Displaying 32651 - 32700 of 40012
Request date Sort ascending | Organisation name | Country | Search type | Topic | Link | ||||||
07/11/2019 | KORMANYZATI INFORMATIKAI FEJLESZTESI UGYNOKSEG | Hungary | Expertise Request | Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe (SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
KIFÜ (Governmental Agency for IT Development) operates the NREN in Hungary. Besides the standard data network services, we offer a broad set of services to other public institutions. KIFÜ has experience in H2020 and FP7 projects focusing on network development, HPC and digitisation, among others. We are motivated to join a consortium building on our expertise in cyber security issues . Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | GRANT GARANT SRO | Czech Republic | Expertise Request | Space hubs (support to start-ups) (DT-SPACE-26-BIZ-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Empowering excellence and unlocking research potential. With over 175 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 150 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: exploitation & tech transfer counselling, research mgmt capacity building & intl networking support, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, proposal development, and innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | ALMENDE BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Self-assessment and self-optimisation of buildings and appliances for a better energy performance (LC-SC3-B4E-10-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Almende is a Dutch SME based in Rotterdam, with over 20 years participating and leading R&D projects around the topic of self-organization and complex systems. Our expertise is in software and architecture development, AI, and data analysis. We have developed a sensor/actuator in-house which can be used to monitor and control legacy equipment to gather fine-grained energy usage data and implement energy performance strategies. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | FUNDACION SANTA MARIA LA REAL DEL PATRIMONIO HISTORICO | Spain | Expertise Request | Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
More than 4 decades working on the implementation of projects and initiatives based on heritage, landscape and people. We work on the study, conservation and divulgation of social, natural and cultural heritage. Strong expertise in monitoring and digitalization of CH (mhsproject.com), territorial development, new uses and rehabilitation of CH, social innovation (Launching Pads for Employment), institute for social leadership, smart tourist destinations, creation of PPPs... | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services (DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
"Digital divide and seniors” research group has more than 10 years’ experience in the relationship of seniors with ICT in its different ways, especially those of a digital nature. We are an interdisciplinary research team with specialists in the field of communication, ICT, Political Theory and Political Law, research methodologies and social networks. Our scopes of research include funded projects about Digital literacy for seniors, E-government and seniors, or digital vulnerability of seniors | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | ALMENDE BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Next Generation Internet of Things (ICT-56-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Almende is a Dutch SME based in Rotterdam, with over 20 years participating and leading R&D projects around the topic of self-organization and complex systems. Our expertise is in software and architecture development, AI, and data analysis. One of our spin-offs is exclusively working on development of IoT devices (software + hardware). We are looking to collaborate in projects that focus around distributed AI (or AI-on-edge), IoT security, and open collaboration infrastructures. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | GRANT GARANT SRO | Czech Republic | Expertise Request | Mentoring scheme for schools: mainstreaming innovation by spreading the advanced ICT-based teaching practices to a wide circle of schools (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-21-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Empowering excellence and unlocking research potential. With over 175 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 150 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: exploitation & tech transfer counselling, research mgmt capacity building & intl networking support, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, proposal development, and innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | ALMENDE BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Consumer engagement and demand response (LC-SC3-EC-3-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Almende is a Dutch SME based in Rotterdam, with over 20 years participating and leading R&D projects around the topic of self-organization and complex systems. Our expertise is in software and architecture development, AI, and data analysis. We have developed a sensor/actuator in-house which can be used to monitor and control legacy equipment to gather fine-grained energy usage data and implement energy performance strategies, such as peak shaving or load balancing. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | GRANT GARANT SRO | Czech Republic | Expertise Request | Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Empowering excellence and unlocking research potential. With over 175 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 150 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: exploitation & tech transfer counselling, research mgmt capacity building & intl networking support, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, proposal development, and innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO-CEU | Spain | Expertise Request | Citizen-centric public services in local and regional administrations (DT-GOVERNANCE-22-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
