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Displaying 36401 - 36450 of 39500
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27/12/2018 Digital Films Produccions S.L.U. Spain Expertise Request The impact of technological transformations on children and youth (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-07-2019) F&T portal
Digital Films is an audiovisual production company based in Barcelona specialized in film literacy and visual knowledge. We offer our large experience in the audiovisual and education sector: creation of education content about cinema and visual arts, audiovisual production and direction, school campaigns of cinema divulgation, cinema workshops, etc. We work jointly with cultural organisations providing exposition spaces and audiovisual infrastructures.
24/12/2018 Estra S.p.A. Energia Servizi Territorio e Ambiente Italy Expertise Request Innovative solutions for inclusive and sustainable urban environments (TRANSFORMATIONS-03-2018-2019) F&T portal
Large Italian multi-utility company group involving customers, shareholders and employees in a process of growth, innovation and development to create business value and guarantee high standards of quality and safety, all in the utmost respect for the territory in which it operates and the customers to whom it is addressed every day. [email protected]
24/12/2018 Estra S.p.A. Energia Servizi Territorio e Ambiente Italy Expertise Request Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resource (LC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Large Italian multi-utility company group involving customers, shareholders and employees in a process of growth, innovation and development to create business value and guarantee high standards of quality and safety, all in the utmost respect for the territory in which it operates and the customers to whom it is addressed every day. [email protected]
24/12/2018 Estra S.p.A. Energia Servizi Territorio e Ambiente Italy Expertise Request Flexibility and retail market options for the distribution grid (LC-SC3-ES-1-2019) F&T portal
Large Italian multi-utility company group involving customers, shareholders and employees in a process of growth, innovation and development to create business value and guarantee high standards of quality and safety, all in the utmost respect for the territory in which it operates and the customers to whom it is addressed every day. [email protected]
24/12/2018 Estra S.p.A. Energia Servizi Territorio e Ambiente Italy Expertise Request Smart Cities and Communities (LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Large Italian multi-utility company group involving customers, shareholders and employees in a process of growth, innovation and development to create business value and guarantee high standards of quality and safety, all in the utmost respect for the territory in which it operates and the customers to whom it is addressed every day. [email protected]
24/12/2018 OPENCOM I.S.S.C. Italy Expertise Request Collaborative approaches to cultural heritage for social cohesion (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-11-2019) F&T portal
OpenCom is a private Social and Environmental Research, Training, Communication and ICT and Eurodesk Center for the Province of Arezzo. We collaborate with Institutions, VET centres and Universities in doing research, training, CSR initiatives and and promoting inclusiveness, civic participation and social dialogue.
[email protected]
24/12/2018 Estra S.p.A. Energia Servizi Territorio e Ambiente Italy Expertise Request Research on advanced tools and technological development (LC-SC3-ES-6-2019) F&T portal
Large Italian multi-utility company group involving customers, shareholders and employees in a process of growth, innovation and development to create business value and guarantee high standards of quality and safety, all in the utmost respect for the territory in which it operates and the customers to whom it is addressed every day. [email protected]
24/12/2018 OPENCOM I.S.S.C. Italy Expertise Request The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions (LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
OpenCom is a private Social and Environmental Research, Training, Communication and ICT and Eurodesk Center for the Province of Arezzo. We collaborate with Institutions, VET centres and Universities in doing research, training, CSR initiatives and and promoting inclusiveness, civic participation and social dialogue.
[email protected]
24/12/2018 Sunbay B.V. Netherlands Expertise Request Smart Cities and Communities (LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Sunbay provides consultancy, (custom) software development, chain integration, research computing, and maintenance. We have over 17 years of experience in technical implementations, both national as well as international.
We have PoC implementation of Smart City Core supporting Municipal or urban engineering as well as Transport including parking.
