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Displaying 31051 - 31100 of 40002
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13/02/2020 PHOTONICS BW E.V. Germany Expertise Request Advancing photonics technologies and application driven photonics components and the innovation ecosystem (ICT-37-2020) F&T portal
Founded in 2000 as a non-profit organization, Photonics BW is an innovation cluster with 80 members from industry, SME, start-ups and research.
Our objectives are the promotion of optical technologies in research, development, application, education, training and public relations. Nationwide we are linked through OptecNet Deutschland e.V. to > 500 members.
Photonics BW completed several EU projects and has been awarded the EU quality label Cluster Management Excellence in Gold in 2016 and 2018.
13/02/2020 ICTYS Technologies Spain Expertise Request Offshore wind basic science and balance of plant (LC-SC3-RES-31-2020) F&T portal
ICTYS technologies is a Start-Up dedicated to the design and operation of autonomous surface vessels (ASV) for the collection of marine data.
We currently have five business lines:
Port authorities,
Coastal management,
Marine energy,
Underwater mining.
We are looking for a partner who is involved in offshore industry and/or Port Authorities to complement our activities, with which we can further develop our ASV.
12/02/2020 LIFE SCIENCE NETWORK GGMBH Germany Expertise Request Quantum Flagship - ERA-NET Cofund (FETFLAG-04-2020) F&T portal
We develop web applications for scientific communities. We can help you create a platform you can use to connect the project participants, network, communicate, share or interactively visualize data. If you need a partner in your consortium which can deliver this, please contact us at [email protected].
12/02/2020 LIFE SCIENCE NETWORK GGMBH Germany Expertise Request Digitalisation of the transport system: data sharing (MG-4-7-2020) F&T portal
We develop web applications for scientific communities. We can help you create a platform you can use to connect the project participants, network, communicate, share or interactively visualize data. If you need a partner in your consortium which can deliver this, please contact us at [email protected].
12/02/2020 NEXTGENRND OÜ Estonia Expertise Request FET Innovation Launchpad (FETOPEN-03-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
NextGenRnD solves problems encountered by biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, research laboratories and universities, non-profits and other organizations large and small. Radically new technologies of future available now as ready-made solutions ( The solutions created by NextGenRnD dissolve the boundaries between formulated technology concept and its experimental proof resulting in seamless Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 2 to TRL 3.
12/02/2020 AGENTSIA ZA IKONOMICHESKO RAZVITIE- VARNA Bulgaria Expertise Request Innovation pilots (INFRAINNOV-04-2020) F&T portal
VEDA (, [email protected]) search to join as a partner, incl. as coordinator of WP Communication, in a consortium for preparation of a grant application. Our expertise is in the area of innovation, eco- &social innovation; start-up & SMEs support; project management & EU funding; ITC applications (portals, platforms, web-sites, smartphone apps, webinars); modernization of agricultural sector, coastal areas, tourism; training & mentoring; revitalization of urban & industrial areas.
12/02/2020 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Italy Expertise Request Citizen-centric public services in local and regional administrations (DT-GOVERNANCE-22-2020) F&T portal
DAda LAB in Department of Civil Engeenering and Architecture of the University of Pavia works for research, training and transfer of knowledge of documentation technologies in Cultural Heritage. The Laboratory works to develop appropriate methodologies for investigations. It provides reliable metric and documentary basis for conservation, planning and protection of urban space, landscaping and assessments in terms of environmental and diagnostic impact. Info: [email protected]

12/02/2020 EPSILON MALTA LIMITED Malta Expertise Request Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) F&T portal
EPSILON is an EU-wide company since 1985 (in MT, GR, CY, IT, DE, BG, with strong expertise in RTD (100+ projects since 1990), enviro-modeling, geoinformatics/GIS, enviro-economics, and enviro-NEXUS systems. It conducts Life-cycle-Analyses (LCA/LCPA) for multiple projects, developed tools & models assessing impacts of systems on environment, energy-efficiency and economic performance. It can offer “LCA-expertise” and can contribute to a “robust” proposal drafting.
