Displaying 31151 - 31200 of 40002
Request date Sort ascending | Organisation name | Country | Search type | Topic | Link | ||||||
07/02/2020 | CLUSTER LOMBARDO DELLA MOBILITA' | Italy | Expertise Request | Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
CLM is the mobility Technological Cluster of the Lombardy Region which oversees the automotive, boating, railway, and intermodal sectors (transport and infrastructure). As network of companies, universities, research centers, public institutions and business associations, the cluster is able to provide dedicated services, to develop research, innovation and internationalization projects and to promote access to new funding opportunities. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | EIRECOMPOSITES TEORANTA | Ireland | Expertise Request | FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking (FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We are motivated to join a consortium and contribute to successful proposals. ÉireComposites is an accredited composites manufacturing and testing facilities and has long-term manufacturing contracts with leading aerospace OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers. Eire has managed over €20m of EU FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects relating to composite materials for wind turbine blades, Aircraft Structures and Space Launchers. For further information about the company please visit the link www.eirecomposites.com | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | EIRECOMPOSITES TEORANTA | Ireland | Expertise Request | Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We are motivated to join a consortium and contribute to successful proposals. ÉireComposites is an accredited composites manufacturing facility and has long-term manufacturing contracts with leading aerospace OEMs. Eire has managed over €20m of EU FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects relating to composite materials for wind turbine blades, Aircraft Structures and Space Launchers. For further information about the company please visit the link www.eirecomposites.com and http://compositestestinglab.com/. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | PharmaInformatic Boomgaarden | Germany | Expertise Request | Accelerating the uptake of computer simulations for testing medicines and medical devices (SC1-DTH-06-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
PharmaInformatic.com (SME) owns largest pharmacokinetic (PK) databases for all ADME+Tox properties (data taken from preclin+clin trials since 2004), uses AI to create expert systems. Several validated expert systems already available on market. USE: evaluate PK properties of any novel compound prior to human trials to increase safety and efficacy in clin trials. +More Options: develop new specific tools in this project. Broad chemInformatic platform is available (individualised medicine,...) |
07/02/2020 | CLUSTER LOMBARDO DELLA MOBILITA' | Italy | Expertise Request | Coordination and support for an integrated freight transport and logistics system (MG-2-13-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
CLM is the mobility Technological Cluster of the Lombardy Region which oversees the automotive, boating, railway, and intermodal sectors (transport and infrastructure). As network of companies, universities, research centers, public institutions and business associations, the cluster is able to provide dedicated services, to develop research, innovation and internationalization projects and to promote access to new funding opportunities. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | PE Roman Borenko | Ukraine | Expertise Request | New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services (DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
My private entrepreneurship provide web accessibility services by testers with disabilties, including blind people. We manage complex websystems to make it compliant with WCAG 2.1, also making it practical accessible on various browsers and hardware platforms. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Arkivave | Albania | Expertise Request | European Competence Centre for the preservation and conservation of Monuments and Site (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-20-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
General Directorate of Archives of Albania, is conducting research in documentation and preservation and applications and methods for bringing the digital copy of the documents and other digitized material near to the interest groups. Research include: Methods for conservation of the digitized copy, methods of development of programs and applications for accessing and offering to the interested group the digitized material. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | CLUSTER LOMBARDO DELLA MOBILITA' | Italy | Expertise Request | Large-scale, cross-border demonstration of connected and highly automated driving functions for passenger cars (DT-ART-06-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
CLM is the mobility Technological Cluster recognized by the Lombardy Region which oversees the automotive, boating, railway, and intermodal sectors (transport and infrastructure). As network of companies, universities, research centers, public institutions and business associations, the cluster is able to provide dedicated services, to develop research, innovation and internationalization projects and to promote access to new funding opportunities. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | CLUSTER LOMBARDO DELLA MOBILITA' | Italy | Expertise Request | Digitalisation of the transport system: data sharing (MG-4-7-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
CLM is the mobility Technological Cluster of the Lombardy Region which oversees the automotive, boating, railway, and intermodal sectors (transport and infrastructure). As network of companies, universities, research centers, public institutions and business associations, the cluster is able to provide dedicated services, to develop research, innovation and internationalization projects and to promote access to new funding opportunities. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | UP PROJECT GESTION DE PROYECTOS,SL | Spain | Expertise Request | Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data (SC1-BHC-06-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
