BEIA is ISO certified with experience in coordinating & participating in over 40 R&D Innovation projects (FP6/7, H2020, Eureka, ERA-Net, etc) on eHealth/AAL using AI/5G/robotics/quantum/blockchain (SAFECARE, ESTABLISH, eWALL, Toilet4Me, PARFAIT, Chef2Plate, Food Friend, EmoSpaces, STAMINA, Mad@Work, TORCH etc) [email protected] /
16/02/2020 LOMARTOV SL Spain Expertise Request Offshore wind basic science and balance of plant (LC-SC3-RES-31-2020) F&T portal
LOMARTOV S.L Applied Innovation Engineering, (VAT: ES B98896137 CIF: B98896137 ) LOMARTOV is specialist in Market Analysis, Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cost Analysis, Social and consumer impact. We have lawyers experts in urban and coast planning. We can help you to bring international industrial partners from our network and link everything with Governmental framework, directives and sustainability analysis. We already have international trade agreements and long experience in EU projects
15/02/2020 Biosensores S.L. Spain Expertise Request Environmental Intelligence (FETPROACT-EIC-08-2020) F&T portal
BIOSENSORES S.L. is a Spanish R&D company developing from 1995 biosensor technology and analytical
instrumentation for the automated detection and quantification of biological markers and
chemical agents in food, water and biomedicine. We have developed advanced analytical devices and have participated successfuly in 10 EU funded projects. We use magnetic particles for concentration
Major lines of investigation are now pursued:
·Analysis of the quality of water.
·Molecular Affinity Biosensors
15/02/2020 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute Egypt Expertise Request Supporting deployment of eHealth in low and lower middle income countries in Africa for better health outcomes (SC1-HCC-09-2020) F&T portal
Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is located at kafrelsheikh university, EGYPT. This institute has multidisciplinary approaches in different fields including Nano-science, Nano-medicine, and Nano-engineering.
the person who is interested, should call Dr. Nemany Hanafy at [email protected]
14/02/2020 PRIVREDNO DRUSTVO ZENTRIX LAB DRUSTVO SA OGRANICENOM ODGOVORNOSCU PANCEVO Serbia Expertise Request European Competence Centre for the preservation and conservation of Monuments and Site (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-20-2020) F&T portal
UNESCO Heritage Monastery Visoki Decani and Zica looking to join a consortium with technical expertise from our side (3D digitisation, Augmented Reality platform, ontology and metadata). Visoki Decani preserves one of the most valuable collection of frescoes from Byzantine Empire period and precious inscription of 14th century life.
14/02/2020 ALDA - ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA DEMOCRATIE LOCALE France Expertise Request Pilot on using the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations (DT-GOVERNANCE-12-2019-2020) F&T portal
ALDA is a membership based organisation gathering more than 350 members including local democracy agencies, local authorities, CSOs, universities, public bodies in 42 countries over Europe and the neighborhood countries. ALDA has extensive experience in H2020, specifically in dissemination and putting into practices researches and project's outputs. ALDA can take an added value in maximizing the project results disseminating to its network, public, policy makers and scientific community.
14/02/2020 ALDA - ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA DEMOCRATIE LOCALE France Expertise Request Scaling up innovation for active and healthy ageing (SC1-HCC-08-2020) F&T portal
ALDA is a membership based organisation gathering more than 350 members including local democracy agencies, local authorities, CSOs, universities, public bodies in 42 countries over Europe and the neighborhood countries. ALDA has extensive experience in H2020, specifically in dissemination and putting into practices researches and project's outputs. ALDA can take an added value in maximizing the project results disseminating to its network, public, policy makers and scientific community.
14/02/2020 Acronis Bulgaria EOOD Bulgaria Expertise Request Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe (SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Acronis is a global leader in cyber protection that would like to join a consortium as a technical partner. Acronis provides integrated backup, security, disaster recovery, and enterprise file sync and share solutions to address 5 vectors of cyber protection: safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security. Enhanced by AI technologies, Acronis protects all data, including physical, virtual, cloud, mobile workload. Reach us at [email protected].
