Displaying 32051 - 32100 of 40002
Request date Sort ascending | Organisation name | Country | Search type | Topic | Link | ||||||
19/12/2019 | CR2O BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (SC1-DTH-12-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
www.CR2O.nl CLINICAL CRO, having managed >100 clinical trials (phase I-IV) in over 30 countries. We work fast, cost-effective and are highly adaptable to project needs. Based near Utrecht, The Netherlands. CR2O (formerly known as Curve Clinical) offers full service e.g. protocol development, study feasibility, contracting, project management, site management, training & compliance, regulatory affairs, data management and biostatistics. We are interested in developing a proposal for this call |
19/12/2019 | IZERTIS SOCIEDAD ANONIMA | Spain | Expertise Request | The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions (LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Izertis is a technological IT consultancy which provides services to companies, institutions and Public Administrations. We have participated in several international projects (H2020, ERANET, etc.). We have experienced teams and successful projects in the following Key Enabling Technologies: IoT, Artificial intelligence, Extended reality, Blockchain, Additive manufacturing (3D printing), Data & Intelligence. |
19/12/2019 | Automateit Engineering SARL | Cameroon | Expertise Request | Consumer engagement and demand response (LC-SC3-EC-3-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Automateit Engineering is a SME created in 2015, based in Cameroon Central Africa, we implement solutions that directly impact people life. We have implemented several projects in solar electricity for rural areas, public borehole drilling for remote areas. We can contribute in developing and testing as same as collecting field data. Interested entities can contact us through the portal or mail to Dr. ASSALA at the following email addresses: [email protected] or to [email protected] |
18/12/2019 | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA | Italy | Expertise Request | Raw materials innovation actions: exploration and Earth observation in support of sustainable mining (SC5-10-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
UNISI-CGT focuses on geological research, education and innovation.We apply geomatics techniques (photogrammetry by manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, laser scanning, GNSS) for mines and quarries studying and develop solutions for monitoring with total stations, optical fibres and geotechnical sensors.We have experience in slope stability analysis, discrete fracture networking and numerical modelling. Our laboratory analyzes soil and rock samples. [email protected], [email protected] |
18/12/2019 | EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION IVZW | Belgium | Expertise Request | Network and traffic management for future mobility (MG-2-11-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) links Europe’s major passenger organisations. With its end-user focus it is committed to improving passengers' experience and enhancing the competitiveness of more sustainable modes of mobility. EPF seeks to achieve its objectives by working constructively with other stakeholders throughout the European transport industry, the European institutions and members of the research community. For more info please contact [email protected] | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | PhotonPath S.r.l. | Italy | Expertise Request | Advancing photonics technologies and application driven photonics components and the innovation ecosystem (ICT-37-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
PhotonPath is a fabless Integrated Photonics SME. We design, test and manufacture PIC based systems for telecom, sensing, and computing. Expertise in all platforms: Si, InP, SiN, PLC. For the telecom market, our optical components allow the construction of network equipment that increases current network capacity, availability, and programmability. For sensing, our control and calibration algorithms allow measurement devices to become small, consume low power and be manufactured on large scale. | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE | Italy | Expertise Request | Scaling up innovation for active and healthy ageing (SC1-HCC-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The experimental activity of Movement Analysis Laboratory is focused on measurement, analysis and processing of biological signals related to human motion and posture. The research activity is focused on the human motion study for investigating on the motor control strategies involved in a specific task execution, to analyze different signal processing techniques able to extract information relevant for recognizing sign of disabilities. | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | WIKIFLOW SA | Belgium | Expertise Request | SME instrument (EIC-SMEINST-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Wikiflow has developed an online management platform for all entrepreneurship support actors. The tool supports : application process, coachings, mentor matching, e-learning, community management, reporting and impact measurement. Wikiflow also offers expertise to train entrepreneur coaches as well as consultancy to digitize your entrepreneurship support processes. Wikiflow : > 160 incubation centers, 9 countries (incl Africa), > 50K users, 3rd version, team : 9FTE (3 own developers) |