upProject is specialized in software development, recognized as an Innovative SME by the Spanish Ministry of economy, that offers a genuine and customizable product. Currently, with its software is being part of several projects in the field of e-health, project management, IoT, AI and Big Data, managing values above 800M€. It connects systems, creating protocols processes and communicating teams to improve decision-making. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | CENTRE AQUITAIN DES TECHNOLOGIES DEL'INFORMATION ET ELECTRONIQUES - CATIE | France | Expertise Request | Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics applications (ICT-47-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
CATIE is a non-profit organization which aim is to support companies when adopting and integrating digital technologies in their economic development. CATIE takes place at the technologies’ level and its skills are mainly technical ones. The project will benefit from the expertise of CATIE Robotics’ members (https://robotics.catie.fr/#Team). Created to explore service robotics from an application-driven perspective, the team prioritises secure and robust behaviours in its development strategy. | |||||||||||
07/02/2020 | CLUSTER LOMBARDO DELLA MOBILITA' | Italy | Expertise Request | Towards sustainable urban air mobility (MG-3-6-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
CLM is the mobility Technological Cluster of the Lombardy Region which oversees the automotive, boating, railway, and intermodal sectors (transport and infrastructure). As network of companies, universities, research centers, public institutions and business associations, the cluster is able to provide dedicated services, to develop research, innovation and internationalization projects and to promote access to new funding opportunities. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | DIFOSE Bilisim Bilgisayar Egitim Danismanlik Ithalat Ihracat Tic Ltd Sti | Turkey | Expertise Request | Technologies to enhance the fight against crime and terrorism (SU-FCT02-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
DIFOSE provides investigative and consulting services about cybercrime, digital forensics and cyber security. We are working on developing an Incident Response Tool that gathers evidential data automatically both from standalone PCs and networks. We want to make use of and improve this expertise with partners and experienced software developers that are knowledgeable especially in cybercrime, cyber security, digital forensics, networking, project design. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | An empowering, inclusive Next Generation Internet (ICT-57-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and PI at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA (www.odiseia.org), a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | Basemap Limited | United Kingdom | Expertise Request | Digitalisation of the transport system: data sharing (MG-4-7-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Basemap are experts in the digitisation of public transport datasets. In the UK we collate, standardise and publish the Traveline National Dataset (TNDS) and the National Coach Service Database (NCSD) under contract with the Department of Transport | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe (SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and PI at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA (www.odiseia.org), a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | Developing a research roadmap regarding Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement (SU-AI01-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and PI at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA (www.odiseia.org), a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | ISTANBUL AVRUPA ARASTIRMALARI DERNEGI | Turkey | Expertise Request | FET Innovation Launchpad (FETOPEN-03-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We are motivated to join a consortium and contribute to successful proposals. IAAD is a SME-based not for profit research body located in Istanbul/Turkey, at the interface between science, society and businesses (SSH, IIRS, RRI), with Eng/Tech/PhD level expertise/resources in the industry/SME arena. We currently have the solid trust of 41 pan-EU bodies resulting in 14 EU funded projects (2017-2019) not showed in the present media. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | DIFOSE Bilisim Bilgisayar Egitim Danismanlik Ithalat Ihracat Tic Ltd Sti | Turkey | Expertise Request | Technologies to enhance border and external security (SU-BES02-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
DIFOSE provides investigative and consulting services about cybercrime, digital forensics and cyber security. We are working on developing an Incident Response Tool that gathers evidential data automatically both from standalone PCs and networks. We want to make use of and improve this expertise with partners and experienced software developers that are knowledgeable especially in cybercrime, cyber security, digital forensics, networking, project design. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GMBH | Austria | Expertise Request | Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics applications (ICT-47-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The reliable wireless communications research group at AIT focuses on ultra-reliable and low-latency wireless communications system for vehicular, train, UAV or robot communications. Our SDR radio laboratory enables measurement, analysis and rapid prototyping research for the robotic applications: (a) multi node wireless channel measurement, modeling and emulation, (b) frame error rate analysis in rare cases, (c) mmWave, (d) combined radar and communication links. Contact: [email protected] |