14/02/2020 Acronis Bulgaria EOOD Bulgaria Expertise Request Secure and resilient Artificial Intelligence technologies, tools and solutions in support of Law Enforcement and citizen protection, cybersecurity operations and prevention and protection against adversarial Artificial Intelligence (SU-AI02-2020) F&T portal
Acronis is a global leader in cyber protection that would like to join a consortium as a technical partner. Acronis provides integrated backup, security, disaster recovery, and enterprise file sync and share solutions to address 5 vectors of cyber protection: safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security. Enhanced by AI technologies, Acronis protects all data, including physical, virtual, cloud, mobile workload. Reach us at [email protected].
14/02/2020 ALZHEIMER EUROPE Luxembourg Expertise Request International cooperation in smart living environments for ageing people (SC1-DTH-04-2020) F&T portal
Alzheimer Europe is an umbrella organisation of national Alzheimer associations and has extensive knowledge in provuiding support to EU research collaborations by coordinating patient and public involvement (PPI) activities, taking part in the discussion of ethical questions raised by projects and by leading or supporting the communication and dissemination activities to the wider dementia community and the general public.
14/02/2020 TIGERWHALE - Software Design and Development Poland Expertise Request Copernicus market uptake (DT-SPACE-01-EO-2018-2020) F&T portal
R&D, Software Design and Development. Having proposal and in search for consortium for machine learning and biodiversity.
14/02/2020 JOHANNITER INTERNATIONAL Belgium Expertise Request Scaling up innovation for active and healthy ageing (SC1-HCC-08-2020) F&T portal
As a European network, JOIN, has significant experience in the design of stakeholder involvement roadmap & engagement Strategy, dissemination, networking, communication, awareness-raising and exploitation of results across Europe. JOIN is active in similar EU-funded projects, such as Socialcare, which, according to the care need, tests and pilots the social and technological solutions in Europe. More information: [email protected]
14/02/2020 De Graft Management Limited United Kingdom Expertise Request International partnership building between European and African innovation hubs (ICT-58-2020) F&T portal
Extensive experience in software development in UK and in Africa; specifically Kenya, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Established network across Government, Business, Commerce, Education and the Built Environment.

Our award winning Property & Asset Management and RFID Tagging software provides a holistic solution to replace spreadsheets, provide a genuine return on investment saves time and reduces fraud. We have offices in Kenya and Ghana.

14/02/2020 INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND INNOVATIONS Bulgaria Expertise Request New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services (DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
The Bulgarian Institute of Science, Education and Innovation (ISEI) could be a partner. It offers expertise in the analyses of the potential for sharing common services with public and private and third sectors in Bulgaria. Special attention would be paid to leveraging mobile communications and App in Bulgaria and the other EU countries.

14/02/2020 JOHANNITER INTERNATIONAL Belgium Expertise Request Pre-commercial Procurement for Digital Health and Care Solutions (SC1-DTH-14-2020) F&T portal
As a European network, JOIN, has significant experience in the design of stakeholder involvement roadmap & engagement Strategy, dissemination, networking, communication, awareness-raising and exploitation of results across Europe. JOIN is active in similar EU-funded projects, such as iProcureSecurity which aims at tackling capability gaps and innovation needs to foster greater involvement of stakeholders in innovation procurement. More information: [email protected]
14/02/2020 Acronis Bulgaria EOOD Bulgaria Expertise Request Cybersecurity in the Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES): an armour against cyber and privacy attacks and data breaches (SU-DS04-2018-2020) F&T portal
Acronis is a global leader in cyber protection that would like to join a consortium as a technical partner. Acronis provides integrated backup, security, disaster recovery, and enterprise file sync and share solutions to address 5 vectors of cyber protection: safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security. Enhanced by AI technologies, Acronis protects all data, including physical, virtual, cloud, mobile workload. Reach us at [email protected].