12/02/2020 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Italy Expertise Request Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020) F&T portal
DAda LAB in Department of Civil Engeenering and Architecture of the University of Pavia works for research, training and transfer of knowledge of documentation technologies in Cultural Heritage. The Laboratory works to develop appropriate methodologies for investigations. It provides reliable metric and documentary basis for conservation, planning and protection of urban space, landscaping and assessments in terms of environmental and diagnostic impact. Info: [email protected]
12/02/2020 AGENTSIA ZA IKONOMICHESKO RAZVITIE- VARNA Bulgaria Expertise Request Pilot for a new model of Integrating Activities (INFRAIA-03-2020) F&T portal
VEDA (, [email protected]) search to join as a partner, incl. as coordinator of WP Communication, in a consortium for preparation of a grant application. Our expertise is in the area of innovation, eco- &social innovation; start-up & SMEs support; project management & EU funding; ITC applications (portals, platforms, web-sites, smartphone apps, webinars); modernization of agricultural sector, coastal areas, tourism; training & mentoring; revitalization of urban & industrial areas.
12/02/2020 LIFE SCIENCE NETWORK GGMBH Germany Expertise Request Towards a Health research and innovation Cloud: Capitalising on data sharing initiatives in health research (SC1-HCC-10-2020) F&T portal
We develop web applications for scientific communities. We can help you create a platform you can use to connect the project participants, network, communicate, share or interactively visualize data. If you need a partner in your consortium which can deliver this, please contact us at [email protected].
12/02/2020 HOCHSCHULE MITTWEIDA (FH) Germany Expertise Request Cloud Computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum (ICT-40-2020) F&T portal
Mittweida University of Applied Sciences has long-term experience in the fields of computer science and digital forensics. We combine cybersecurity with innovative methods and knowledge in the area of machine learning in the field of the NGI. In particular, our team conduct intensive research on cloud computing, services and security in distributed environments. Therefore, we develop software-based tools and methods as well as technical solutions for the detection and analysis of cyber-attacks.
12/02/2020 Centre Technique de Plasturgie et de Caoutchouc Morocco Expertise Request Offshore wind basic science and balance of plant (LC-SC3-RES-31-2020) F&T portal
CTPC is a non-profit technical center of plastics and rubber, located in Morocco. Experts in the development of new products related to the plastics industry by improving the properties of materials and optimizing the transformation processes With a PhD level team, engineers, and technicians, we can help you as a plastic expert, by offering your project maximum visibility through the studies and analysis that can be performed in our center with (DMA, TMA, DSC, ATG, HPLC, IR...)
12/02/2020 UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Italy Expertise Request European Competence Centre for the preservation and conservation of Monuments and Site (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-20-2020) F&T portal
DAda LAB in Department of Civil Engeenering and Architecture of the University of Pavia works for research, training and transfer of knowledge of documentation technologies in Cultural Heritage. The Laboratory works to develop appropriate methodologies for investigations. It provides reliable metric and documentary basis for conservation, planning and protection of urban space, landscaping and assessments in terms of environmental and diagnostic impact. Info: [email protected]
12/02/2020 ZACHODNIOPOMORSKI UNIWERSYTET TECHNOLOGICZNY W SZCZECINIE Poland Expertise Request Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) F&T portal
The University offers Materials Structure and Mechanical Properties Testing Laboratory (PoliTEST). It has modern equipment e.g. Gleeble 3500 for simulating thermal-deformation cycles of metallurgical processes. We offer expertise, NDT and DT tests, the quality of cut edges, tests to qualify welding technologies ISO 15614. We will carry out tests, improve the production process of welded structures. We have an experience in the H2020 and cooperation with the industry including Szczecin Shipyard.