18/12/2019 | DORIAN IMPRES SRL | Romania | Expertise Request | Consumer engagement and demand response (LC-SC3-EC-3-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
With 30 years in RES PV and energy efficiency, Dorian Impress SRL, and also the Start UP INTEELIA adds consistent contributions. Please contact: Professor Dr. Eng. Gheorghe Mincu Sandulescu , [email protected]; + 40722 636 048 |
18/12/2019 | Management Company of Technopark Borj Cedria | Tunisia | Expertise Request | Boost rural economies through cross-sector digital service platforms (DT-ICT-09-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Smart eTech, an innovative SME installed in the Technopark of Borj Cedria Tunisia, develops solutions for industrial sectors. It provides its design according to the industry 4.0 models starting from the Hardware Kit (IoT, sensors, Machine learning, BI). Smart eTech, proposes to develop and demonstrate new platforms (based on an already existing one) in water treatment and monitoring for connected smart cities and services specifically for boosting sustainable rural economy. | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | SIVIS GmbH | Germany | Expertise Request | Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (SC1-DTH-12-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
SIVIS is an innovative SME in the SAP environment. We are one of the leading providers of solutions for identity management, compliance and risk management. With our background and expertise in security, compliance and efficient algorithms (dynamic optimization/evolutionary computation/AI), we participated in national & international R&D projects. We are eager to join further innovative projects and offer our expertise in the related fields. For more information feel free to visit www.sivis.com. | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | EUROPEAN PASSENGERS' FEDERATION IVZW | Belgium | Expertise Request | Cities as climate-resilient, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility: new approaches towards demonstrating and testing innovative solutions (LC-MG-1-12-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) links Europe’s major passenger organisations. With its end-user focus it is committed to improving passengers' experience and enhancing the competitiveness of more sustainable modes of mobility. EPF seeks to achieve its objectives by working constructively with other stakeholders throughout the European transport industry, the European institutions and members of the research community. For more info please contact [email protected] | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | SIVIS GmbH | Germany | Expertise Request | Intelligent security and privacy management (SU-DS02-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
SIVIS is an innovative SME in the SAP environment. We are one of the leading providers of solutions for identity management, compliance and risk management. With our background and expertise in security, compliance and efficient algorithms (dynamic optimization/evolutionary computation/AI), we participated in national & international R&D projects. We are eager to join further innovative projects and offer our expertise in the related fields. For more information feel free to visit www.sivis.com. | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | SIKEMIA | France | Expertise Request | Novel high performance materials and components (RIA) (LC-SPIRE-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
SIKÉMIA, your experienced French partner on R&D projects with dual-skills: -Strong background for the tailor-made design, synthesis and scale-up of linkers, coupling agents, ligands and additives. Our catalogs are available on demand at [email protected]. -High competence in surface functionalization and organic nanocoatings to provide new properties like anti-icing, easy-to-clean, anti-corrosion, coating adhesion, bio-immobilisation, filler compatibilization...to surfaces or (nano)particles. |
18/12/2019 | Associazione Culturale Polyhedra | Italy | Expertise Request | Boost rural economies through cross-sector digital service platforms (DT-ICT-09-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Polyhedra.eu is a non-profit cultural association exploring and confronting arts, science & heritage. It is based in Rome, Italy and has coordinating members in six European countries. It acts as a node for cross-disciplinary debate and co-creation either in its headquarters or other (virtual and physical) locations to address societal challenges with a systemic view, catalyzing connections between local realities and global cultures. Contact: [email protected] |
18/12/2019 | UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE | Italy | Expertise Request | Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic conditions (SC1-DTH-12-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The experimental activity of Movement Analysis Laboratory is focused on measurement, analysis and processing of biological signals related to human motion and posture. The research activity is focused on the human motion study for investigating on the motor control strategies involved in a specific task execution, to analyze different signal processing techniques able to extract information relevant for recognizing sign of disabilities. | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | FUNDACION BANCARIA IBERCAJA | Spain | Expertise Request | Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Private non-profit organisation with more than 100 years of experience. We schedule exhibitions, talks, screenings, concerts, courses and educational activities. In particular, we promote the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya and his work. We offer our long experience as cultural actor and our resources (show rooms, galleries, workshop spaces, Francisco de Goya Museum, training centres, etc.) in Spain. We are interested on innovation for Audience Development | |||||||||||