14/02/2020 INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN Slovenia Expertise Request Developing methodological approaches for improved clinical investigation and evaluation of high-risk medical devices (SC1-HCO-18-2020) F&T portal
Jožef Stefan Institute is a multi-disciplinary research institute with experience on prosthesis failures research, thanks to an existing collaboration with University Medical Centre Maribor (Marie Curie Project “TissueMaps” (Grant agreement ID: 799182). We study metallic particles dispersion from the prosthesis into the human tissue and its implications in prosthesis failures. We are looking for partners, (hospitals or research institutes) to form a consortium and continue with this research.
14/02/2020 ALDA - ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA DEMOCRATIE LOCALE France Expertise Request Citizen-centric public services in local and regional administrations (DT-GOVERNANCE-22-2020) F&T portal
ALDA is a membership based organisation gathering more than 350 members including local democracy agencies, local authorities, CSOs, universities, public bodies in 42 countries over Europe and the neighborhood countries. ALDA has extensive experience in H2020, specifically in dissemination and putting into practices researches and project's outputs. ALDA can take an added value in maximizing the project results disseminating to its network, public, policy makers and scientific community.
14/02/2020 Acronis Bulgaria EOOD Bulgaria Expertise Request Intelligent security and privacy management (SU-DS02-2020) F&T portal
Acronis is a global leader in cyber protection that would like to join a consortium as a technical partner. Acronis provides integrated backup, security, disaster recovery, and enterprise file sync and share solutions to address 5 vectors of cyber protection: safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security. Enhanced by AI technologies, Acronis protects all data, including physical, virtual, cloud, mobile workload. Reach us at [email protected].
13/02/2020 PHOTONICS BW E.V. Germany Expertise Request Advancing photonics technologies and application driven photonics components and the innovation ecosystem (ICT-37-2020) F&T portal
Founded in 2000 as a non-profit organization, Photonics BW is an innovation cluster with 80 members from industry, SME, start-ups and research.
Our objectives are the promotion of optical technologies in research, development, application, education, training and public relations. Nationwide we are linked through OptecNet Deutschland e.V. to > 500 members.
Photonics BW completed several EU projects and has been awarded the EU quality label Cluster Management Excellence in Gold in 2016 and 2018.
13/02/2020 ICTYS Technologies Spain Expertise Request Offshore wind basic science and balance of plant (LC-SC3-RES-31-2020) F&T portal
ICTYS technologies is a Start-Up dedicated to the design and operation of autonomous surface vessels (ASV) for the collection of marine data.
We currently have five business lines:
Port authorities,
Coastal management,
Marine energy,
Underwater mining.
We are looking for a partner who is involved in offshore industry and/or Port Authorities to complement our activities, with which we can further develop our ASV.
13/02/2020 GESELLSCHAFT FUR EMPIRISCHE SOZIOLOGISCHE FORSCHUNG EV Germany Expertise Request Efficient and safe connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations (DT-ART-05-2020) F&T portal
Our Institute For Empirical Sociology (IfeS) is an interdisciplinary social science research institute. Our expertise in the mobility sector includes research on the road safety of different road user groups. We have a long-standing record in the evaluation of road safety relevant measures and are recently involved in the H2020-project BRAVE regarding the acceptance of automated vehicles, where we are responsible for user/acceptance research and ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI).