06/02/2020 | NEVIANA BOUMBAROVA | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | Co-Innovation platform for research infrastructure technologies (INFRAINNOV-03-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Being a partner, we could contribute to the provision of financial support to third parties through offering expertise in: - the essence of research and innovation and their application in different sectors; -call specification preparation; - evaluation procedure preparation; - technical documentation writing; - financial resources allocation. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | Human factors, and ethical, societal, legal and organisational aspects of using Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement (SU-AI03-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and PI at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA (www.odiseia.org), a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | ISTANBUL AVRUPA ARASTIRMALARI DERNEGI | Turkey | Expertise Request | Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (SC1-DTH-12-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We are motivated to join a consortium and contribute to successful proposals. IAAD is a SME-based not for profit research body located in Istanbul/Turkey, at the interface between science, society and businesses (SSH, IIRS, RRI), with Eng/Tech/PhD level expertise/resources in the eHealth, health/care arena. We currently have the solid trust of 41 pan-EU bodies resulting in 14 EU funded projects (2017-2019) not showed in the present media. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | DIFOSE Bilisim Bilgisayar Egitim Danismanlik Ithalat Ihracat Tic Ltd Sti | Turkey | Expertise Request | Information and data stream management to fight against (cyber)crime and terrorism (SU-FCT03-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
DIFOSE provides investigative and consulting services about cybercrime, digital forensics and cyber security. We are working on developing an Incident Response Tool that gathers evidential data automatically both from standalone PCs and networks. We want to make use of and improve this expertise with partners and experienced software developers that are knowledgeable especially in cybercrime, cyber security, digital forensics, networking, project design. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | Big data technologies and Artificial Intelligence for Copernicus (DT-SPACE-25-EO-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and principal investigator at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA, a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | ISTANBUL AVRUPA ARASTIRMALARI DERNEGI | Turkey | Expertise Request | Copernicus market uptake (DT-SPACE-01-EO-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We are motivated to join a consortium and contribute to successful proposals. IAAD is a not for profit research/development body located in Istanbul/Turkey, at the interface between science, society and businesses (SSH, IIRS, RRI), with Eng/Tech/PhD level expertise/resources in the industry/SME arena. We currently have the solid trust of 41 pan-EU bodies resulting in 14 EU funded projects (2017-2019) not showed in the present media. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | LIONEX GMBH | Germany | Expertise Request | Quantum Flagship - ERA-NET Cofund (FETFLAG-04-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
“LIONEX GmbH” (LIO). LIO (www.lionex.de) (ISO 13458) is a growing German biotech company with exceptional commitment to the problems of cancer, atherosclerosis, asthma and tropical diseases. Specialised facilities at LIO provide a full service for recombinant DNA technology, antibodies/proteins production, rapid test/ELSIA development and consultancy, transcription profiles and bioinformatics supports. The R&D team is well trained in microbiology, bioinformatics, biotechnology and biochemistry. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | DIFOSE Bilisim Bilgisayar Egitim Danismanlik Ithalat Ihracat Tic Ltd Sti | Turkey | Expertise Request | Secure and resilient Artificial Intelligence technologies, tools and solutions in support of Law Enforcement and citizen protection, cybersecurity operations and prevention and protection against adversarial Artificial Intelligence (SU-AI02-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
DIFOSE provides investigative and consulting services about cybercrime, digital forensics and cyber security. We are working on developing an Incident Response Tool that gathers evidential data automatically both from standalone PCs and networks. We want to make use of and improve this expertise with partners and experienced software developers that are knowledgeable especially in cybercrime, cyber security, digital forensics, networking, project design. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | DIFOSE Bilisim Bilgisayar Egitim Danismanlik Ithalat Ihracat Tic Ltd Sti | Turkey | Expertise Request | Digital Security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Enterprises (SU-DS03-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
DIFOSE provides investigative and consulting services about cybercrime, digital forensics and cyber security. We are working on developing an Incident Response Tool that gathers evidential data automatically both from standalone PCs and networks. We want to make use of and improve this expertise with partners and experienced software developers that are knowledgeable especially in cybercrime, cyber security, digital forensics, networking, project design. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GMBH | Austria | Expertise Request | 5G PPP – Smart Connectivity beyond 5G (ICT-52-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The reliable wireless communications research group at AIT focuses on ultra-reliable and low-latency wireless communications system for vehicular, train, UAV or robot communications. Our SDR radio laboratory enables measurement, analysis and rapid prototyping research for the following beyond 5G topics: (a) SDR very large aperture arrays, (b) cell free systems, (c) mmWave, (d) combined radar and communication links, (e) machine learning algorithms for non-linear wireless problems. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | AFC-STAB | France | Expertise Request | Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