18/12/2019 | MAGTEL OPERACIONES SL | Spain | Expertise Request | Big data for buildings (LC-SC3-B4E-6-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Magtel is a technology company that aplies the most innovative solutions to the design, construction and maintenance of projects and infraestructure in the different sectors in which it operates. We offer expertise in energy management systems where we integrate IoT devices, cloud-based management as well as predictive and optimization capabilities based on data analytics |
17/12/2019 | Sitel OOO | Belarus | Expertise Request | Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Sitel LLC is the developer of PAAS telemetry diagnostics and prescriptive maintenance service for a broad range of industrial equipment. Our R&D centre has developed unique methods of ML/DL, wavelet analysis, digital twinning, and other proprietary algorithms. It can be applied to many industries: transport, marine, mining and metallurgy, energy, and others. We are able to make a significant contribution to the automation of diagnostics of remote objects and help significantly reduce costs. | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | University of Augsburg - Chair of Mechatronics | Germany | Expertise Request | Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use (LC-GV-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The Chair of Mechatronics was founded in 2018 at the University of Augsburg in the Faculty of Applied Computer Science. One of the main areas of research is micro-mobility. We focus on two aspects: 1) virtual development and virtual validation of (semi-)autonomous micro-mobility vehicles. 2) Design and development of a driving simulator to evaluate the driving dynamics of different vehicle designs and the virtual development of driver assistance systems of micro-mobility vehicles. | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | AYUNTAMIENTO DE VALENCIA | Spain | Expertise Request | Secure and resilient Artificial Intelligence technologies, tools and solutions in support of Law Enforcement and citizen protection, cybersecurity operations and prevention and protection against adversarial Artificial Intelligence (SU-AI02-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Valencia Local Police is one of the most active polices forces across Europe in the field of research and innovation on security. Actually we have extensive experience in different European projects on security for 15 years, mainly focused in Horizon 2020 – Secure Societies nowadays. José L. Diego ([email protected]). | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | Centre Technique de Plasturgie et de Caoutchouc | Morocco | Expertise Request | Raw materials innovation actions: exploration and Earth observation in support of sustainable mining (SC5-10-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
CTPC is Morrocan non-profit technical center of plastics and rubber Experts in the development of new products related to the plastics industry by improving the properties of materials With a PhD level team, engineers, and technicians, we can help you as a plastic expert, by offering your project maximum visibility through the studies and analysis and identifying the different possible ways to exploit plastic waste | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | ELECTRONIQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE L'OUEST - TRONICO SAS | France | Expertise Request | Innovative electric network architectures and systems, optimising global energy, electrical power, data and communication for aviation (MG-3-4-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Tame-Power® , develops skills and experience in high power conversion. We develop Innovative applications for electric mobility - Automotive, More Electrical Aircraft - we are part of E-fan X Project with Airbus - or other stationary systems ( charge stations need ) DCDC, DCAC & ACDC converters to transfer electric energy between core components like fuel cells, batteries or supercaps. We search partners and coordinator for this topic & TRONICO has already H2020 experience. |
17/12/2019 | SIXENSE ENGINEERING | France | Expertise Request | Multi-hazard risk management for risk-informed decision-making in the E.U. (LC-CLA-16-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
RESALLIENCE by Sixense is member of VINCI group World leader in Construction and Concessions. It is a design office dedicated to adapting cities, territories and infrastructures to natural hazard and climate change. Our expertise includes : Hazard mapping, Vulnerability assessment, Functional resilience, DRM for decision support of critical infrastructures operators (roads, airports, rails, energy, real estate). Our data and models are compliant with insurance, investors and donors. | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | COLLECTIVE MINDS RADIOLOGY AB | Sweden | Expertise Request | Accelerating the uptake of computer simulations for testing medicines and medical devices (SC1-DTH-06-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
