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Displaying 31951 - 32000 of 40002
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25/12/2019 BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL Romania Expertise Request Offshore wind basic science and balance of plant (LC-SC3-RES-31-2020) F&T portal
BEIA is a R&D performing SME founded in 1991, SIEMENS partner, leading ICT integrator in Romania for cloud communications and IoT telemetry. BEIA is ISO certified with experience in coordinating & participating in over 40 R&D Innovation projects (FP6/7, H2020, Eureka, ERA-Net, etc) on topics such as smart energy systems SG/RES/ESS/DSO/EV (Power2SME, TESTBED2, SealedGRID, Hibrivolt, EV-BAT, SEDCC, SWITCH, SAFECARE, CitiSim, WINS@HI, Arrowhead, ASUA, Smart-PdM, etc.) [email protected] /
25/12/2019 Sociotechnical Systems OU Estonia Expertise Request Artificial intelligence for manufacturing (ICT-38-2020) F&T portal
Technology is one of the pillars of today's society, so it's important to predict which technologies will be accepted in society and will be sustainable. The asset of new approach Integrated Acceptance and Sustainability Assessment Model (IASAM) is based on Skype reference line and systems dynamics simulation. IASAM is storefront of integrity level of social and engineering factors, which are important to evaluate potential acceptance and sustainability of either existing technology or new one.
25/12/2019 Sociotechnical Systems OU Estonia Expertise Request Innovative electric network architectures and systems, optimising global energy, electrical power, data and communication for aviation (MG-3-4-2020) F&T portal
Technology is one of the pillars of today's society, so it's important to predict which technologies will be accepted in society and will be sustainable. The asset of new approach Integrated Acceptance and Sustainability Assessment Model (IASAM) is based on Skype reference line and systems dynamics simulation. IASAM is storefront of integrity level of social and engineering factors, which are important to evaluate potential acceptance and sustainability of either existing technology or new one.
25/12/2019 Sociotechnical Systems OU Estonia Expertise Request SRC - Space robotics technologies (SPACE-27-TEC-2020) F&T portal
Technology is one of the pillars of today's society, so it's important to predict which technologies will be accepted in society and will be sustainable. The asset of new approach Integrated Acceptance and Sustainability Assessment Model (IASAM) is based on Skype reference line and systems dynamics simulation. IASAM is storefront of integrity level of social and engineering factors, which are important to evaluate potential acceptance and sustainability of either existing technology or new one.
25/12/2019 BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL Romania Expertise Request Integrated design concepts for energy-efficient ICT in buildings (LC-SC3-B4E-5-2020) F&T portal
BEIA is a R&D performing SME founded in 1991, SIEMENS partner, leading ICT integrator in Romania for cloud communications and IoT telemetry. BEIA is ISO certified with experience in coordinating & participating in over 40 R&D Innovation projects (FP6/7, H2020, Eureka, ERA-Net, etc) on topics such as smart building energy efficiency/BMS/RES (Power2SME, TESTBED2, SealedGRID, Hibrivolt, EV-BAT, SEDCC, SWITCH, SAFECARE, CitiSim, WINS@HI, Arrowhead, ASUA, Smart-PdM, etc.) [email protected] /
25/12/2019 BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL Romania Expertise Request TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation (LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020) F&T portal
BEIA is a R&D performing SME founded in 1991, SIEMENS partner, leading ICT integrator in Romania for cloud communications and IoT telemetry. BEIA is ISO certified with experience in coordinating & participating in over 40 R&D Innovation projects (FP6/7, H2020, Eureka, ERA-Net, etc) on topics such as smart energy systems SG/RES/ESS/DSO/EV (Power2SME, TESTBED2, SealedGRID, Hibrivolt, EV-BAT, SEDCC, SWITCH, SAFECARE, CitiSim, WINS@HI, Arrowhead, ASUA, Smart-PdM, etc.) [email protected] /
25/12/2019 Sociotechnical Systems OU Estonia Expertise Request Software Technologies (ICT-50-2020) F&T portal
Technology is one of the pillars of today's society, so it's important to predict which technologies will be accepted in society and will be sustainable. The asset of new approach Integrated Acceptance and Sustainability Assessment Model (IASAM) is based on Skype reference line and systems dynamics simulation. IASAM is storefront of integrity level of social and engineering factors, which are important to evaluate potential acceptance and sustainability of either existing technology or new one.