AFC-STAB, a French SME specialized in machining soft materials (aluminium, composite, epoxy board, ...), offers its expertise and innovation in the conception and manufacturing of mold for production and/or maintenance of ships part. Our wood based patent products are already in use in the aeronautic and spatial industries for instance for the production of satellite dish. We can provide new innovative mold technologies for shipyards that can shorten the production and maintenance processes. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | ISTANBUL AVRUPA ARASTIRMALARI DERNEGI | Turkey | Expertise Request | Mentoring scheme for schools: mainstreaming innovation by spreading the advanced ICT-based teaching practices to a wide circle of schools (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-21-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We are motivated to join a consortium and contribute to successful proposals. IAAD is a not for profit research/development body located in Istanbul/Turkey, at the interface between science, society and businesses (SSH, IIRS, RRI), with Eng/Tech/PhD level expertise/resources in 4-5G environments/ICT/BigData/Blockchain/Indus 4.0. We currently have the solid trust of 41 pan-EU bodies resulting in 14 EU funded projects (2017-2019) not showed in the present media. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | Information and data stream management to fight against (cyber)crime and terrorism (SU-FCT03-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and PI at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA (www.odiseia.org), a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | AI for Genomics and Personalised Medicine (DT-TDS-04-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and PI at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA (www.odiseia.org), a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | DIFOSE Bilisim Bilgisayar Egitim Danismanlik Ithalat Ihracat Tic Ltd Sti | Turkey | Expertise Request | Developing a research roadmap regarding Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement (SU-AI01-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
DIFOSE provides investigative and consulting services about cybercrime, digital forensics and cyber security. We are working on developing an Incident Response Tool that gathers evidential data automatically both from standalone PCs and networks. We want to make use of and improve this expertise with partners and experienced software developers that are knowledgeable especially in cybercrime, cyber security, digital forensics, networking, project design. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | UP2SMART INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS SL | Spain | Expertise Request | AI for the smart hospital of the future (DT-ICT-12-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
UP2Smart builds robust, scalable and efficient cloud-based and embedded systems using scientifically proven state of the art Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Deep Learning approaches, which offer results in real-time through intuitive, user-friendly visualization interfaces. |
06/02/2020 | ISTANBUL AVRUPA ARASTIRMALARI DERNEGI | Turkey | Expertise Request | Pilot on using the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations (DT-GOVERNANCE-12-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We are motivated to join a consortium and contribute to successful proposals. IAAD is a not for profit research/development body located in Istanbul/Turkey, at the interface between science, society and businesses (SSH, IIRS, RRI), with Eng/Tech/PhD level expertise/resources in eGovernance and good governance. We currently have the solid trust of 41 pan-EU bodies resulting in 14 EU funded projects (2017-2019) not showed in the present media. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | Cloud Computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum (ICT-40-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and PI at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA (www.odiseia.org), a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | LIONEX GMBH | Germany | Expertise Request | Integrating Activities for Starting Communities (INFRAIA-02-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
“LIONEX GmbH” (LIO). LIO (www.lionex.de) (ISO 13458) is a growing German biotech company with exceptional commitment to the problems of cancer, atherosclerosis, asthma and tropical diseases. Specialised facilities at LIO provide a full service for recombinant DNA technology, antibodies/proteins production, rapid test/ELSIA development and consultancy, transcription profiles and bioinformatics supports. The R&D team is well trained in microbiology, bioinformatics, biotechnology and biochemistry. | |||||||||||
06/02/2020 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | Secure and resilient Artificial Intelligence technologies, tools and solutions in support of Law Enforcement and citizen protection, cybersecurity operations and prevention and protection against adversarial Artificial Intelligence (SU-AI02-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Prof. Idoia Salazar is an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in society and PI at SIMPAIR research group (social impact of AI & robotics) at Univ. San Pablo-CEU. She is president in OdiseIA (www.odiseia.org), a proactive Observatory of the ethical impact of AI, which promotes its good use among business and governments, to minimize any negative effects on society. OdiseIA, develops extensive research with associated international experts, on the social and ethical impact of AI. | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | ASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY | Austria | Expertise Request | FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities (FETPROACT-EIC-07-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ASIDEES key activity areas include implementation of applying open cyber-physical models of different complex processes and infrastructure systems. The models are used as digital twins that link physical and digital worlds. Our innovation services are effectively systemic in its content addressing complex issues of quality of life, climate change, circular economies, society providing real time holistic vision of the subject’s system sustainability, resilience, and performance in various areas. | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | ASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY | Austria | Expertise Request | Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment (LC-SC3-B4E-3-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ASIDEES studies & offers unique knowledge for innovation, systems modelling and application prototyping as strong and reliable consortium partner, supporting whole project cycle from concept formulation/ proposal writing to implementation IoT/ICT mob.apps effectively demonstrating pilot results. Our lead success in H2020 Smart Urbana, Smart Pedestrian Nets projects by novel AI-driven digital transformation, holistic monitoring, AI-driven analytics for diverse academic and commerce RDI | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | MB \Mimetika\ | Lithuania | Expertise Request | Innovative nature-based solutions for carbon neutral cities and improved air quality (LC-CLA-11-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Hello. Mimetika manages a residential building in the city of Panevezys, Lithuania (Eastern Europe) and is looking to participate in the call. We are interested in testing different air-quality increasing solutions within the urban environment of the building (green roofs, living walls etc). Company has experience implementing FP7 and H2020 projects. Please send an email for more information. | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | GEDS TEKNOLOJI HIZMETLERI VE DANISMANLIK LIMITED SIRKETI | Turkey | Expertise Request | International cooperation in smart living environments for ageing people (SC1-DTH-04-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
GEDS is an award-winning design consultancy with a focus on user-centric design. Currently we are leading design of a large scale Horizon2020 project which aims to develop smart products for older people and where we got an international award with our design work. We have experience in doing research, product and interface design and co-creation with older people in Europe. We are open to join consortiums. Please check: http://bit.ly/2Us5yHj and http://geds.com.tr/ Email: [email protected] | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | Q4I CONSULTING SL | Spain | Expertise Request | To set up a digital accessibility observatory as a forum to take stock of market and technological developments, monitor progress in digital accessibility and provide opportunities for exchange of best practices (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-23-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Q4I is the owner of the SMEBOOK, an AI-based corporate innovation platform enabling intelligent matchmaking and collaboration among technology-based companies and innovation supporting entities. | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | Leverex | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resource (LC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Leverex: Strong expertise in investment projects advisory and financing, including in energy efficiency, deep renovation and RES. Consultant of the EBRD in EPC structuring and financing; preparation of investment strategies, business and financial models. Strong relationships with International financial institutions, banks and venture capital (VC) funds. Innovative financial mechanisms and solutions related to the European Green Deal Investment plan. Contact: [email protected] |
05/02/2020 | ASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY | Austria | Expertise Request | Efficient and safe connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations (DT-ART-05-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ASIDEES studies & offers unique knowledge for innovation, systems modelling and application prototyping as strong and reliable consortium partner, supporting whole project cycle from concept formulation/ proposal writing to implementation IoT/ICT mob.apps effectively demonstrating pilot results. Our lead success in H2020 Smart Urbana, Smart Pedestrian Nets projects by novel AI-driven digital transformation, holistic monitoring, AI-driven analytics for diverse academic and commerce RDI | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | ASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY | Austria | Expertise Request | Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use (LC-GV-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ASIDEES has vision and capacity to apply cutting-edge digital transformation solutions to foster novel information services for sustainable management of urban change, quality of life, its monitoring in real time, collaboration and knowledge sharing. It implements Smart City projects in Europe based on advanced models of urban areas. The innovation services introduced by ASIDEES members foster novel areas of applications and address global challenges in a practical way. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | ASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY | Austria | Expertise Request | Environmental Intelligence (FETPROACT-EIC-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ASIDEES key activity areas include implementation of applying open cyber-physical models of different complex processes and infrastructure systems. The models are used as digital twins that link physical and digital worlds. Our innovation services are effectively systemic in its content addressing complex issues of quality of life, climate change, circular economies, society providing real time holistic vision of the subject’s system sustainability, resilience, and performance in various areas. | |||||||||||
05/02/2020 | ASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY | Austria | Expertise Request | Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data (SC1-BHC-06-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ASIDEES studies & offers unique knowledge for innovation, systems modelling and application prototyping as strong and reliable consortium partner, supporting whole project cycle from concept formulation/ proposal writing to implementation IoT/ICT mob.apps effectively demonstrating pilot results. Our lead success in H2020 Smart Urbana, Smart Pedestrian Nets projects by novel AI-driven digital transformation, holistic monitoring, AI-driven analytics for diverse academic and commerce RDI |