www.cmrad.com is a cloud platform which enables sharing and collaboration of radiology studies in a secure, private and legally correct way. The platform is extensible through an API, our gateway server and a web-widget allowing it to manage interactions with a wider ecosystem of partners. We can provide services such as: - Securely collaborate on radiological cases in the cloud - Distribute radiology annotation workload globally - Custom clinical research with imaging endpoints - and more.. | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | ELECTRONIQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE L'OUEST - TRONICO SAS | France | Expertise Request | Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use (LC-GV-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Tame-Power® by TRONICO develops skills and experience in high power conversion and innovative applications for electric mobility - mainly Automotive, or stationary systems ( charge stations need ) DCDC, DCAC & ACDC converters to transfer electric energy between core components like fuel cells, batteries or supercaps. Converters are key subsystems, they need to be efficient, robust and compact. We search a consortium as a partner, and we already have experience in H2020 and Cleansky projects. | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | AYUNTAMIENTO DE VALENCIA | Spain | Expertise Request | Human factors, and ethical, societal, legal and organisational aspects of using Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement (SU-AI03-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Valencia Local Police is one of the most active polices forces across Europe in the field of research and innovation on security. Actually we have extensive experience in different European projects on security for 15 years, mainly focused in Horizon 2020 – Secure Societies nowadays. José L. Diego ([email protected]). | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | DISY INFORMATIONSSYSTEME GMBH | Germany | Expertise Request | Technologies to enhance the fight against crime and terrorism (SU-FCT02-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Disy is a > 20 years old, > 100 employees software solutions SME working for public authorities (inlcuding national and state LEAs in Germany) in the area of (geo) data integration, (spatial) data analytics, (visual) data mining, data fusion from manifold sources, real-time data stream processing etc. Interested in projects about forensic data analytics, data-based interactive crime analysis, predictive policing, real-time support of surveillance activities etc. ... | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | TECHNO PRO HISPANIA SRL | Spain | Expertise Request | Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards (MG-3-7-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
SME from FIVA Group, provides engineering services from Concept, Basic and Detail designs to Production Engineering, Consultancy, Safety and ILS for Industrial & Shipbuilding Projects. TPH has designed FRP workboat with hybrid propulsion including Li Energy Storage (528- 234 kWh) based on operational profiles and mechatronic simulations (H2020 LINCOLN Project). We can provide engineering support and expertise on ship systems and new design developments. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | INOVATIF BIYOTEKNOLOJI KIMYA ve SAGLIK LTD STI | Turkey | Expertise Request | SME instrument (EIC-SMEINST-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
INOVATIF BIOTECHNOLOGY is an R&D SME located in Istanbul University Cerrahpasa TECHNOPARK building. Enterprise has been active since 2016 and focused in food biotechnology, especially in fermentation microbiology and biotechnology. INOVATIF BIOTECHNOLOGY has projects that are particularly pioneering the food sector, in particular meat and meat products. These projects are aimed at producing new food bio-additives in order to strengthen the processes in the production of animal products. | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | DORIAN IMPRES SRL | Romania | Expertise Request | Smart Operation of Proactive Residential Buildings (IA) (LC-EEB-07-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
With over 30 years of work in the field, the entity DORIAN IMPRESS SRL and the new entity INTELIA, have big experience in the energy and RES for the Proactive Residential Building. Please contact: University Professor Dr. Eng. Gheorghe Mincu Sandulescu, [email protected] | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | AYUNTAMIENTO DE VALENCIA | Spain | Expertise Request | Developing a research roadmap regarding Artificial Intelligence in support of Law Enforcement (SU-AI01-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Valencia Local Police is one of the most active polices forces across Europe in the field of research and innovation on security. Actually we have extensive experience in different European projects on security for 15 years, mainly focused in Horizon 2020 – Secure Societies nowadays. José L. Diego ([email protected]). |
17/12/2019 | DISY INFORMATIONSSYSTEME GMBH | Germany | Expertise Request | Information and data stream management to fight against (cyber)crime and terrorism (SU-FCT03-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Disy Informationssysteme GmbH is a 20+ years old, 100+ employees, software systems and services provider exclusively working in the eGovernment market. Disy is specialized on geo data management, geo data processing and geospatial intelligence for big spatial data. Disy is working for a number of German police organizations at the National and the Federal State level in Germany. We are interested in smart data analytics for large, streaming, heterogeneous data including spatial aspects. | |||||||||||
