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Displaying 35551 - 35600 of 40018
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29/04/2019 MATERIALS RESEARCH CENTER Ukraine Expertise Request FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking (FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
MRC is r&d Ukrainian SME with about 25 years history. Currently our company participates in several Horizon 2020 projects having strong experience in engineering design, materials engineering, technology development and synthesis of innovative nanomaterials for different applications.
We offer expertise in novel 2D materials MXenes and their composites, nanodiamonds, nano and mesoporous carbide-derived carbons CDCs for biomedical, energy and sensor applications.
29/04/2019 COBA Denmark Expertise Request Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment (LC-SC3-EE-4-2019-2020) F&T portal
We offer expertise in modeling and non/linear control design, simulations and analysis for a range of industrial processes and applications. We employ systematic control design methods, step-by-step model development, model reduction, Matlab simulations and test. We use traditional control design, adaptive, optimal, digital, multivariable and nonlinear methods, to enforce stability, tracking and disturbance rejection. Applications in parameter estimation, and in system optimization/diagnostics.
28/04/2019 Liacom Systems Israel Expertise Request Digital Security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Enterprises (SU-DS03-2019-2020) F&T portal
Liacom Systems is a systems engineering and development company focusing on IT, infrastructure and development of cyber specialized solutions. Liacom Systems possessed vast experience in design and implementation of Cyber solutions.
27/04/2019 SENSICHIPS SRL Italy Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
SENSICHIPS has developed a miniaturized, low power microsensor platform for wearable, handheld or large area distributed and detection of suspicious chemicals both in air and in water.
The sensors can help detecting the presence of chemicals used to fabricate drugs, explosive, or can detect alcohol, tobacco and other smuggled materials.
See demo at:
25/04/2019 Rtone France Expertise Request Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems (SU-ICT-02-2020) F&T portal
Rtone delivers turnkey connected solutions to smart and connected product manufacturers. Its "one-stop shop" approach offers you a more secure and quicker transition towards IoT business and connectivity. Thanks to strong internal expertise in electronics & software, Rtone can be your partner to tackle a new IoT Business.
By following the security by design approach, our team is able to develop the most secure version of your product.
25/04/2019 DIGITALIZATION AND INTEGRATION OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES Bulgaria Expertise Request EIC Transition to Innovation Activities (FETPROACT-EIC-06-2019) F&T portal
DINT is established in Bulgaria. It functions as a non-for-profit and plays a key role in linking Academia with Industry in the field of entrepreneurship and SME support. DINT can support projects offering its expertise in testing, disseminating and providing training to any target group in Bulgaria.
24/04/2019 ELEKTRONIKAS UN DATORZINATNU INSTITUTS Latvia Expertise Request Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems (SU-ICT-02-2020) F&T portal

Main field of expertise is Smart Embedded Connected Systems – with emphasis on signal and image processing in embedded and cyber-physical systems. Specialization in data fusion, hardware and software prototyping, wireless sensor networks, intelligent and embedded devices/systems, development of sensors, neural networks, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, FPGA, SoC, ultra-wideband communications, extremely precise event timing (
24/04/2019 VINOTION BV Netherlands Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
Specialized in video analysis to analyze the behavior of objects using AI. Our products for crowd and traffic management are deployed in the market (TRL 7) but can also be exploited for smart video surveillance with data delivery through interconnection of smart systems and infrastructures. Our AI hardware comprises a compact low-power video analysis device for embedding in a sensor or can be centralized in server room. We also offer our established relations with cities in NL for fieldlabs.
24/04/2019 ELEKTRONIKAS UN DATORZINATNU INSTITUTS Latvia Expertise Request Developing and testing shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicle fleets in urban areas for the mobility of all (DT-ART-04-2019) F&T portal
Self driving and connected cars hardware and algorithm development. Ecosystem (Test Track) for self-driving and connected car testing. Self-driving car and V2X communication algorithm development. ETSI ITS-G5 compatible fail-aware and fail-operational V2X communication device (for on-vehicle units and roadside units). Mini In-door environment for self-driving car algorithm tests (at 1:18 scale). Drive-by-Wire vehicle customization kits.