12/02/2020 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Cybersecurity in the Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES): an armour against cyber and privacy attacks and data breaches (SU-DS04-2018-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING, headquartered in Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova (ROMANIA), is a consulting of global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
12/02/2020 AGENTSIA ZA IKONOMICHESKO RAZVITIE- VARNA Bulgaria Expertise Request Co-Innovation platform for research infrastructure technologies (INFRAINNOV-03-2020) F&T portal
VEDA (, [email protected]) search to join as a partner, incl. as coordinator of WP Communication, in a consortium for preparation of a grant application. Our expertise is in the area of innovation, eco- &social innovation; start-up & SMEs support; project management & EU funding; ITC applications (portals, platforms, web-sites, smartphone apps, webinars); modernization of agricultural sector, coastal areas, tourism; training & mentoring; revitalization of urban & industrial areas.
12/02/2020 HOCHSCHULE MITTWEIDA (FH) Germany Expertise Request Secure and resilient Artificial Intelligence technologies, tools and solutions in support of Law Enforcement and citizen protection, cybersecurity operations and prevention and protection against adversarial Artificial Intelligence (SU-AI02-2020) F&T portal
Mittweida University of Applied Sciences has expertise in the fields of computer science and digital forensics. We combine cybersecurity in the area of IoT, ICS and CPS with innovative methods and knowledge in the area of machine learning. We conduct research on mobile malware and APT and develop software-based tools and methods as well as technical solutions for the detection and analysis of cyber-attacks. We have successfully completed related projects and currently head an H2020 consortium.
12/02/2020 STIFTELSEN BASIC INTERNET Norway Expertise Request International partnership building between European and African innovation hubs (ICT-58-2020) F&T portal
The Basic Internet Foundation works on Digital Inclusion and Societal Empowerment. Through Information Spots the Foundation offers Internet Lite, the freemium model for access, even in areas without mobile coverage. Thus, we offer the community involvement needed for Digital Innovation Hubs. We are working directly with Innovation Hubs in 5 countries in Africa. Through our co-founders University of Oslo and Kjeller Innovation we have both Innovation Hubs in Norway and Africa (TZ, KY, ET, UG, RW)
12/02/2020 ARTYS SRL Italy Expertise Request Towards sustainable urban air mobility (MG-3-6-2020) F&T portal
Artys is an Italian innovative SME, spin-off of the University of Genoa, specialized in offering technology-driven services for advanced environmental monitoring. Our disruptive solution is a Decision Support System (DSS) that provides real-time rainfall maps and flood hazard nowcasting to support authorities in protecting people, goods and properties through timely information based on accurate evidences. We would like to join a consortium. For more information please visit
11/02/2020 UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS Spain Expertise Request Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics applications (ICT-47-2020) F&T portal
University of Burgos (UBU) is a Spanish University willing to join a consortium through the Applied Computational Intelligence-GICAP research group (, which is an expert robotics in various application areas. Since 2008, UBU has been very active, with over 50 European projects (in 22 as coordinator). Currently, UBU participates in 26 on-going projects (in 12 of them as coordinator) in 8 different EU programmes.
11/02/2020 Innovation Training Center, S.L. Spain Expertise Request SRC - Space robotics technologies (SPACE-27-TEC-2020) F&T portal
Innovation Training Center is a consultancy and engineering organization based in Palma de Mallorca (ES) having experience in design, prototyping and manufacturing. We offer collaboration in mechanical design and development of demonstrator hardware and devices.
11/02/2020 ISTANBUL AVRUPA ARASTIRMALARI DERNEGI Turkey Expertise Request Quantum Flagship - ERA-NET Cofund (FETFLAG-04-2020) F&T portal
IAAD is a not for profit research/development body located in Istanbul/Turkey, at the interface between science, society and businesses (SSH, IIRS, RRI), with Eng/Tech/PhD level expertise/resources in research, development, pilot, Open and Citizen Science and RRI. We currently have the solid trust of 41 pan-EU bodies resulting in 14 EU funded projects (2017-2019) not showed in the present media. Contact: [email protected]
11/02/2020 FABASOFT R&D GMBH Austria Expertise Request Transformative impact of disruptive technologies in public services (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Fabasoft is a European software developer and our products enable the digitisation of business processes with cooperation across organisations and countries. The Fabasoft eGov-Suite is the leading product for electronic administration work in the German-speaking region. We have experience in several private high-profile projects as well as funded projects within H2020. For this call, Fabasoft can offer expertise in technologies and eGovernment, piloting environments and use cases.