24/12/2018 Estra S.p.A. Energia Servizi Territorio e Ambiente Italy Expertise Request New solutions for the sustainable production of raw materials (SC5-09-2018-2019) F&T portal
Large Italian multi-utility company group involving customers, shareholders and employees in a process of growth, innovation and development to create business value and guarantee high standards of quality and safety, all in the utmost respect for the territory in which it operates and the customers to whom it is addressed every day. [email protected]
24/12/2018 OPENCOM I.S.S.C. Italy Expertise Request Smart Cities and Communities (LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
OpenCom is a private Social and Environmental Research, Training, Communication and ICT and Eurodesk Center for the Province of Arezzo. We collaborate with Institutions and Universities in doing research, CSR initiatives and and promoting inclusiveness, civic participation and social dialogue.
[email protected]
24/12/2018 OPENCOM I.S.S.C. Italy Expertise Request Food Cloud demonstrators (DT-SFS-26-2019) F&T portal
OpenCom is a private Social and Environmental Research, Training, Communication and ICT and Eurodesk Center for the Province of Arezzo. We collaborate with Institutions, VET centres and Universities in doing agricultural research, training, CSR initiatives and and promoting inclusiveness, civic participation and social dialogue.
[email protected]
24/12/2018 OPENCOM I.S.S.C. Italy Expertise Request The impact of technological transformations on children and youth (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-07-2019) F&T portal
OpenCom is a private Social and Environmental Research, Training, Communication and ICT and Eurodesk Center for the Province of Arezzo. We collaborate with Institutions, VET centres and Universities in doing research, training, CSR initiatives and and promoting inclusiveness, civic participation and social dialogue.
[email protected]
24/12/2018 OPENCOM I.S.S.C. Italy Expertise Request Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled solutions (DT-MIGRATION-06-2018-2019) F&T portal
OpenCom is a private Social and Environmental Research, Training, Communication and ICT and Eurodesk Center for the Province of Arezzo. We collaborate with Institutions, VET centres and Universities in doing research, training, CSR initiatives and and promoting inclusiveness, civic participation and social dialogue.
[email protected]
24/12/2018 OPENCOM I.S.S.C. Italy Expertise Request Innovative solutions for inclusive and sustainable urban environments (TRANSFORMATIONS-03-2018-2019) F&T portal
OpenCom is a private Social and Environmental Research, Training, Communication and ICT and Eurodesk Center for the Province of Arezzo. We collaborate with Institutions, VET centres and Universities in doing research, rraining, CSR initiatives and and promoting inclusiveness, civic participation and social dialogue.
[email protected]
24/12/2018 Estra S.p.A. Energia Servizi Territorio e Ambiente Italy Expertise Request The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions (LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
Large Italian multi-utility company group involving customers, shareholders and employees in a process of growth, innovation and development to create business value and guarantee high standards of quality and safety, all in the utmost respect for the territory in which it operates and the customers to whom it is addressed every day. [email protected]
22/12/2018 Islamic azad University, South Tehran branch Iran Expertise Request Research on advanced tools and technological development (LC-SC3-ES-6-2019) F&T portal
Azad University of South Tehran branch as one of the biggest universities of the Middle East has the potential to fill the gap between SMEs and academic research centers. Considering the local and global potentials of our organization along with the experiences on renewable energy, engines, heat transfer, thermodynamics analysis, CFD, energy modeling, air conditioning, instrument, cooling and refrigeration systems, we are capable of addressing the challenges of advance tools and etc.
21/12/2018 Instytut Rozrodu Zwierzat i Badan Zywnosci Polskiej Akademii Nauk Poland Expertise Request ERANETs in agri-food (SFS-31-2019) F&T portal
We conduct research in food & animal reproduction. Our expertise includes biotechnologies & biotechniques in farm animal in vitro reproduction; analysis of physical & sensory properties of food and its impact on the body; use of different experim. models, incl. cell lines, lab (mice, rats) and domestic (pig, cattle, horse) animals. We develop food solutions of max.nutritional value and consumers’ acceptance. We have well-established links with several African countries. [email protected]
21/12/2018 PROFACTOR GMBH Austria Expertise Request Photonics Manufacturing Pilot Lines for Photonic Components and Devices (ICT-03-2018-2019) F&T portal
PROFACTOR is a non-university research institution. We are looking for companies as use case providers for a nanoimprint- and injection molding-based pilot line for next generation ree-form optics. We offer process development for nanoimprint lithography, additive manufacturing and functional inkjet printing. Our nanoimprint expertise includes roll-to-plate nanoimprinting as well as nanoimprinting on curved surfaces. We are experienced in participating and coordinating in EU-Projects.