13/02/2020 Retinas Arastirma Gelistirme Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey Expertise Request Satellite communication technologies (SPACE-29-TEC-2020) F&T portal
Retinas is a tech company that provides software development services in the fields of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mobile App Development, Web development. We have a great background and experience in immersive simulation technologies. We're already a member of a couple of consortiums. We are looking for projects and consortiums to provide our expertise in related fields. For more information please visit or contact with us [email protected]
13/02/2020 JOHANNITER INTERNATIONAL Belgium Expertise Request Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) for integrated care solutions (SC1-BHC-20A-2020) F&T portal
As a European network, JOIN, has significant experience in design of stakeholder involvement roadmap & engagement Strategy, dissemination, networking, communication, awareness raising and exploitation of results across Europe. JOIN is active in similar EU-funded projects, such as iProcureSecurity which aims at tackling capability gaps and innovation needs to foster greater involvement of stakeholders in innovation procurement. More information: [email protected]
13/02/2020 ANONIMI ETAIRIA PERIVALLONTIKON KAIENERGIAKON MELETON KAI ANAPTIXIS LOGISMIKOU Greece Expertise Request Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use (LC-GV-08-2020) F&T portal
EMISIA is a spin-off company with an expertise in evaluating road vehicle performance, looking into the integrated systems, engine operation, energy consumption and emissions linked also to air quality. The company has a strong scientific background and continuous cooperation with the University and is currently running a number of projects with local municipalities. This allows EMISIA to bring in any consortium local authorities for real testing and target validation. Contact: [email protected]
13/02/2020 CAFA TECH OU Estonia Expertise Request Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (SC1-DTH-12-2020) F&T portal
CAFA Tech could provide Map (GIS) solution for analysing places, which conditions cause chronic diseases. Contact: Tanel Järvet, [email protected]
13/02/2020 Retinas Arastirma Gelistirme Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey Expertise Request Mentoring scheme for schools: mainstreaming innovation by spreading the advanced ICT-based teaching practices to a wide circle of schools (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-21-2020) F&T portal
Retinas is a tech company that provides software development services in the fields of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mobile App Development, Web development. We have a great background and experience in immersive simulation technologies. We're already a member of a couple of consortiums. We are looking for projects and consortiums to provide our expertise in related fields. For more information please visit or contact with us [email protected]
13/02/2020 Biosensores S.L. Spain Expertise Request Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & Support (ICT-46-2020) F&T portal
BIOSENSORES S.L. is a Spanish R&D company developing from 1995 biosensor technology and analytical
instrumentation for the automated detection and quantification of biological markers and
chemical agents in food, water and biomedicine. We have developed advanced analytical devices and have participated successfuly in 10 EU funded projects. It uses magnetic particles for concentration
Major lines of investigation are now pursued:
·Analysis of the quality of water.
·Molecular Affinity Biosensors
13/02/2020 ZURCHER HOCHSCHULE FUR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFTEN Switzerland Expertise Request Advanced research methods and tools in support of transport/mobility researchers, planners and policy makers (MG-4-8-2020) F&T portal
The ZHAW develops light electric vehicles (see: BiCar), conducts studies on; shared mobility, smart city mobility, socio-economical influences, logistics concept and route planning for shared mobility, use of solar energy in urban areas, digital networking (see: smide app) and shows ergonomics on mock-ups or in VR. ZHAW teaches methodology for user needs assess. (design thinking, persona, value proposition design) and builds prototypes for rapid user feedback. Contact: [email protected]
13/02/2020 GESELLSCHAFT FUR EMPIRISCHE SOZIOLOGISCHE FORSCHUNG EV Germany Expertise Request Large-scale, cross-border demonstration of connected and highly automated driving functions for passenger cars (DT-ART-06-2020) F&T portal
Our Institute For Empirical Sociology (IfeS) is an interdisciplinary social science research institute. Our expertise in the mobility sector includes research on the road safety of different road user groups. We have a long-standing record in the evaluation of road safety relevant measures and are recently involved in the H2020-project BRAVE regarding the acceptance of automated vehicles, where we are responsible for user/acceptance research and ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI).