11/02/2020 Fundación Instituto de Robótica para la Dependencia Spain Expertise Request To set up a digital accessibility observatory as a forum to take stock of market and technological developments, monitor progress in digital accessibility and provide opportunities for exchange of best practices (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-23-2020) F&T portal
We are a non-profit private foundation based in Sitges, Barcelona. We do R&D&I with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, their families and care professionals, through the use of the most advanced technologies, obtaining innovative products to transform the way things are done today, transferring our knowledge. We would like to find a coordinator for the proposal for which we have ideas and projects in place.
11/02/2020 Retinas Arastirma Gelistirme Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey Expertise Request Pilot on using the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations (DT-GOVERNANCE-12-2019-2020) F&T portal
Retinas is a tech company that provides software development services in the fields of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mobile App Development, Web development. We have a great background and experience in immersive simulation technologies. We're already a member of a couple of consortiums. We are looking for projects and consortiums to provide our expertise in related fields. For more information please visit or contact with us [email protected]
11/02/2020 Fundación Instituto de Robótica para la Dependencia Spain Expertise Request AI for the smart hospital of the future (DT-ICT-12-2020) F&T portal
We are a non-profit private foundation based in Sitges, Barcelona. We do R&D&I with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, their families and care professionals, through the use of the most advanced technologies, obtaining innovative products to transform the way things are done today, transferring our knowledge. We would like to find a coordinator for the proposal for which we have ideas and projects in place.
11/02/2020 Innovation Training Center, S.L. Spain Expertise Request Personalised early risk prediction, prevention and intervention based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies (SC1-DTH-02-2020) F&T portal
Innovation Training Center is a consultancy and engineering organization based in Palma de Mallorca (ES) having experience in design, prototyping and manufacturing. We offer collaboration in mechanical design and development of e-Health equipment, integration of IoT electronics, communication systems and sensors
11/02/2020 FABASOFT R&D GMBH Austria Expertise Request New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services (DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Fabasoft is a European software developer and our products enable the digitisation of business processes with cooperation across organisations and countries. The Fabasoft eGov-Suite is the leading product for electronic administration work in the German-speaking region. We have experience in several private high-profile projects as well as funded projects within H2020. For this call, Fabasoft can offer expertise in technologies and eGovernment, piloting environments and use cases.
11/02/2020 UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS Spain Expertise Request Artificial Intelligence on demand platform (ICT-49-2020) F&T portal
University of Burgos (UBU) is a Spanish University willing to join a consortium through the Applied Computational Intelligence-GICAP research group (, which is an expert in AI in different areas (design/application). Since 2008, UBU has been very active, with over 50 European projects (in 22 as coordinator). Currently, UBU participates in 26 on-going projects (in 12 of them as coordinator) in 8 different EU programmes.
11/02/2020 Consorzio Biella The Wool Company Italy Expertise Request Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020) F&T portal
Biella The Wool Company is a not-for profit organization created in 2008 by a group of experts in textile sector. Their vision was to focus on the enhancement and promotion of native European wools with the collaboration of the Biella textiles companies.
We would like to join a consortium implementing a project idea based on the valorization and promotion of tangible and intangible resources in the field of industrial heritage linked with the textiles old factories.
11/02/2020 UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA Spain Expertise Request Quantum Flagship - ERA-NET Cofund (FETFLAG-04-2020) F&T portal
At UAB, our group uses mainly Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics methods to carry out Biomolecular Simulations in silico for the study of enzyme activity.
With our research, we hope we can (1) contribute to the rational design of new methods and drugs to act on human illnesses or (2) to design new enzymes with better, faster, cheaper and with more selective synthetic processes than the ones currently available.