25/12/2019 BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL Romania Expertise Request Digital Building Twins (RIA) (LC-EEB-08-2020) F&T portal
BEIA is a R&D performing SME founded in 1991, SIEMENS partner, leading ICT integrator in Romania for cloud communications and IoT telemetry. BEIA is ISO certified with experience in coordinating & participating in over 40 R&D Innovation projects (FP6/7, H2020, Eureka, ERA-Net, etc) on topics such as smart building digital twin/BMS/RES/BIM/LCA (Power2SME, TESTBED2, SealedGRID, Hibrivolt, EV-BAT, SEDCC, SWITCH, CitiSim, WINS@HI, Arrowhead, ASUA, Smart-PdM, etc.) [email protected] /
25/12/2019 Sociotechnical Systems OU Estonia Expertise Request Intelligent security and privacy management (SU-DS02-2020) F&T portal
Technology is one of the pillars of today's society, so it's important to predict which technologies will be accepted in society and will be sustainable. The asset of new approach Integrated Acceptance and Sustainability Assessment Model (IASAM) is based on Skype reference line and systems dynamics simulation. IASAM is storefront of integrity level of social and engineering factors, which are important to evaluate potential acceptance and sustainability of either existing technology or new one.
25/12/2019 HeadHunter Limited SRL Romania Expertise Request Demonstration of applied solutions to enhance border and external security (SU-BES03-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Contact us, at [email protected], if you need an innovative R&D partner or a customized system/solution, into the following fields, but not limited at them: solar UAVs, solar USVs, UUVs, UGVs, renewable energy(solar, wind), passive houses/greenhouses, solar Sea Water desalinization, Atmospheric/Sea/Ocean monitoring, precision agriculture/forestry, Law Enforcement/ISR, IT, HR.
25/12/2019 BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL Romania Expertise Request Consumer engagement and demand response (LC-SC3-EC-3-2020) F&T portal
BEIA is a R&D performing SME founded in 1991, SIEMENS partner, leading ICT integrator in Romania for cloud communications and IoT telemetry. BEIA is ISO certified with experience in coordinating & participating in over 40 R&D Innovation projects (FP6/7, H2020, Eureka, ERA-Net, etc) on topics such as smart building energy SG/RES/ESS/DSO/EV (Power2SME, TESTBED2, SealedGRID, Hibrivolt, EV-BAT, SEDCC, SWITCH, SAFECARE, CitiSim, WINS@HI, Arrowhead, ASUA, Smart-PdM, etc.) [email protected] /
25/12/2019 Sociotechnical Systems OU Estonia Expertise Request Disruptive photonics technologies (ICT-36-2020) F&T portal
Technology is one of the pillars of today's society, so it's important to predict which technologies will be accepted in society and will be sustainable. The asset of new approach Integrated Acceptance and Sustainability Assessment Model (IASAM) is based on Skype reference line and systems dynamics simulation. IASAM is storefront of integrity level of social and engineering factors, which are important to evaluate potential acceptance and sustainability of either existing technology or new one.
25/12/2019 BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL SRL Romania Expertise Request Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Technologies for Process Industries (CSA) (DT-SPIRE-11-2020) F&T portal
BEIA is a R&D performing SME founded in 1991, SIEMENS partner, leading ICT integrator in Romania for cloud communications and IIoT telemetry. BEIA is ISO certified with experience in coordinating and participating in more than 40 R&D Innovation projects (FP6/7, H2020, Eureka, ERA-Net etc) on topics such as smart industry sensors/actuators/AI/Big Data (OPTIMUM, Smart-PdM, PAPUD, Power2SME, TESTBED2, SealedGRID, SWITCH, WINS@HI, Arrowhead, I-DELTA, SCRATCh, etc) Contact: [email protected]
24/12/2019 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Developing long-term monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the Common Agricultural Policy (FNR-02-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING, headquartered in Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova (ROMANIA), is a consulting of global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
24/12/2019 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (SC1-DTH-12-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING, headquartered in Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova (ROMANIA), is a consulting of global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
24/12/2019 KENTRO KAINOTOMON TECHNOLOGION AE Greece Expertise Request Advancing climate services (LC-CLA-12-2020) F&T portal
ITC has extensive experience on numerical modelling (atmospheric, sea-state and hydrological models), both in operational applications and code development. Since 2010, the company has expanded its activity in hydro-meteorological forecasting through major international projects for companies such as ARAMCO, ENI, QATAR CAA, ENVIRON, Nigerian CAA, etc. The company participated in FP7 EartH2Observe and participates in H2020 OPERANDUM.