21/12/2018 Green Innovation and Vehicle Engineering Greece Expertise Request Pilot lines for modular factories (IA 50%) (DT-FOF-08-2019) F&T portal
GIVE is a visionary engineering company with expertise in vehicle electrification for urban use. The company has developed a unique assembly systems characterized by flexibility, modularity and low cost production. GIVE is interested to participate in this topic as end user in order to add in its production chain AR, data analytics and digital twining technologies.
21/12/2018 PROFACTOR GMBH Austria Expertise Request Application driven Photonics components (ICT-05-2019) F&T portal
PROFACTOR is a non-university research institution. We offer process development for nanoimprint lithography and functional inkjet printing. Our nanoimprint expertise includes roll-to-plate nanoimprinting as well as nanoimprinting on curved surfaces. We have longstanding experience (> 20 years) in participating and coordinating EU projects. We typically work in projects starting at TRL1 up to TRL7
20/12/2018 FUNDACION CENTRO EUROPEO DE EMPRESAS E INNOVACION DE MURCIA Spain Expertise Request Space hubs (support to start-ups) (DT-SPACE-09-BIZ-2019) F&T portal
CEEIM, the Business Innovation Centre of Murcia, has the mission of supporting innovative business initiatives and promoting the consolidation and modernization of companies through innovation. It works every day in the support, encouragement and promotion of entrepreneurship, especially on high technology fields, innovation and creativity.
Should you need any further information about CEEIM, please, contact me at: [email protected]
19/12/2018 CORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Ireland Expertise Request Moving freight by Water: Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovative Vessels (MG-2-6-2019) F&T portal
The National Maritime College of Ireland, is a part of Cork Institute of Technology & a partnership with the Irish Naval Service (INS). We offer real life testing environments, as well as cutting edge simulation facilities including full mission bridge, engine room, fleet work, VTS, GMDSS, liquid cargo handling & damage control simulators. Research expertise includes seafaring, maritime innovation, training & human factors, business development, funding & financing, policy & strategic planning.
19/12/2018 CORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Ireland Expertise Request Demonstration of applied solutions to enhance border and external security (SU-BES03-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal
The National Maritime College of Ireland, is a part of Cork Institute of Technology & a partnership with the Irish Naval Service (INS). We offer real life testing environments, as well as cutting edge simulation facilities including full mission bridge, engine room, fleet work, VTS, GMDSS, liquid cargo handling & damage control simulators. Research expertise includes seafaring, maritime innovation, training & human factors, business development, funding & financing, policy & strategic planning.
19/12/2018 Research and Engineering Services IKE Greece Expertise Request Robotics Core Technology (ICT-10-2019-2020) F&T portal
RES is a construction company having implemented several projects in public and private sector. RES is interested to participate in this topic as an end user for infrastructure inspection and maintenance
18/12/2018 UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO Portugal Expertise Request Human centred design for the new driver role in highly automated vehicles (DT-ART-03-2019) F&T portal
The analysis of driver activity in conventional and autonomous driving scenarios is one of our areas of expertise. Through qualitative and quantitative approaches, our contribution may rely on the analysis of the work activity of professional drivers in order to pinpoint the key human aspects to be considered in the driver - automation interaction. Our experience has been demonstrated by papers and the participation in a research network in which tests on driving simulators are conceived.
18/12/2018 UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO Portugal Expertise Request Developing and testing shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicle fleets in urban areas for the mobility of all (DT-ART-04-2019) F&T portal
The analysis of driver activity in conventional and autonomous driving scenarios is one of our areas of expertise. Through qualitative and quantitative approaches, our contribution may rely on the analysis of the work activity of professional drivers in order to pinpoint the key human aspects to be considered in the driver - automation interaction. Our experience has been demonstrated by papers and the participation in a research network in which tests on driving simulators are conceived.