Contact: [email protected]
11/02/2020 UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS Spain Expertise Request Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & Support (ICT-46-2020) F&T portal
University of Burgos (UBU) is a Spanish University willing to join a consortium through the Applied Computational Intelligence-GICAP research group (, which is an expert in AI and cybersecurity, among others. Since 2008, UBU has been very active, with over 50 European projects (in 22 as coordinator). Currently, UBU participates in 26 on-going projects (in 12 of them as coordinator) in 8 different EU programmes.
11/02/2020 Innovation Training Center, S.L. Spain Expertise Request International cooperation in smart living environments for ageing people (SC1-DTH-04-2020) F&T portal
Innovation Training Center is a consultancy and engineering organization based in Palma de Mallorca (ES) having experience in design, prototyping and manufacturing. We offer collaboration in mechanical design and development of e-Health equipment, integration of IoT electronics, communication systems and sensors
11/02/2020 Retinas Arastirma Gelistirme Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey Expertise Request SME instrument (EIC-SMEINST-2018-2020) F&T portal
Retinas is a tech company that provides software development services in the fields of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mobile App Development, Web development. We have a great background and experience in immersive simulation technologies. We're already a member of a couple of consortiums. We are looking for projects and consortiums to provide our expertise in related fields. For more information please visit or contact with us [email protected]
11/02/2020 FABASOFT R&D GMBH Austria Expertise Request Pilot on using the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations (DT-GOVERNANCE-12-2019-2020) F&T portal
Fabasoft is a European software developer and our products enable the digitisation of business processes with cooperation across organisations and countries.
The Fabasoft eGov-Suite is the leading product for electronic administration work in the German-speaking region. We have experience in several private high-profile projects as well as funded projects within H2020.
For this call, Fabasoft can offer expertise in technologies and eGovernment, piloting environments and use cases.
11/02/2020 Institut za istrazivanje avangarde Croatia Expertise Request Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020) F&T portal
We were founded with a mission to research and present the Eastern-Central Europe avant-garde and its heritage from 1919 to 1989. Our work is based on material from the globally recognised and valorised Marinko Sudac Collection. See over 170 projects we created or participated in:
We are looking for partners who, through their technical and creative expertise, can contribute to our project of developing an innovative artist networking mobile application.
11/02/2020 Fundación Instituto de Robótica para la Dependencia Spain Expertise Request Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) for integrated care solutions (SC1-BHC-20A-2020) F&T portal
We are a non-profit private foundation based in Sitges, Barcelona. We do R&D&I with the aim of improving quality of life of people with disabilities, their families and care professionals, through the use of the most advanced technologies, obtaining innovative products to transform the way things are done today, transferring our knowledge. We would like to find a coordinator for the proposal for which we have ideas and projects in place.
10/02/2020 Innovation Training Center, S.L. Spain Expertise Request Photonics Innovation Hubs (DT-ICT-04-2020) F&T portal
Innovation Training Center is a consultancy and engineering organization based in Palma de Mallorca (ES) having experience in design, prototyping and manufacturing. We offer collaboration in mechanical design and development, and integration of electronics, photonics, sensors and communication systems.
10/02/2020 Innovation Training Center, S.L. Spain Expertise Request Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & Support (ICT-46-2020) F&T portal
Innovation Training Center is a consultancy and engineering organization based in Palma de Mallorca (ES) having experience in design, prototyping and manufacturing. We offer collaboration in mechanical design and development, and integration of electronics, sensors, actuators and control/communication systems.