24/12/2019 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Integration and consolidation of the existing pan-European access mechanism to public research infrastructures and commercial services through the EOSC Portal (INFRAEOSC-03-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING, headquartered in Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova (ROMANIA), is a consulting of global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
24/12/2019 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Developing methodological approaches for improved clinical investigation and evaluation of high-risk medical devices (SC1-HCO-18-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING, headquartered in Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova (ROMANIA), is a consulting of global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
24/12/2019 KENTRO KAINOTOMON TECHNOLOGION AE Greece Expertise Request Multi-hazard risk management for risk-informed decision-making in the E.U. (LC-CLA-16-2020) F&T portal
ITC has extensive experience on numerical modelling (atmospheric, sea-state and hydrological models), both in operational applications and code development. Since 2010, the company has expanded its activity in hydro-meteorological forecasting through major international projects for companies such as ARAMCO, ENI, QATAR CAA, ENVIRON, Nigerian CAA, etc. The company participated in FP7 EartH2Observe and in H2020 'OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks'
24/12/2019 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request To set up a digital accessibility observatory as a forum to take stock of market and technological developments, monitor progress in digital accessibility and provide opportunities for exchange of best practices (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-23-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING, headquartered in Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova (ROMANIA), is a consulting of global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
24/12/2019 KENTRO KAINOTOMON TECHNOLOGION AE Greece Expertise Request Innovative nature-based solutions for carbon neutral cities and improved air quality (LC-CLA-11-2020) F&T portal
ITC participates as a key partner and OAL leader in H2020 project OPERANDUM : OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks. ITC has extensive experience on numerical modelling (atmospheric, sea-state and hydrological models), both in operational applications and code development
24/12/2019 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Intelligent security and privacy management (SU-DS02-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING, headquartered in Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova (ROMANIA), is a consulting of global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
24/12/2019 HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING SRL Romania Expertise Request Personalised early risk prediction, prevention and intervention based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies (SC1-DTH-02-2020) F&T portal
HAPTIC R&D CONSULTING, headquartered in Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova (ROMANIA), is a consulting of global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets.
23/12/2019 TURKIYE BILIMSEL VE TEKNOLOJIK ARASTIRMA KURUMU Turkey Expertise Request Cloud Computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum (ICT-40-2020) F&T portal
TUBITAK ULAKBIM (The Turkish Academic Network and Information Centre) undertakes the task of formation of academic network infrastructure in Turkey and provides information and document supply services nationwide. In ULAKBIM, an open source platform, Openstack, is built on a heterogeneous computing and storage resources and provides hybrid cloud services to stakeholders; local users, universities, research institutes and governmental agencies provide their own services using the infrastructure.
23/12/2019 Firat Elektrik Dagitim Anonim Sirketi Turkey Expertise Request Self-assessment and self-optimisation of buildings and appliances for a better energy performance (LC-SC3-B4E-10-2020) F&T portal
Fırat EDAŞ is a Distribution System Operator in Eastern region of Turkey in charge of 4 cities with 1 m consumers & 47.000 km distribution line. We have intention to participate projects providing infrastructure for new grid management approaches and smartgrid applications. You are kindly requested to inform us in case any opportunity to participate your current developing Project fort his call. Contact : [email protected]
23/12/2019 Ada Guzey Muhendislik Yazilim Mekatronik Ltd Sti Turkey Expertise Request Artificial Intelligence on demand platform (ICT-49-2020) F&T portal
The SME company is establised in Ataturk technology developement center in Erzurum. The company is owned by Asst. Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Guzey. He has completed his Master and PhD degree in USA in mechanical and electrical engineering respectively. His PhD thesis and his current research field is on control systems of networked unmanned vehicles. The company has already completed two locally founded projects succesfully. We will be happy to contribute as an SME partner to this call.