24/04/2019 National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Thailand Expertise Request FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking (FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
We are a group of researchers from Thailand, Austria and the UK who want to develop a new point-of-care sensor for viruses. Each member of our consortium comes from a different background in molecular biology and biosensing research. We're looking for a partner who has expertise in electronics to develop a portable device that can be used as an incubator (40-70oC) and also as a real-time fluorescence detector. If you are interested, please reach out to Pak Khumwan at
24/04/2019 IDAERO SL Spain Expertise Request SME instrument (EIC-SMEINST-2018-2020) F&T portal
Idaero is a private company that provides programming services for engineering applications.
We also have developed own products related to FEM structural analysis.
With huge expertise in Aerospace also in structural design and analysis, we can develop mechanical validation of products.
We are looking to participate in consortium where programming capabilities or mechanical engineering is needed.
23/04/2019 dida Datenschmiede GmbH Germany Expertise Request Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment (SC1-DTH-01-2019) F&T portal
We are a Machine Learning company specialized in building Computer Vision applications, with a focus on satellite imagery and radar data. We are searching for experienced H2020 applicants who have been funded in the past and bring in the necessary domain experience in this field.
23/04/2019 MAPPINA Italy Expertise Request Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) (EIC-FTI-2018-2020) F&T portal
Platform 4 collaborative digital storytelling projects by locating multimedia contents and data on interactive maps. The platform stimulates the sharing, reuse and personalization of the experience and plays on the possibility of integrating additional services such as push and gamification notifications together with AI-based analysis tools (Identifying landmarks & Text, Labelling Image)
23/04/2019 Nucleon Security France Expertise Request Digital Security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Enterprises (SU-DS03-2019-2020) F&T portal
Nucleon Security provide Endpoint security and vulnerability management products for SMB & ME. Our Endpoint security solution is based on an innovative paradigm that insure the protection of the company data even after a cyberattack using a ransomware for exemple. Our solutions are MSSP ready and we are looking for a partner with strong cloud capabilities in order to deploye our products on a large scale. thus, the SMBs & MEs can profit from a conslidated plateform with a low budget.
23/04/2019 Wise Birds Network Limited United Kingdom Expertise Request SME instrument (EIC-SMEINST-2018-2020) F&T portal
Wise Bird Network Ltd provides expert knowledge & experience in creative, textiles & fashion business, from sourcing to market access. WBN Consultancy Constellations combine skills to create credible business models for SME growth in textiles/craft/apparel. We understand the technology & value drivers within B2B and B2C value chains, combining design knowledge with business expertise to grow markets within a feasible triple bottom line business model.
23/04/2019 CYPE SOFT SL Spain Expertise Request Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems (SU-ICT-02-2020) F&T portal
CYPE is a Spanish research intensive SME dedicated to the development of technical software for Architecture, Engineering and Construction professionals. Solutions based in open formats for many different areas (BIM, energy efficiency, structures, architecture, acoustics, MEP, cost estimation, fire protection, lighting, gas, urban planning, telecommunications, retrofitting, health & safety, CDE, etc.) Currently CYPE software is used worldwide by more than 80,000 users in more than 60 countries
22/04/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities (FETPROACT-EIC-05-2019) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in H2020. As a SME located in Austria, we are focusing on research, innovation and technology. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of social scientists, engineers, technologists, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results to tackle the core challenges of our time. We are also skilled in coordinating strong consortia, research communication, dissemination, and exploitation.