"Digital divide and seniors” research group has more than 10 years’ experience in the relationship of seniors with ICT in its different ways, especially those of a digital nature. We are an interdisciplinary research team with specialists in the field of communication, ICT, Political Theory and Political Law, research methodologies and social networks. Our scopes of research include funded projects about Digital literacy for seniors, E-government and seniors, or digital vulnerability of seniors. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | ALMENDE BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Smart Operation of Proactive Residential Buildings (IA) (LC-EEB-07-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Almende is a Dutch SME based in Rotterdam, with over 20 years participating and leading R&D projects around the topic of self-organization and complex systems. Our expertise is in software and architecture development, AI, and data analysis. We have developed a sensor/actuator in-house which can be used to monitor and control legacy equipment to gather fine-grained energy usage data and implement energy performance strategies, such as peak shaving or load balancing. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | GRANT GARANT SRO | Czech Republic | Expertise Request | Satellite communication technologies (SPACE-29-TEC-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Empowering excellence and unlocking research potential. With over 175 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 150 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: exploitation & tech transfer counselling, research mgmt capacity building & intl networking support, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, proposal development, and innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | ALMENDE BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Software Technologies (ICT-50-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Almende is a Dutch SME based in Rotterdam, with over 20 years participating and leading R&D projects around the topic of self-organization and complex systems. Our expertise is in software and architecture development, AI, and data analysis. We have past experience designing resilient, self-learning and self-optimizing software systems, and are looking to collaborate in projects that aim to further these insights. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | FUNDACION SANTA MARIA LA REAL DEL PATRIMONIO HISTORICO | Spain | Expertise Request | European Competence Centre for the preservation and conservation of Monuments and Site (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-20-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We have been working >40 years in CH management, conservation and predictive maintenance, also using ICTs (as our monitoring heritage system mhsproject.com). Our CH Department works in CH areas, buildings, historic centres, master plans, cultural landscapes... We propose models for adaptive reuse of CH. We can provide historians, architects, historians and engineers with a strong expertise in CH and also PMP experts. We are constantly digitizing our services. www.santamarialareal.org | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | ALMENDE BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Integrated design concepts for energy-efficient ICT in buildings (LC-SC3-B4E-5-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Almende is a Dutch SME based in Rotterdam, with over 20 years participating and leading R&D projects around the topic of self-organization and complex systems. Our expertise is in software and architecture development, AI, and data analysis. We have developed a sensor/actuator in-house which can be used to monitor and control legacy equipment to gather fine-grained energy usage data and implement energy performance strategies. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | KORMANYZATI INFORMATIKAI FEJLESZTESI UGYNOKSEG | Hungary | Expertise Request | Pilot on using the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations (DT-GOVERNANCE-12-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
KIFÜ (Governmental Agency for IT Development) operates the NREN in Hungary. Besides the standard data network services, we offer a broad set of services to other public institutions. KIFÜ has experience in H2020 and FP7 projects focusing on network development, HPC and digitisation, among others. We are motivated to join a consortium for this pilot building on our expertise in cloud infrastructure and public administration projects . Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | MV WERFTEN WISMAR GMBH | Germany | Expertise Request | Quality control in smart manufacturing (IA) (DT-FOF-11-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Shipyard Group specializing in the production of highly complex and large cruise ships. We offer vast experience and opportunity as end-users for requirements definition, development and demonstration of smart and digital Technologies. Accuracy control and management is a major, though not the only challenge in producing large ships. We work on the integration of various measurement technologies into our production lines, data analysis, process optimization as well as quality management. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | GRANT GARANT SRO | Czech Republic | Expertise Request | To set up a digital accessibility observatory as a forum to take stock of market and technological developments, monitor progress in digital accessibility and provide opportunities for exchange of best practices (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-23-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Empowering excellence and unlocking research potential. With over 175 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 150 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: exploitation & tech transfer counselling, research mgmt capacity building & intl networking support, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, proposal development, and innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | FUNDACIO UNIVERSITARIA BALMES | Spain | Expertise Request | Scaling up innovation for active and healthy ageing (SC1-HCC-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The research group on Methodology, Methods, Models and Outcomes of Health and Social Sciences is a multidisciplinary group of researchers that investigate health from a holistic, social, multidisciplinary, integrative, interuniversity and international perspective. Health policies, evidence-based practice and results in health, nutrition, well-being, healthy aging or functional diversity are some of the studied topics. [email protected] | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | ALMENDE BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Almende is a Dutch SME based in Rotterdam, with over 20 years participating and leading R&D projects around the topic of self-organization and complex systems. Our expertise is in software and architecture development, AI, and data analysis. We have worked with cultural heritage data previously and have experience in creating scalable and intuitive data structures. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | GRANT GARANT SRO | Czech Republic | Expertise Request | Big data technologies and Artificial Intelligence for Copernicus (DT-SPACE-25-EO-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Empowering excellence and unlocking research potential. With over 175 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 150 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: exploitation & tech transfer counselling, research mgmt capacity building & intl networking support, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, proposal development, and innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | ALMENDE BV | Netherlands | Expertise Request | Digital Building Twins (RIA) (LC-EEB-08-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Almende is a Dutch SME based in Rotterdam, with over 20 years participating and leading R&D projects around the topic of self-organization and complex systems. Our expertise is in software and architecture development, AI, and data analysis. We have developed a sensor/actuator in-house which can be used to monitor and control legacy equipment to gather fine-grained data useful in creating digital twins of specific building components or sections. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | GRANT GARANT SRO | Czech Republic | Expertise Request | Scientific data exploitation (SPACE-30-SCI-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Empowering excellence and unlocking research potential. With over 175 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 150 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: exploitation & tech transfer counselling, research mgmt capacity building & intl networking support, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, proposal development, and innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | KORMANYZATI INFORMATIKAI FEJLESZTESI UGYNOKSEG | Hungary | Expertise Request | New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services (DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
KIFÜ (Governmental Agency for IT Development) operates the NREN in Hungary. Besides the standard data network services, we offer a broad set of services to other public institutions. KIFÜ has experience in H2020 and FP7 projects focusing on network development, HPC and digitisation, among others. We are motivated to join a consortium building on our expertise in public services projects . Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | KASPERSKY LAB ITALIA SRL | Italy | Expertise Request | Software Technologies (ICT-50-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Cybersecurity provider | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | GRANT GARANT SRO | Czech Republic | Expertise Request | European Competence Centre for the preservation and conservation of Monuments and Site (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-20-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Empowering excellence and unlocking research potential. With over 175 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 150 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: exploitation & tech transfer counselling, research mgmt capacity building & intl networking support, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, proposal development, and innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region. | |||||||||||
07/11/2019 | TOPRAK AKILLI CEPHE SISTEMLERI MUHENDISLIK LTD STI | Turkey | Expertise Request | Integrated design concepts for energy-efficient ICT in buildings (LC-SC3-B4E-5-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Although we are a small R&D company, we developed the first "adaptive façade" fully integrated with central HVAC sytem. The system is called "SMART FACADE" and details can be found on the web site (www.akillicephe.com). As a project partner, we can provide consultancy and design services for integrating the building facade with the HVAC system and renewable energy sources. We can make economic life and cost analysis of these system options. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | ACTIONAID INTERNATIONAL ITALIA ONLUS | Italy | Expertise Request | New forms of delivering public goods and inclusive public services (DT-GOVERNANCE-05-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ActionAid Italia is an independent organization that promotes rights through monitoring, empowerment and advocacy actions. AAIT works to improve institutional accountability and transparency through civic monitoring and capacity building of institutions for the adoption of more open and inclusive information sharing systems, and decision-making processes and procedures. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | incentivimpresa | Italy | Expertise Request | Big data technologies and Artificial Intelligence for Copernicus (DT-SPACE-25-EO-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Incentivimpresa - https://www.incentivimpresa.it/ - is a consulting company specialized in the drafting of Horizon 2020 projects and in research and innovation projects, and in digital marketing activities. We offer project writing support, digital marketing activities such as web marketing, advertising campaigns, social media and SEO and support in dissemination and communication activities Contact us to please [email protected] or [email protected] |
06/11/2019 | INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS | Tunisia | Expertise Request | Supporting deployment of eHealth in low and lower middle income countries in Africa for better health outcomes (SC1-HCC-09-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Institut Pasteur de Tunis is a public health institution under the authority of the Ministry of Health and it is the first research institution in biomedical science. Research fields are focused on infectious diseases, including zoonotic and vector-borne diseases. IPT is an international center for vaccination and a center for rabies treatment and vaccination and also the unique public vaccines and therapeutic sera manufacturing facility in Tunisia. We are looking for active partnerships. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | Vela Energy Asset Management SL | Spain | Expertise Request | Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands) (LC-SC3-ES-3-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Vela Energy owns one of the largest PV portfolios in Spain. and operates, mantains and manages one of the largest in Europe, including the largest PV plant of 490 MW in Mula, Spain. We are experts in O&M and asset management, and at present time we are looking for new PV and Storage projects as end-user. We own and operate PV plants in spanish islands (geographic and energy islands) which could be interesting regarding this call | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS | Tunisia | Expertise Request | AI for Genomics and Personalised Medicine (DT-TDS-04-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Institut Pasteur de Tunis is a public health institution under the authority of the Ministry of Health and it is the first research institution in biomedical science. Research fields are focused on infectious diseases, including zoonotic and vector-borne diseases. IPT is an international center for vaccination and a center for rabies treatment and vaccination and also the unique public vaccines and therapeutic sera manufacturing facility in Tunisia. We are looking for active partnerships. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | NODIBINAJUMS VENTSPILS AUGSTO TEHNOLOGIJU PARKS | Latvia | Expertise Request | Photonics Innovation Hubs (DT-ICT-04-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Ventspils High Technology Park (VHTP) has an Digital Innovation Hub in Ventspils, Latvia (Eastern Europe). VHTP works with manufacturing companies to help them digitize through automation and robotics, but not limited to these technologies. We would like to show an interest to be partners of consortium tackling Photonics Innovation Hubs. We can help providing input for the proposal. Please be free to contact us. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | ACTIONAID INTERNATIONAL ITALIA ONLUS | Italy | Expertise Request | Transformative impact of disruptive technologies in public services (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2018-2019-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
ActionAid Italia works to improve institutional accountability and transparency through civic monitoring and capacity building of institutions for the adoption of more open and inclusive information sharing systems, and decision-making processes. AAIT works with different stakeholders to promote spaces for the active participation of citizens. It focuses on improving rights awareness and empower individuals and groups so that they are able to advocate for the respect of their rights. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | ENGINSOFT SPA | Italy | Expertise Request | 5G PPP – 5G core technologies innovation (ICT-42-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
EnginSoft is a premier consulting firm in Simulation Based Engineering Science. ES contributes in the field of design and characterization, through numerical simulation of phase array antenna, millimeter wave devices and subsystems, in a realistic operational scenario. Investigation could be developed in a large scale of domains, from components and devices to platforms and scenarios, across the evaluation of EM field interoperability and integration issues. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | Natur- und Geopark Steirische Eisenwurzen GmbH | Austria | Expertise Request | Monitoring ecosystems through research, innovation and technology (SC5-33-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
The Nature and Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen Ltd. is situated in the middle of Austria in the Northern Limestone alps. The rural area of the Nature and Geopark covers over 580 km² and about 6000 people live in the four included municipalities. The organization is working on nature protection, sustainable development and tourism as well as education. A lot of projects are realized and ongoing covering geodiversity, culture, biodiversity and scientific research. More information: www.eisenwurzen.com | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | Vela Energy Asset Management SL | Spain | Expertise Request | Decarbonising energy systems of geographical Islands (LC-SC3-ES-4-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Vela Energy owns one of the largest PV portfolios in Spain. and operates, mantains and manages one of the largest in Europe, including the largest PV plant of 490 MW in Mula, Spain. We are experts in O&M and asset management, and at present time we are looking for new PV and Storage projects as end-user. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | NODIBINAJUMS VENTSPILS AUGSTO TEHNOLOGIJU PARKS | Latvia | Expertise Request | International partnership building between European and African innovation hubs (ICT-58-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Ventspils High Technology Park (VHTP) has an Digital Innovation Hub in Ventspils, Latvia (Eastern Europe). VHTP works with manufacturing companies to help them digitize through automation and robotics, but not limited to these technologies. We would like to show an interest to be partners of consortium tackling European and African partnership in innovation hubs. We can help providing input for the proposal. Please be free to contact us. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies | India | Expertise Request | AI for Health Imaging (DT-TDS-05-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
NMIMS is the one of the top ranking multi-disciplinary University. We are having expertise in implementing AI solutions and big data analytics for healthcare. I will be happy to be part of the proposed consortium. We have implemented the EHR (http://ehr.iedcshirpur.com/portal) system which can be further developed into call specific predictive analytics and surveillance platform. We are looking for the consortium coordinator. Interested collaborators please contact for further discussion. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | NODIBINAJUMS VENTSPILS AUGSTO TEHNOLOGIJU PARKS | Latvia | Expertise Request | Big Data Innovation Hubs (DT-ICT-05-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Ventspils High Technology Park (VHTP) has an Digital Innovation Hub in Ventspils, Latvia (Eastern Europe). VHTP works with manufacturing companies to help them digitize through automation and robotics, but not limited to these technologies. We would like to show an interest to be partners of consortium tackling Big Data Innovation Hubs. We can help providing input for the proposal. Please be free to contact us. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS | Tunisia | Expertise Request | Integrating Activities for Starting Communities (INFRAIA-02-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Institut Pasteur de Tunis is a public health institution under the authority of the Ministry of Health and it is the first research institution in biomedical science. Research fields are focused on infectious diseases, including zoonotic and vector-borne diseases. IPT is an international center for vaccination and a center for rabies treatment and vaccination and also the unique public vaccines and therapeutic sera manufacturing facility in Tunisia. We are looking for active partnerships. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | KORMANYZATI INFORMATIKAI FEJLESZTESI UGYNOKSEG | Hungary | Expertise Request | Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