23/12/2019 TERRACOM AE Greece Expertise Request Quality control in smart manufacturing (IA) (DT-FOF-11-2020) F&T portal
Terracom is an innovative SME with great expertise in the IoT & physical security. We participated in many H2020 projects (like QR-Patrol, funded by SME Instrument Phase 2, the first guard-tour system that integrates IoT and today has more than 1.000 customers in 79 countries) and 3 IoT open calls (symbIoTe OC 1 & 2 for interoperability, BiG IoT OC2 for IoT traffic monitoring). We have a great knowledge of real-time critical incident management systems and mobile/cloud/IoT development.
23/12/2019 Peek Health, S.A. Portugal Expertise Request Accelerating the uptake of computer simulations for testing medicines and medical devices (SC1-DTH-06-2020) F&T portal
Peek Health is a Portuguese SME in the orthopaedics area (system for planning orthopedic surgeries). Our current product is certified and is on the market, but we are developing new medical device technologies which need to pass through clinical validation. Validation of software as a medical device has several challenges which could be overcome with the right computer modelling solutions. We would like to join the consortium where we could fit as an SME. Contact: [email protected]
23/12/2019 SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD, GOSPODARSKO INTERESNO ZDRUZENJE Slovenia Expertise Request Decarbonising energy systems of geographical Islands (LC-SC3-ES-4-2018-2020) F&T portal
CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, an innovation cluster established in 2004, supports innovation in the field energy-efficient and sustainable construction and renovation of buildings, green, and circular construction. SGG is coordinating European Circular Construction Alliance, linking more than 30 clusters in the EU. SGG has managed dissemination and exploitation in different EU projects (FP7, CIP, H2020, COSME), including the development of new business models.
23/12/2019 SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD, GOSPODARSKO INTERESNO ZDRUZENJE Slovenia Expertise Request Innovative nature-based solutions for carbon neutral cities and improved air quality (LC-CLA-11-2020) F&T portal
CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, an innovation cluster established in 2004, supports innovation in the field energy-efficient and sustainable construction and renovation of buildings, green, and circular construction. SGG is coordinating European Circular Construction Alliance, linking more than 30 clusters in the EU. SGG has managed dissemination and exploitation in different EU projects (FP7, CIP, H2020, COSME), including the development of new business models.
23/12/2019 TERRACOM AE Greece Expertise Request Human factors, and ethical, societal, legal and organisational aspects of using Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement (SU-AI03-2020) F&T portal
Terracom is an innovative SME with long expertise in software development for the physical security domain like QR-Patrol ( which is one of the top mobile workforce apps globally. QR-Patrol is funded by SME Instrument Phase 2, integrates IoT technologies (such as beacons & wearables), and today has more than 1.000 customers in 82 countries. We have a great knowledge of real-time critical incident management systems and mobile/cloud/IoT applications.
23/12/2019 Ada Guzey Muhendislik Yazilim Mekatronik Ltd Sti Turkey Expertise Request Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & Support (ICT-46-2020) F&T portal
The SME company is establised in Ataturk technology developement center in Erzurum. The company is owned by Asst. Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Guzey. He has completed his Master and PhD degree in USA in mechanical and electrical engineering respectively. His PhD thesis and his current research field is on control systems of networked unmanned vehicles. The company has already completed two locally founded projects succesfully. We will be happy to contribute as an SME partner to this call.
23/12/2019 SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD, GOSPODARSKO INTERESNO ZDRUZENJE Slovenia Expertise Request Integrated design concepts for energy-efficient ICT in buildings (LC-SC3-B4E-5-2020) F&T portal
CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, an innovation cluster established in 2004, supports innovation in the field energy-efficient and sustainable construction and renovation of buildings, green, and circular construction. SGG is coordinating European Circular Construction Alliance, linking more than 30 clusters in the EU. SGG has managed dissemination and exploitation in different EU projects (FP7, CIP, H2020, COSME), including the development of new business models.