22/04/2019 2W2E GmbH Switzerland Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
2w2e is an independent Swiss consulting company in the field of energy, climate change and extreme event analysis. Our paper from EU project about water resources of Europe is the most downloaded and most cited paper of all the time in the journal of hydrology! Our products: SWAT-CUP (developed by Dr. Abbaspour), Climate Change Toolkit, Flood Forecast. Online monitoring system:
22/04/2019 SYNYO GmbH Austria Expertise Request EIC Transition to Innovation Activities (FETPROACT-EIC-06-2019) F&T portal
SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience in H2020. As a SME located in Austria, we are focusing on research, innovation and technology. Our interdisciplinary team consisting of social scientists, engineers, technologists, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results to tackle the core challenges of our time. We are also skilled in coordinating strong consortia, research communication, dissemination, and exploitation.
22/04/2019 East Africa Youth Exchange Kenya Expertise Request Support for the large scale uptake of open service platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing domain (SC1-HCC-02-2019) F&T portal
New Institute of Entrepreneurship Development is a Small Medium Enterprise (SME) involved in research and development with a rich background of research in the area of entrepreneurship.
The organization recognizes that entrepreneurship is a crucial factor for the development and cohesion of societies. Therefore, we develop research and provide innovative solutions towards the growth of healthy entrepreneurship and employment opportunities,
22/04/2019 INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE DELTA DUNARII Romania Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI) is conducting fundamental and applied research for scientific support of the wetland areas, with particular focus on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. DDNI focuses on: modeling of aquatic ecosystems; system analysis; harmonization of socio-economic interests with the concept of conservation of natural capital; GIS; scenarios analysis; ecosystem services; participatory testing of innovative methodologies etc
21/04/2019 Nueva Mater Dei Spain Expertise Request Large Scale pilots of personalised & outcome based integrated care (SC1-DTH-11-2019) F&T portal
Nueva Mater Dei is an authorized, private-nursing home of integral care to elderly people. Our main objective is to offer a quality of life as high as possible, encourage autonomy, welfare, personal development and coexistence between our residents.The entire complex has 5.000 m2. It is made up of large gardens to walk in nearby.Nueva Mater Dei provides special attention to prevention and empowers health care through personalized programs. Expertise offer: Pilots at Nueva Mater Dei
21/04/2019 Nueva Mater Dei Spain Expertise Request Scaling up the univocal Identification of Medicinal Products (SC1-DTH-09-2019) F&T portal
Nueva Mater Dei is an authorized, private-nursing home of integral care to elderly people. Our main objective is to offer a quality of life as high as possible, encourage autonomy, welfare, personal development and coexistence between our residents.The entire complex has 5.000 m2. It is made up of large gardens to walk in nearby.Nueva Mater Dei provides special attention to prevention and empowers health care through personalized programs. Expertise offer: Pilot at Nueva Mater Dei.
20/04/2019 ONCOCHAIN S.R.L. Romania Expertise Request Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment (SC1-DTH-01-2019) F&T portal
Harvesting cloud computing, blockchain and AI technologies, OncoChain aims to improve the quality of medical care for patients with oncological problems by creating a framework to facilitate the provision of patient-centered medical services.
Our products improve clinical management for providers and also include a platform for centralizing, reporting and managing medical information, with the potential to generate data that can be used in trials and fundamental research.
19/04/2019 FONDAZIONE MONDO DIGITALE Italy Expertise Request Digital Security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Enterprises (SU-DS03-2019-2020) F&T portal
Fondazione Mondo Digitale legal entity based in Rome, promoting social learning, social innovation and inclusion, piloting innovative ICT related methodologies and solutions and enabling citizens to assess the risk involved in their digital activities.
19/04/2019 FONDAZIONE MONDO DIGITALE Italy Expertise Request An inclusive digitally interconnected transport system meeting citizens' needs (MG-4-5-2019) F&T portal
Fondazione Mondo Digitale non-profit legal entity based in Rome. aiming to enhance opportunities for all members of society to benefit from digitization, in particular, vulnerable-to-exclusion citizens such as elderly, low-income, disabled or migrants, marginalized youth.