KIFÜ (Governmental Agency for IT Development) operates the NREN in Hungary. Besides the standard data network services, we offer a broad set of services to the scientific user community including cultural heritage institutions. KIFÜ has experience in H2020 and FP7 projects focusing on network development, HPC and digitisation, among others. Building on our expertise in digitisation and IT systems in libraries we are motivated to join a consortium. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies | India | Expertise Request | AI for Genomics and Personalised Medicine (DT-TDS-04-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
NMIMS is the one of the top ranking multi-disciplinary University. We are having expertise in implementing AI solutions and big data analytics for healthcare. I will be happy to be part of the proposed consortium. We have implemented the EHR (http://ehr.iedcshirpur.com/portal) system which can be further developed into genomics data platform. kindly contact me for possible collaboration Santosh Bothe Professor and Head Innovative Entrepreneurship Development Center [email protected] |
06/11/2019 | INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS | Tunisia | Expertise Request | Coordination and Support to better data and secure cross-border digital infrastructures building on European capacities for genomics and personalised medicine (SC1-HCC-06-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Institut Pasteur de Tunis is a public health institution under the authority of the Ministry of Health and it is the first research institution in biomedical science. Research fields are focused on infectious diseases, including zoonotic and vector-borne diseases. IPT is an international center for vaccination and a center for rabies treatment and vaccination and also the unique public vaccines and therapeutic sera manufacturing facility in Tunisia. We are looking for active partnerships. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | NODIBINAJUMS VENTSPILS AUGSTO TEHNOLOGIJU PARKS | Latvia | Expertise Request | I4MS (phase 4) - uptake of digital game changers (DT-ICT-03-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Ventspils High Technology Park (VHTP) has an Digital Innovation Hub in Ventspils, Latvia (Eastern Europe). VHTP works with manufacturing companies to help them digitize through automation and robotics, but not limited to these technologies. We would like to show an interest to be partners of consortium tackling Digital Game Changers. We can help providing input for the proposal. Please be free to contact us. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS | Tunisia | Expertise Request | Multi-omics for genotype-phenotype associations (RIA) (BIOTEC-07-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Institut Pasteur de Tunis is a public health institution under the authority of the Ministry of Health and it is the first research institution in biomedical science. Research fields are focused on infectious diseases, including zoonotic and vector-borne diseases. IPT is an international center for vaccination and a center for rabies treatment and vaccination and also the unique public vaccines and therapeutic sera manufacturing facility in Tunisia. We are looking for active partnerships. | |||||||||||
06/11/2019 | SCIPEDIA SL | Spain | Expertise Request | Mentoring scheme for schools: mainstreaming innovation by spreading the advanced ICT-based teaching practices to a wide circle of schools (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-21-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Scipedia is the developer of an innovative collaborative platform (TeamUP by Scipedia), which offers a fully customizable social-network-based solution. Our technology is based on the integration of data management, online publishing and social network services that can be easily be adapted to provide open collaboration services in different fields. We offer our technology to create a collaborative web-platform for the pan-European network of schools to be developed within this call. | |||||||||||
05/11/2019 | Electrical and Electronics Exporters' Association | Turkey | Expertise Request | Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands) (LC-SC3-ES-3-2018-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
We are semi-governmental export association with 7 sub-association. Sectors IMMIB operates are minerals, natural stones, chemicals and chemical products, plastic, ferrous and nonferrous metals, electrical/electronics, cosmetics, jewelry, all kind of services and many more. IMMIB is also a trustworthy partner and leading dissemination partner for H2020 projects with its 24000 Members, more than 20.000 of them being SMES providing a unique network. Contact: [email protected] | |||||||||||
05/11/2019 | ROOTER ANALYSIS SL | Spain | Expertise Request | Next Generation Internet of Things (ICT-56-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Rooter provides Legal consultancy services about Data & Privacy Protection and Ethics in Innovation projects (GDPR complience). We are experts in Business Modeling in projects about A.I, Voice Recognition, Data & Privacy, etc.. Rooter has participated in different EU H2020 projects as Apps4Europe, EUDECO, COMPRISE and ZDMPD We also have an Education&Training area, developing Digital Contents for MOOCs, On Line Courses,.. More than 350,000 students in collaboration with big Univ. and Companies | |||||||||||
05/11/2019 | ROOTER ANALYSIS SL | Spain | Expertise Request | Next Generation Media (ICT-44-2020) | F&T portal | ||||||
Rooter provides Legal consultancy services about Data & Privacy Protection and Ethics in Innovation projects (GDPR complience). We are experts in Business Modeling in projects about A.I, Voice Recognition, Data & Privacy, etc.. Rooter has participated in different EU H2020 projects as Apps4Europe, EUDECO, COMPRISE and ZDMPD We also have an Education&Training area, developing Digital Contents for MOOCs, On Line Courses,.. More than 350,000 students in collaboration with big Univ. and Companies |