17/12/2018 FAST APPLICATIONS LTD Israel Expertise Request Moving freight by Water: Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovative Vessels (MG-2-6-2019) F&T portal
FAST, – 'Freight Advanced Service Technologies', is the world's first professional network for Freight Forwarders and NVOCCs, with thousands of companies in over 100 countries and territories worldwide. As a white label, branded Software as a Service platform that can turn any freight forwarder to a digital one in minutes, FAST's mission is to turn any traditional freight forwarding company into a digital freight forwarder, helping them create their digital brand.
More info:
14/12/2018 MANZALAB France Expertise Request Cloud Computing (ICT-15-2019-2020) F&T portal
We seek to join a consortium as end users to test cloud computing solutions that would allow computation of virtual environments and contents for real time display on VR/AR Head-Mounted Displays.
Manzalab Group is a digital experience designer based in France and Singapore. We are developing several VR and AR products implying real time 3D. We are partners or coordinators within several European projects (Eurostars, Erasmus +, H2020).
14/12/2018 NIER INGEGNERIA SPA Italy Expertise Request Developing and testing shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicle fleets in urban areas for the mobility of all (DT-ART-04-2019) F&T portal
We are an engineering company with more than 100 experts, expert in test, validation and certification of safety-related applications. We have expertise in systems engineering with a focus on transport systems. We have expertise in risk analysis and management. We have been involved in EU funded projects (FP7, H2020, LIFE Programme…). Our interest can be both toward the exploitation phase of a project (if requested) or in the actual research phase.
13/12/2018 INOVSYS France Expertise Request Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering (IA) (DT-FOF-05-2019) F&T portal
INOVSYS, labelled "Platform for Innovation", is a SME dedicated to finding, testing, validating and transfering innovation to industrial ecosystem. INOVSYS can offer deep knowledge in innovative and digital processes (additive manufacturing, digital foundry...) with many 3D printers (metal, polymer, composite, wire and powder). INOVSYS is located in a technocentre whose vocation is to set industrial demonstrations with for instance a cobot, control means, prototyping machines, painting cabins...
13/12/2018 ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL JUGUETE CONEXAS Y AFINES Spain Expertise Request Robotics in Application Areas (ICT-09-2019-2020) F&T portal
AIJU is a technology centre. With near 500 associated companies and a team of more than 80 experts. We are a European reference centre in the world of children and toys. Experts in educational robotics and in the incorporation of robotic technology and sensors in toys. Our area of ​​application is to support the development of new products. AIJU has a panel of 5000 collaborating families and also a network of specialists in the world of child. Contact: [email protected]
12/12/2018 MEM-TEK Turkey Expertise Request Building a water-smart economy and society (CE-SC5-04-2019) F&T portal
MEM-TEK is a worldwide leader membrane technology center on membrane manufacturing, module development and process improvement. The research objectives of center are production of polymeric, ceramic and composite membranes, modification of current membranes, development of novel modules for membrane treatment systems, development of novel processes. We can do lab and pilot scale manufacturing and treatment studies on membrane processes. Contact: [email protected], [email protected]
12/12/2018 SIDEREX - Cluster Association of Steelworks Spain Expertise Request Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering (IA) (DT-FOF-05-2019) F&T portal
The Cluster Association of Steelworks SIDEREX is a non profit organization with the mission of improving the competitiveness of the Basque steel sector companies through cooperation and taking advantage of synergies not only in Foreign Trade but also in other key areas such as technological and non-technological innovation.
12/12/2018 FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV Germany Expertise Request Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering (IA) (DT-FOF-05-2019) F&T portal
The Fraunhofer institute FIT offers design thinking expertise for selecting and conducting approaches to link the DIY scene and industrial companies. Our user-centered approach makes sure all stakeholders are involved: makers, factories, customers. This includes: human-centered design, creativity and ideation methods, workshop setups, innovation management, agile development, collaboration management.