19/04/2019 FONDAZIONE MONDO DIGITALE Italy Expertise Request Large scale implementation of digital innovation for health and care in an ageing society (SC1-DTH-05-2019) F&T portal
Fondazione Mondo Digitale non-profit legal entity based in Rome promoting social learning, social innovation and e-inclusion with special attention to categories at risk of social exclusion. FMD initiatives focus on ICT for accessibility and inclusion, and involve, among others, seniors’ citizens in collaboration with research centers and organisations piloting innovative ICT-based solutions for active and healthy ageing
19/04/2019 ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE DE L'UNIVERSITE Belgium Expertise Request The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions (LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
The EUA Energy & Environment Platform (EUA-EPUE) connects EUA members and other stakeholders active in energy and environment research, education and innovation and represents universities in EU energy and climate policy. EUA`s expertise is in three main broad areas for energy and environment: (1) mapping activities for R&I and industrial stakeholders, (2) organisation of workshops and events and (3) coordination of scientific advice.
18/04/2019 HOP UBIQUITOUS SL Spain Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
HOP Ubiquitous is expert in Smart Cities domain with Open Platforms experience and first responders support (Civil protection, police, fire fighters) and also data management via Standards as EENA/112, NGSI-LD etc. Our interest is to support with crowd monitoring / affluence, sensing capabilities for toxic gases, communications tools with citizens / public authorities and support for engaging end-users. HOP Ubiquitous has previous EU experiences about these topics and own products.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Demonstration of applied solutions to enhance border and external security (SU-BES03-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe (SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 FUNDACION BANCARIA IBERCAJA Spain Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
Looking for partners for a 3 days seminar in Saragossa (SPAIN) focused on:
1.Innovative methodologies for Road Safety education for youth.
2.Europe needs to bridge gap between education supply and current labour market demand. The project will debate about ICT technologies (AI) in order to reduce skill mismatches in the market
We also would like to know if you are working on the elaboration of any proposal for next calls because we are very interested in collaborate in this topic
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Technologies for first responders (SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors (SU-DS05-2018-2019) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Technologies to enhance border and external security (SU-BES02-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems (SU-ICT-02-2020) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Digital Security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Enterprises (SU-DS03-2019-2020) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request SME instrument (EIC-SMEINST-2018-2020) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
17/04/2019 BIT MEDIA E-SOLUTIONS GMBH Austria Expertise Request Technologies to enhance the fight against crime and terrorism (SU-FCT02-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
bit media is one of Europe’s leading e-education providers and responsible for projects in the fields of education development and e-solutions all around the world. Founded in 2000, bit media has 50 highly qualified employees and a pool of 140 international experts supporting companies, public authorities and educational institutions worldwide in implementing digital learning and administration, e-government/justice and offering complementary e-content, consulting and training services.
16/04/2019 TURKOGLU BILGI VE ILETISIM TEKNOLOJILERI ULUSLARARASI TIC DAN LTD STI Turkey Expertise Request EIC Transition to Innovation Activities (FETPROACT-EIC-06-2019) F&T portal
We have Profanity WORDS TRACKING, DETECTION, AND PREVENTION SOFTWARE which already developed by us for Turkish language, funded by Turkish ministry of Technology, KOSGEB. (see at for details). the software has AI, ML features. we want to add all EU languages as much as possible. We are looking for SME and universities partners who has experience AI, ML on languages.
16/04/2019 XSENTRIKARTS PLATFORM FOR ARTS Austria Expertise Request Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors (SU-DS05-2018-2019) F&T portal
We're a platform with an emphasis on motion media projects. We work as the creative communication and dissemination partner for H2020, EU and Austrian funded projects; initiate research based multimedia projects; offer innovative visual expression techniques such as holographic image based storytelling and 360VR. We'd like to be the media and visual storytelling research partner, provide visual documentation, unique modes of expression and dissemination.