23/12/2019 TERRACOM AE Greece Expertise Request Artificial Intelligence on demand platform (ICT-49-2020) F&T portal
Terracom is an innovative SME with great expertise in the IoT & physical security. We participated in many H2020 projects (like QR-Patrol, funded by SME Instrument Phase 2, the first guard-tour system that integrates IoT and today has more than 1.000 customers in 82 countries) and 3 IoT open calls (symbIoTe OC 1 & 2 for interoperability, BiG IoT OC2 for IoT traffic monitoring). We have a great knowledge of real-time critical incident management systems and mobile/cloud/IoT development.
23/12/2019 Ada Guzey Muhendislik Yazilim Mekatronik Ltd Sti Turkey Expertise Request SRC - Space robotics technologies (SPACE-27-TEC-2020) F&T portal
The SME company is establised in Ataturk technology developement center in Erzurum. The company is owned by Asst. Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Guzey. He has completed his Master and PhD degree in USA in mechanical and electrical engineering respectively. His PhD thesis and his current research field is on control systems of networked unmanned vehicles. The company has already completed two locally founded projects succesfully. We will be happy to contribute as an SME partner to this call.
23/12/2019 SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD, GOSPODARSKO INTERESNO ZDRUZENJE Slovenia Expertise Request TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation (LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020) F&T portal
CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, an innovation cluster established in 2004, supports innovation in the field energy-efficient and sustainable construction and renovation of buildings, green, and circular construction. SGG is coordinating European Circular Construction Alliance, linking more than 30 clusters in the EU. SGG has managed dissemination and exploitation in different EU projects (FP7, CIP, H2020, COSME), including the development of new business models.
23/12/2019 SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD, GOSPODARSKO INTERESNO ZDRUZENJE Slovenia Expertise Request Digital Building Twins (RIA) (LC-EEB-08-2020) F&T portal
CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, an innovation cluster established in 2004, supports innovation in the field energy-efficient and sustainable construction and renovation of buildings, green, and circular construction. SGG is coordinating European Circular Construction Alliance, linking more than 30 clusters in the EU. SGG has managed dissemination and exploitation in different EU projects (FP7, CIP, H2020, COSME), including the development of new business models.
23/12/2019 Ada Guzey Muhendislik Yazilim Mekatronik Ltd Sti Turkey Expertise Request Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics applications (ICT-47-2020) F&T portal
The SME company is establised in Ataturk technology developement center in Erzurum. The company is owned by Asst. Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Guzey. He has completed his Master and PhD degree in USA in mechanical and electrical engineering respectively. His PhD thesis and his current research field is on control systems of networked unmanned vehicles. The company has already completed two locally founded projects succesfully. We will be happy to contribute as an SME partner to this call.
23/12/2019 Alum SA Romania Expertise Request Quality control in smart manufacturing (IA) (DT-FOF-11-2020) F&T portal
Alum SA is the sole alumina refinery in Romania, with a capacity production of 600,000 tpy. The main products are: Calcined Alumina (Al2O3), which is mainly used in metallurgy for aluminium smelting and Alumium Hydrate – Al(OH)3, which is produced based on Bayer process, where the main raw material is bauxite. Al(OH)3 is used as raw material for the following applications: glasses, ceramics, refractory, production of various chemicals used in water treatment. We offer industrial testing and app
23/12/2019 SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD, GOSPODARSKO INTERESNO ZDRUZENJE Slovenia Expertise Request Consumer engagement and demand response (LC-SC3-EC-3-2020) F&T portal
CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, an innovation cluster established in 2004, supports innovation in the field energy-efficient and sustainable construction and renovation of buildings, green, and circular construction. SGG is coordinating European Circular Construction Alliance, linking more than 30 clusters in the EU. SGG has managed dissemination and exploitation in different EU projects (FP7, CIP, H2020, COSME), including the development of new business models.