10/02/2020 Innovation Training Center, S.L. Spain Expertise Request Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use (LC-GV-08-2020) F&T portal
Innovation Training Center is a consultancy and engineering organization based in Palma de Mallorca (ES) having experience in design and prototyping of electrical vehicles (bicycle, scooter, quadricycle) and we offer collaboration in mechanical design and development
10/02/2020 Innovation Training Center, S.L. Spain Expertise Request Satellite communication technologies (SPACE-29-TEC-2020) F&T portal
Innovation Training Center is a consultancy and engineering organization based in Palma de Mallorca (ES) having experience in design, prototyping and manufacturing. We offer collaboration in mechanical design and development, and integration of ICT electronics, communication systems and sensors
10/02/2020 The Patients Resource SL Spain Expertise Request AI for the smart hospital of the future (DT-ICT-12-2020) F&T portal
The Patients Reosurce is a data-based company working with real-world data for drug development and precision medicine. We already have one million patients database with data from public sources and we are working to increase this number. We are working to use this data in early drug discovery as well as in clinical trials. Next step is to use this and also future data to work on precision medicine and health-care management systems programs. We offer our data and expertise to join a consortium
10/02/2020 FUELSAVE CONSULTORIA, S.A. Portugal Expertise Request Efficient and safe connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations (DT-ART-05-2020) F&T portal
Fuelsave is a mobility research and development outfit that was created by three founders with a strong engineering background, while leveraging one of the founder’s years of experience in in-situ truck drivers training, as well as academic research into the factors that could optimize fuel efficiency in heavy-duty vehicles. Fuelsave’s team of experienced hardware, software and machine learning experts has relevant know-how in real-time driving optimization technology.
10/02/2020 UP PROJECT GESTION DE PROYECTOS,SL Spain Expertise Request Personalised early risk prediction, prevention and intervention based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies (SC1-DTH-02-2020) F&T portal
upProject is specialized in software development, recognized as an Innovative SME by the Spanish Ministry of economy, that offers a genuine and customizable product. Currently, with its software is being part of several projects in the field of e-health, project management, IoT, AI and Big Data, managing values above 800M€. It connects systems, creating protocols processes and communicating teams to improve decision-making.
10/02/2020 UP PROJECT GESTION DE PROYECTOS,SL Spain Expertise Request Actions in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (SC1-HCO-01-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
upProject is specialized in software development, recognized as an Innovative SME by the Spanish Ministry of economy, that offers a genuine and customizable product. Currently, with its software is being part of several projects in the field of e-health, project management, IoT, AI and Big Data, managing values above 800M€. It connects systems, creating protocols processes and communicating teams to improve decision-making.
10/02/2020 Innovation Training Center, S.L. Spain Expertise Request Advancing photonics technologies and application driven photonics components and the innovation ecosystem (ICT-37-2020) F&T portal
Innovation Training Center is a consultancy and engineering organization based in Palma de Mallorca (ES) having experience in design, prototyping and manufacturing. We offer collaboration in mechanical design and development, and integration of electronics, photonics, sensors and communication systems.
10/02/2020 UP PROJECT GESTION DE PROYECTOS,SL Spain Expertise Request AI for Genomics and Personalised Medicine (DT-TDS-04-2020) F&T portal
upProject is specialized in software development, recognized as an Innovative SME by the Spanish Ministry of economy, that offers a genuine and customizable product. Currently, with its software is being part of several projects in the field of e-health, project management, IoT, AI and Big Data, managing values above 800M€. It connects systems, creating protocols processes and communicating teams to improve decision-making.
10/02/2020 UP PROJECT GESTION DE PROYECTOS,SL Spain Expertise Request Towards a Health research and innovation Cloud: Capitalising on data sharing initiatives in health research (SC1-HCC-10-2020) F&T portal
upProject is specialized in software development, recognized as an Innovative SME by the Spanish Ministry of economy, that offers a genuine and customizable product. Currently, with its software is being part of several projects in the field of e-health, project management, IoT, AI and Big Data, managing values above 800M€. It connects systems, creating protocols processes and communicating teams to improve decision-making.
10/02/2020 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE CERCETARE DEZVOLTARE IN TURISM Romania Expertise Request Boost rural economies through cross-sector digital service platforms (DT-ICT-09-2020) F&T portal
We are open to collaborate in H2020 projects - Boost rural economies through cross-sector digital service platforms. For this we are looking to be a future Partner heaving in mind an interesting project linking rural crafts as touristic products and a digital platform with IoT, VR/ AR and IA. We are looking for a larger consortium to join and offer expertise for consortium in this area.