12/12/2018 COLEGIO MAYOR DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL ROSARIO Colombia Expertise Request International Cooperation Copernicus – Designing EO downstream applications with international partners (DT-SPACE-06-EO-2019) F&T portal
The Universidad del Rosario, founded in 1653, is a prestigious University typically ranking in the top 5 universities in Colombia (CELAC country). The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics offers expertise of regional & global climate change analyzes (CMIP5, WRF), dynamic vegetation modelling (LPJ-GUESS), land-use impacts on climate, deforestation drivers, remote sensing, ecosystem services assessment, conservation & restoration planning. Contact: benjamin.quesada (at)
12/12/2018 COLEGIO MAYOR DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL ROSARIO Colombia Expertise Request Building a water-smart economy and society (CE-SC5-04-2019) F&T portal
The Universidad del Rosario, founded in 1653, is a prestigious University typically ranking in the top 5 universities in Colombia (CELAC country). The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics offers expertise of regional/global climate change analyzes (CMIP5, WRF) on hydrology, dynamic vegetation modelling (LPJ-GUESS), land-use impacts on climate, extreme hydrological events, remote sensing, climate services assessment, conservation planning. Contact: benjamin.quesada (at)
11/12/2018 BPE INTERNATIONAL DR HORNIG GMBH Germany Expertise Request Unconventional Nanoelectronics (ICT-06-2019) F&T portal
BPE® is an independent, family owned SME located in Germany, Bavaria with 25 years of experience in EC- Research - projects. We concentrate our energy activities in optimising photovoltaic energy by cooling processes for sea, land, air, space applications; 24 hours renewable energy without conventional batteries, innovative cooling concept of semiconductors generating additional electric energy and thermovoltaic that is heat to electric energy conversion processes, use in water recycling, pat
11/12/2018 Tourist Authority of Koprivnica Croatia Expertise Request Collaborative approaches to cultural heritage for social cohesion (DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-11-2019) F&T portal
Croatia, we are looking for potential projects we can participate in as partner. As a tourist board our main goal is promoting and enrichment of tourist offer and developing natural and cultural heritage. Our domains are tourism, cultural and historical heritage, cultural events, old crafts etc. We have over 10 years of experience in EU projects and we are main organizer of biggest cultural and historical event in Croatia - Renaissance festival which is visited by over 50.000 visitors every year
11/12/2018 Research and Engineering Services IKE Greece Expertise Request Adopting materials modelling to challenges in manufacturing processes (RIA) (DT-NMBP-10-2019) F&T portal
RES is a construction company that has undertaken the development of several projects in the last few years. The company has to manage several different raw materials from different regions in order to deliver the holdings that need to be constructed. RES is interested to participate in this topic as an end user.
CTIC is a private non-profit organization with extensive background on IoT and WoT solutions, Intelligent Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, as well as relevant expertise in energy efficiency, mainly oriented to industry 4.0 and smart environments.
In the energy field we provide ICT solutions, through the design and development of tailored sensor networks and control strategies, that allow optimize energy use and improve energy management, storage and distribution.
10/12/2018 Intooition S.r.l. Italy Expertise Request Big data solutions for energy (DT-ICT-11-2019) F&T portal
Intooition s.r.l. is an italian SME specialized in the design, engineering and production of IoT end to end solutions. We have software and hardware development skills, and have implemented several projects concerning smart home and living, specifically related to energy efficency monitoring. We also have significant expertise in smart metering solutions (electricity, gas, water). We have own facilities for prototyping and small scale manufacturing of innovative hardware devices.
10/12/2018 Intooition S.r.l. Italy Expertise Request Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment (SC1-DTH-01-2019) F&T portal
Intooition s.r.l. is an italian SME specialized in the design, engineering and production of IoT end to end solutions. We have software and hardware development skills, and have implemented several projects concerning smart home and living, specifically related to health monitoring and fragility prevention. We also have significant expertise in the development of wearable devices. We have own facilities for prototyping and small scale manufacturing of innovative hardware devices.