23/12/2019 SLOVENSKI GRADBENI GROZD, GOSPODARSKO INTERESNO ZDRUZENJE Slovenia Expertise Request Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands) (LC-SC3-ES-3-2018-2020) F&T portal
CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER OF SLOVENIA, an innovation cluster established in 2004, supports innovation in the field energy-efficient and sustainable construction and renovation of buildings, green, and circular construction. SGG is coordinating European Circular Construction Alliance, linking more than 30 clusters in the EU. SGG has managed dissemination and exploitation in different EU projects (FP7, CIP, H2020, COSME), including the development of new business models.
23/12/2019 INSTITUTO PEDRO NUNES ASSOCIACAO PARA A INOVACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA Portugal Expertise Request An empowering, inclusive Next Generation Internet (ICT-57-2020) F&T portal
IPNlas provides applied research services and technological development to companies, responding to their requests (market pull) or by transfer technology to the companies (technology push).
IPNlas provides expertise on Telemedicine, Hospital@Home, Home-Care and Care-Home including the design, implementation and technology transfer of Medical Devices & Unobtrusive Monitoring, Human Activity Recognition and Robotics. Find out more:
23/12/2019 TERRACOM AE Greece Expertise Request Secure and resilient Artificial Intelligence technologies, tools and solutions in support of Law Enforcement and citizen protection, cybersecurity operations and prevention and protection against adversarial Artificial Intelligence (SU-AI02-2020) F&T portal
Terracom is an innovative SME with long expertise in software development for the physical security domain like QR-Patrol ( which is one of the top mobile workforce apps globally. QR-Patrol is funded by SME Instrument Phase 2, integrates IoT technologies (such as beacons & wearables), and today has more than 1.000 customers in 82 countries. We have a great knowledge of real-time critical incident management systems and mobile/cloud/IoT applications.
22/12/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request EGNSS applications fostering digitisation (DT-SPACE-EGNSS-2-2019-2020) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in H2020 located in Vienna. We have relevant expertise through projects like eMAPs, UrbanData2Decide, exploreAI, Bonseyes, IMOPOL+ or FutureTDM. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of research engineers, data analysts, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results based on your needs regarding research, concept design, solution development, validation, or dissemination. Contact: [email protected]
22/12/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request Energy-efficient manufacturing system management (IA) (DT-FOF-09-2020) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in EU Programmes. As a SME located in Vienna, we are focusing on research, innovation and technology. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of social scientists, engineers, technologists, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results to tackle core challenges of our time. We are also skilled in coordinating consortia, research communication, dissemination, and exploitation. [email protected]
22/12/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request Digitalisation of the transport system: data sharing (MG-4-7-2020) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in H2020 located in Vienna. We have relevant expertise through projects like eMAPs, UrbanData2Decide, exploreAI, Bonseyes, IMOPOL+ or FutureTDM. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of research engineers, data analysts, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results based on your needs regarding research, concept design, solution development, validation, or dissemination. Contact: [email protected]
22/12/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request Network and traffic management for future mobility (MG-2-11-2020) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in H2020 located in Vienna. We have relevant expertise through projects like eMAPs, UrbanData2Decide, exploreAI, Bonseyes, IMOPOL+ or FutureTDM. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of research engineers, data analysts, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results based on your needs regarding research, concept design, solution development, validation, or dissemination. Contact: [email protected]
22/12/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request Efficient and safe connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations (DT-ART-05-2020) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in H2020 located in Vienna. We have relevant expertise through projects like eMAPs, UrbanData2Decide, exploreAI, Bonseyes, IMOPOL+ or FutureTDM. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of research engineers, data analysts, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results based on your needs regarding research, concept design, solution development, validation, or dissemination. Contact: [email protected]
22/12/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request Towards sustainable urban air mobility (MG-3-6-2020) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in H2020 located in Vienna. We have relevant expertise through projects like eMAPs, UrbanData2Decide, exploreAI, Bonseyes, IMOPOL+ or FutureTDM. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of research engineers, data analysts, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results based on your needs regarding research, concept design, solution development, validation, or dissemination. Contact: [email protected]
22/12/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request Quality control in smart manufacturing (IA) (DT-FOF-11-2020) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in EU Programmes. As a SME located in Vienna, we are focusing on research, innovation and technology. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of social scientists, engineers, technologists, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results to tackle core challenges of our time. We are also skilled in coordinating consortia, research communication, dissemination, and exploitation. [email protected]