17/12/2019 | Alum SA | Romania | Expertise Request | Raw materials innovation actions: exploration and Earth observation in support of sustainable mining (SC5-10-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Alum Tulcea is the sole alumina refinery in Romania, with a capacity production of 600,000 tpy. The main products are: Calcined Alumina (Al2O3), which is mainly used in metallurgy for aluminium smelting, based on electrolysis process; and Alumium Hydrate – Al(OH)3, which is produced based on Bayer process, where the main raw material is bauxite. Aluminium hydrate is used as raw material for the following applications: glasses, ceramics, refractory, production of various chemicals used in water |
17/12/2019 | Centre Technique de Plasturgie et de Caoutchouc | Morocco | Expertise Request | Integrated design concepts for energy-efficient ICT in buildings (LC-SC3-B4E-5-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
CTPC is Morrocan non-profit technical center of plastics and rubber Experts in the development of new products related to the plastics industry by improving the properties of materials With a PhD level team, engineers, and technicians, we can help you as a plastic expert, by offering your project maximum visibility through the studies and analysis and identifying the different possible ways to exploit plastic waste | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | AGENCIA DE SERVICIOS SOCIALES Y DEPENDENCIA DE ANDALUCIA | Spain | Expertise Request | Scaling up innovation for active and healthy ageing (SC1-HCC-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The Andalusian Agency for Social Services and Dependency (ASSDA) is a public agency stemming from the Regional Government of Andalusia that provides an extensive range of social services aiming to promote and develop dependency and personal autonomy among elderly and dependent people. Among its main lines of action ASSDA provides the largest public telecare service in Europe with over 230.000 users and it has extensive experience in EU projects related to ICT and Healthy Ageing. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | Emayor Synersight Technologies SI | Spain | Expertise Request | An empowering, inclusive Next Generation Internet (ICT-57-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
A young team in search of new innovation projects where we can be able to contribute our knowledge, experience in 4.0 Industry, by manufacturing our own AGVs; collaborative robots, intralogistics automation solutions , navigation systems, software development etc | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Technologies for Process Industries (CSA) (DT-SPIRE-11-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD (architecturalspies.com, PIC 971664424, [email protected]), a R&D SME based in Varna, Bulgaria, offers its competences: architecture; digital modelling; BIM; 2D/3D data acquisition; photogrammetry; aerial (drone) photography; ortho-photo; GIS; thermal scanning; IoT; building performance analysis; energy-efficiency projects; digital reconstruction of cultural heritage; virtual museums; AR/VR; serious games, as well ensuring demonstration sites in Bulgaria. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | Smart Operation of Proactive Residential Buildings (IA) (LC-EEB-07-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD (architecturalspies.com, PIC 971664424, [email protected]), a R&D SME based in Varna, Bulgaria, offers its competences: architecture; digital modelling; BIM; 2D/3D data acquisition; photogrammetry; aerial (drone) photography; ortho-photo; GIS; thermal scanning; IoT; building performance analysis; energy-efficiency projects; digital reconstruction of cultural heritage; virtual museums; AR/VR; serious games, as well ensuring demonstration sites in Bulgaria. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | CONSULTORA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES OPTIVA MEDIA SL | Spain | Expertise Request | 5G PPP – 5G innovations for verticals with third party services (ICT-41-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Optiva Media is devoted to helping TV companies around the world make the most of their services. Our team of 170 professionals covers all areas of the TV space offering tailored solutions, suited to meet each customer’s needs, with a specialization in metadata management, operations and multi-device app development. We offer our more than 15 years of experience and our deep knowledge of Digital TV market to be the use case partner for a proposal in the TV/media vertical. [email protected] |
16/12/2019 | UNIVERSITAET GRAZ | Austria | Expertise Request | Innovative nature-based solutions for carbon neutral cities and improved air quality (LC-CLA-11-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
At the Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz of the University of Graz over a hundred researchers are investigating climate change and the economic, production-related, social, political and legal changes that are necessary for a sustainable transformation. We offer expertise in Physical Climate Research, Earth Sciences , Climate and Environmental Economics/Ethics/Law, Innovation and Sustainability Research, Biology and Chemistry. Please contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | Big data for buildings (LC-SC3-B4E-6-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD (architecturalspies.com, PIC 971664424, [email protected]), a R&D SME based in Varna, Bulgaria, offers its competences: architecture; digital modelling; BIM; 2D/3D data acquisition; photogrammetry; aerial (drone) photography; ortho-photo; GIS; thermal scanning; IoT; building performance analysis; energy-efficiency projects; digital reconstruction of cultural heritage; virtual museums; AR/VR; serious games, as well ensuring demonstration sites in Bulgaria. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | UNIVERSITAET GRAZ | Austria | Expertise Request | Monitoring ecosystems through research, innovation and technology (SC5-33-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