10/12/2018 National M. Amosov Institute of Cardio-Vascular Surgery affiliated to National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Expertise Request Computing technologies and engineering methods for cyber-physical systems of systems (ICT-01-2019) F&T portal
The capacity our consortium allows us to develop and implement computable phenotypes for the most significant CVDs. The developed computable phenotypes can be integrated at the primary healthcare into the local Healthcare system (HS) in Ukraine.The beginning of the HS reform in Ukraine namely the widespread use of electronic health records in primary healthcare.The Institute has close relations to regional HS, providing support in development of regional programs for the control of CVDs.
10/12/2018 National M. Amosov Institute of Cardio-Vascular Surgery affiliated to National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Expertise Request Scaling up the univocal Identification of Medicinal Products (SC1-DTH-09-2019) F&T portal
Our Institute has 60 years history and is the leader of cardiosurgery in Ukraine. The core areas of activity include clinical, research, scientific, educational and programme development. For the purpose of extensive research on the accumulation and analysis of biomedical data, the Institute may be represented in a form of consortium with the following membership: Amosov National Institute of cardiovascular surgery, Ass. of cardiosurgeons of Ukraine, National Technical University(bioegineering)
10/12/2018 National M. Amosov Institute of Cardio-Vascular Surgery affiliated to National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Expertise Request Large Scale pilots of personalised & outcome based integrated care (SC1-DTH-11-2019) F&T portal
The capacity our consortium allows us to develop and implement computable phenotypes for the most significant CVDs. The developed computable phenotypes can be integrated at the primary healthcare into the local healthcare system (HS) in Ukraine.The beginning of the HS reform in Ukraine namely the widespread use of electronic health records in primary healthcare.The Institute has close relations to regional HS, providing support in development of regional programs for the control of CVDs.
10/12/2018 Intooition S.r.l. Italy Expertise Request Large Scale pilots of personalised & outcome based integrated care (SC1-DTH-11-2019) F&T portal
Intooition s.r.l. is an italian SME specialized in the design, engineering and production of IoT end to end solutions. We have software and hardware development skills, and have implemented several projects concerning smart home and living, specifically related to health monitoring and fragility prevention. We also have significant expertise in the development of wearable devices. We have own facilities for prototyping and small scale manufacturing of innovative hardware devices.
10/12/2018 AGRAGEX Asociacion española de fabricantes exportadores de maquinaria agricola y sus componentes, invernaderos y proteccion de cultivos, sistemas de riego, equipamiento ganadero, salud y nutricion animal, maquinaria de post-cosecha Spain Expertise Request International Cooperation Copernicus – Designing EO downstream applications with international partners (DT-SPACE-06-EO-2019) F&T portal
AGRAGEX, is the Spanish Association of agricultural sector mafufacturers, most of the 116 members are SMEs. Our companies are involved in agricultural machinery, sustainable irrigation systems, livestock equipment and animal health and nutrition. Our association offers solutions for the improvement of the agricultural methods with land soil, water, livestock related specialised companies.
09/12/2018 Radikal plus Ukraine Expertise Request Network of research infrastructure Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers (INFRAINNOV-02-2019) F&T portal
Founded in 2006. It is engaged in the development of resource and energy saving technologies in the chemical and thermal power industry. It has developed in the field of ozone, radical and plasma processes, water treatment systems and wastewater and waste gas treatment, processing of solid waste.
That's why we are looking for partners for joint research.
09/12/2018 ASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY Austria Expertise Request Information and data stream management to fight against (cyber)crime and terrorism (SU-FCT03-2018-2019-2020) F&T portal offers novel digital transformation RDI for development & governance of cities, regions, countries. We had successful data stream projects Smart Urbana & Smart Pedestrian Nets. Being strong and reliable partner with unique knowledge & capacity for innovation, complex systems modeling, application prototyping for consortiums, we support whole project cycle from concept formulation/ proposal writing to implementation IoT/ICT & mob.apps effectively demonstrating pilot results