13/02/2020 Multiprofile hospital for active treatment St.Panteleimon - Plovdiv Bulgaria Expertise Request Personalised early risk prediction, prevention and intervention based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies (SC1-DTH-02-2020) F&T portal
Multiprofile hospital for active treatment St. Panteleimon conducts various medical activities from initial diagnostics to treatment and non-hospital care. Our patient-centric approach enables our medical teams to work together and deliver a continuum of holistic care with premium quality on a fast track basis. With over 15 000 patients per year we offer vast analytical data and expertise that may prove vital for medical research project and makes us a suitable partner in Horizon 2020 calls
13/02/2020 PHOTONICS BW E.V. Germany Expertise Request Photonics Innovation Hubs (DT-ICT-04-2020) F&T portal
Founded in 2000 as a non-profit organization, Photonics BW is an innovation cluster with 80 members from industry, SME, start-ups and research.
Our objectives are the promotion of optical technologies in research, development, application, education, training and public relations. Nationwide we are linked through OptecNet Deutschland e.V. to > 500 members.
Photonics BW completed several EU projects and has been awarded the EU quality label Cluster Management Excellence in Gold in 2016 and 2018.
13/02/2020 ZURCHER HOCHSCHULE FUR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFTEN Switzerland Expertise Request Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use (LC-GV-08-2020) F&T portal
The ZHAW develops light electric vehicles (see: BiCar), conducts studies on; shared mobility, smart city mobility, socio-economical influences, logistics concept and route planning for shared mobility, use of solar energy in urban areas, digital networking (see: smide app) and shows ergonomics on mock-ups or in VR. ZHAW teaches methodology for user needs assess. (design thinking, persona, value proposition design) and builds prototypes for rapid user feedback. Contact: [email protected]
13/02/2020 HOCHSCHULE MITTWEIDA (FH) Germany Expertise Request Advancing photonics technologies and application driven photonics components and the innovation ecosystem (ICT-37-2020) F&T portal
We investigate the interaction of ultrafast laser radiation with condensed matter by femtosecond imaging metrology. In this context, we detect the time- & space-resolved optical response of laser-excited thin films by applying ultrafast ellipsometry and microscopy at different probe wavelengths. In combination with theoretical two-temperature hydrodynamic modeling, we obtain an understanding of exciting, heating, melting, expansion, and ablation of thin films as well as shockwave propagation.
13/02/2020 HeadHunter Limited SRL Romania Expertise Request International partnership building between European and African innovation hubs (ICT-58-2020) F&T portal
Contact us, if you need a partner, for this Call.
[email protected]
13/02/2020 Retinas Arastirma Gelistirme Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey Expertise Request SRC - Space robotics technologies (SPACE-27-TEC-2020) F&T portal
Retinas is a tech company that provides software development services in the fields of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mobile App Development, Web development. We have a great background and experience in immersive simulation technologies. We're already a member of a couple of consortiums. We are looking for projects and consortiums to provide our expertise in related fields. For more information please visit or contact with us [email protected]
13/02/2020 Multiprofile hospital for active treatment St.Panteleimon - Plovdiv Bulgaria Expertise Request Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data (SC1-BHC-06-2020) F&T portal
Multiprofile hospital for active treatment St. Panteleimon conducts various medical activities from initial diagnostics to treatment and non-hospital care. Our patient-centric approach enables our medical teams to work together and deliver a continuum of holistic care with premium quality on a fast track basis. With over 15 000 patients per year we offer vast analytical data and expertise that may prove vital for medical research project and makes us a suitable partner in Horizon 2020 calls
13/02/2020 Multiprofile hospital for active treatment St.Panteleimon - Plovdiv Bulgaria Expertise Request AI for Genomics and Personalised Medicine (DT-TDS-04-2020) F&T portal
Multiprofile hospital for active treatment St. Panteleimon conducts various medical activities from initial diagnostics to treatment and non-hospital care. Our patient-centric approach enables our medical teams to work together and deliver a continuum of holistic care with premium quality on a fast track basis. With over 15 000 patients per year we offer vast analytical data and expertise that may prove vital for medical research project and makes us a suitable partner in Horizon 2020 calls