At the Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz of the University of Graz over a hundred researchers are investigating climate change and the economic, production-related, social, political and legal changes that are necessary for a sustainable transformation. We offer expertise in Physical Climate Research, Earth Sciences , Climate and Environmental Economics/Ethics/Law, Innovation and Sustainability Research, Biology and Chemistry. Please contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | Integrated design concepts for energy-efficient ICT in buildings (LC-SC3-B4E-5-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD (architecturalspies.com, PIC 971664424, [email protected]), a R&D SME based in Varna, Bulgaria, offers its competences: architecture; digital modelling; BIM; 2D/3D data acquisition; photogrammetry; aerial (drone) photography; ortho-photo; GIS; thermal scanning; IoT; building performance analysis; energy-efficiency projects; digital reconstruction of cultural heritage; virtual museums; AR/VR; serious games, as well ensuring demonstration sites in Bulgaria. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | Novel high performance materials and components (RIA) (LC-SPIRE-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD (architecturalspies.com, PIC 971664424, [email protected]), a R&D SME based in Varna, Bulgaria, offers its competences: architecture; digital modelling; BIM; 2D/3D data acquisition; photogrammetry; aerial (drone) photography; ortho-photo; GIS; thermal scanning; IoT; building performance analysis; energy-efficiency projects; digital reconstruction of cultural heritage; virtual museums; AR/VR; serious games, as well ensuring demonstration sites in Bulgaria. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | Innovation Training Center, S.L. | Spain | Expertise Request | Next Generation Internet of Things (ICT-56-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Our engineering team has extensive experience in the design, prototyping and manufacturing of parts/housings and action/moving mechanisms for sensors, instrumentation and mechatronics systems. We have experience in FP7 and H2020 projects and we would be very interested in collaborating with a consortium in our expertise areas. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | UNIVERSITAET GRAZ | Austria | Expertise Request | Advancing climate services (LC-CLA-12-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
At the Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz of the University of Graz over a hundred researchers are investigating climate change and the economic, production-related, social, political and legal changes that are necessary for a sustainable transformation. We offer expertise in Physical Climate Research, Earth Sciences , Climate and Environmental Economics/Ethics/Law, Innovation and Sustainability Research, Biology and Chemistry. Please contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | Self-assessment and self-optimisation of buildings and appliances for a better energy performance (LC-SC3-B4E-10-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD (architecturalspies.com, PIC 971664424, [email protected]), a R&D SME based in Varna, Bulgaria, offers its competences: architecture; digital modelling; BIM; 2D/3D data acquisition; photogrammetry; aerial (drone) photography; ortho-photo; GIS; thermal scanning; IoT; building performance analysis; energy-efficiency projects; digital reconstruction of cultural heritage; virtual museums; AR/VR; serious games, as well ensuring demonstration sites in Bulgaria. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD | Bulgaria | Expertise Request | European building stock data 4.0 (LC-SC3-B4E-7-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ARCHITECTURAL SPIES EOOD (architecturalspies.com, PIC 971664424, [email protected]), a R&D SME based in Varna, Bulgaria, offers its competences: architecture; digital modelling; BIM; 2D/3D data acquisition; photogrammetry; aerial (drone) photography; ortho-photo; GIS; thermal scanning; IoT; building performance analysis; energy-efficiency projects; digital reconstruction of cultural heritage; virtual museums; AR/VR; serious games, as well ensuring demonstration sites in Bulgaria. | |||||||||||
16/12/2019 | TEKNOPAR ENDUSTRIYEL OTOMASYON SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI | Turkey | Expertise Request | Energy-efficient manufacturing system management (IA) (DT-FOF-09-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
TEKNOPAR provides a wide range of services and end-to-end solutions where integrated applications of mechatronics, automation, electric-electronics, and information technologies have been supplied. TEKNOPAR provides OT systems in manufacturing and energy sectors with automation, control systems, SCADA and HMI components and ICT solutions with big data analytics, machine learning, AI and middleware development. Industrial end-users from TEKNOPAR's network can be introduced for use cases. |