16/04/2019 XSENTRIKARTS PLATFORM FOR ARTS Austria Expertise Request An inclusive digitally interconnected transport system meeting citizens' needs (MG-4-5-2019) F&T portal
We're a platform with an emphasis on motion media projects. We work as the creative communication and dissemination partner for H2020, EU and Austrian funded projects; initiate research based multimedia projects; offer innovative visual expression techniques such as holographic image based storytelling and 360VR. We'd like to be the media and visual storytelling research partner, provide visual documentation, unique modes of expression and dissemination.
16/04/2019 XSENTRIKARTS PLATFORM FOR ARTS Austria Expertise Request Scaling up the univocal Identification of Medicinal Products (SC1-DTH-09-2019) F&T portal
We're a platform with an emphasis on motion media projects. We work as the creative communication and dissemination partner for H2020, EU and Austrian funded projects; initiate research based multimedia projects; offer innovative visual expression techniques such as holographic image based storytelling and 360VR. We'd like to be the media and visual storytelling research partner, provide visual documentation, unique modes of expression and dissemination.
16/04/2019 XSENTRIKARTS PLATFORM FOR ARTS Austria Expertise Request Information and data stream management to fight against (cyber)crime and terrorism (SU-FCT03-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
We're a platform with an emphasis on motion media projects. We work as the creative communication and dissemination partner for H2020, EU and Austrian funded projects; initiate research based multimedia projects; offer innovative visual expression techniques such as holographic image based storytelling and 360VR. We'd like to be the media and visual storytelling research partner, provide visual documentation, unique modes of expression and dissemination.
16/04/2019 XSENTRIKARTS PLATFORM FOR ARTS Austria Expertise Request Human centred design for the new driver role in highly automated vehicles (DT-ART-03-2019) F&T portal
We're a platform with an emphasis on motion media projects. We work as the creative communication and dissemination partner for H2020, EU and Austrian funded projects; initiate research based multimedia projects; offer innovative visual expression techniques such as holographic image based storytelling and 360VR. We'd like to be the media and visual storytelling research partner, provide visual documentation, unique modes of expression and dissemination.
16/04/2019 EUROPEAN ELECTRONIC MESSAGING ASSOCIATION AISBL Belgium Expertise Request Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors (SU-DS05-2018-2019) F&T portal
EEMA has an established and growing network throughout Europe providing the skills and expertise for successful projects. It is a European thought leader covering major digital topics and liaises with governments, policy makers, and research organisations throughout Europe. It brings projects, stakeholders and users to work together towards a common goal. EEMA offers you: expertise in Dissemination, Internal Communications, Technical Communications, Exploitation, Sustainability, and Ethics.

16/04/2019 XSENTRIKARTS PLATFORM FOR ARTS Austria Expertise Request Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment (SC1-DTH-01-2019) F&T portal
We're a platform with an emphasis on motion media projects. We work as the creative communication and dissemination partner for H2020, EU and Austrian funded projects; initiate research based multimedia projects; offer innovative visual expression techniques such as holographic image based storytelling and 360VR. We'd like to be the media and visual storytelling research partner, provide visual documentation, unique modes of expression and dissemination.
16/04/2019 BAR ILAN UNIVERSITY Israel Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
Bar-Ilan Centre for Smart Cities is an ecosystem for smart city development, focusing on upscaling ecosystems and bringing together stakeholders to better understand the city’s needs and develop deep-tech solutions. The campus acts as a living lab, where solutions are tested and feedback obtained from end users. We are looking to connect with complementary ecosystems and widen our network. We are experienced H2020 participants and have coordinated projects. Please contact
16/04/2019 XSENTRIKARTS PLATFORM FOR ARTS Austria Expertise Request Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces (SU-INFRA02-2019) F&T portal
We're a platform with an emphasis on motion media projects. We work as the creative communication and dissemination partner for H2020, EU and Austrian funded projects; initiate research based multimedia projects; offer innovative visual expression techniques such as holographic image based storytelling and 360VR. We'd like to be the media and visual storytelling research partner, provide visual documentation, unique modes of expression and dissemination.